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Trainer's Guide for Cancer Education

How to Use the Trainer's Guide

Adult Learning Principles



Summary and Conclusion

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Appendix A

Appendix B

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Appendix B: Worksheets for Planning and Implementing a Training Session

Trainer Skills Checklist
Training Assessment Worksheet
Questions to Help Define Appropriate Training Plans
Sample Training Plan Template
Training Plan Worksheet
Developing Appropriate Goals and Objectives Worksheet

Trainer Skills Checklist

Think about your own skills as a trainer then read through the following statements.

Determine if the statements you feel describe your strengths or if they describe areas where you'd like to improve. Think about one or two things you could do to build on your strengths to address areas that need improvement.

  • You know yourself. You are confident and fully prepared. You are just nervous enough to keep alert.

  • You know your subject matter. You have studied your topic and have experienced the events about which you speak.

  • You know your audience. You respect and listen to the participants. You call them by name, if possible.

  • You are neutral and non-judgmental. You validate everyone's experience and their right to individual perspectives. You respect differences of opinion and lifestyle.

  • You are culturally sensitive. You are aware that your own views and beliefs are shaped by your cultural background just as your participants' cultures shapes their perspectives.

  • You are self-aware. You recognize your own biases and "hot-buttons" and act in a professional manner when your "hot-buttons" are pushed.

  • You are inclusive. You encourage all participants to share their experiences and contribute to the group learning process.

  • You are lively, enthusiastic, and original. You use humor, contrasts, metaphors, and suspense. You keep your listeners interested and challenge their thinking.

  • You use a variety of vocal qualities. You vary your pitch, speaking rate, and volume. You avoid monotones.

  • You use your body well. Your body posture, gestures, and facial expressions are natural and meaningful, reinforcing your subject matter.

  • You make your remarks clear and easy to remember. You present one idea at a time and show relationships between ideas. You summarize when necessary.

  • You enhance with illustrations. You use examples, charts, visuals, and audio aids to illustrate your subject matter.

  • You understand group dynamics, and the stages all groups go through.You are comfortable with conflict resolution.

  • You are flexible. You read and interpret your participants' responses-verbal and nonverbal-and adapt your plans to meet their needs.You are in charge without being overly controlling.

  • You are open to new ideas and perspectives. You are aware that you don't know all the answers. You recognize that you can learn from participants as well as offer them new knowledge or perspectives.

  • You are compassionate. You understand that much of the material may have an emotional impact on the participants. You are empathetic and understanding about participants' emotional reactions.

  • You are interested in evaluating your work. You encourage co-trainers and participants to give feedback.

Think about one or two steps you can take to improve your skills as a trainer.

Training Assessment Worksheet

 This worksheet will help you conduct a needs assessment for each training you are planning.

What information do you need in order to design an effective training? (Logistics, content, format, etc.)

What do participants already know about the topic?

What experiences or insights related to the topic do participants already possess?

What do participants believe are the challenges or barriers related to the issue? (For example, why do they think people do not avail themselves of colorectal screening services?)

What do participants hope to gain from the training? (This includes new knowledge, skills, resources, etc.)

What do participants desire regarding the logistics of the training?

  • Location of training

  • Length of program

  • Optimal number of days of training

  • Best day of week

  • Time of day

Which is the most effective assessment strategy for your audience?

  • E-mail survey

  • Fax-back survey

  • Mail survey

  • Telephone survey

  • In-person interview

  • Focus group

Questions to Help Define Appropriate Training Plan, Goals, and Objectives

This worksheet will help you prepare your plan, goals, and objectives for each training you are planning.

Who are your participants?

  • What is their educational level?

  • What is their experience and skill level?

  • What gender and age are they?

  • Are they employed?

  • What kind of work do they do?

  • Do they work together?

  • What is their literacy level?

  • How many will there be? (approximately)


When will you conduct the training?

  • What day of the week?

  • What time of day?

  • What time of the year?

  • How long will the session be?

  • What will be the length of the entire program?

  • How much time is there for recruitment?

  • Where will you conduct the training?

  • What is needed?

  • What size room is needed?

  • What equipment is available?

  • What other supplies are needed?



  • Is the location accessible?

  • Is the location easy to find?

  • Can it be reached by public transportation?

  • Is there safe parking?

  • Is it handicap accessible?

  • Is it a place that does not have negative connotations forintended participants? (e.g., some places are associated with poor service or indigent care which may make some participants uncomfortable)


What will the training involve?

  • What will be the content of the training plan?

  • What training tools will be needed?

  • What participant materials and resources will be needed?

  • Will there be advance work for participants?

What is the purpose of the training?

  • What changes in knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills are you hoping to accomplish through the training?

  • What are the goals and objectives of the training? 

How will you do it?

  • How will you enroll people for the training? (Some possible recruitment strategies include flyers, PSAs on TV and radio, ads in newspapers and newsletters, and word of mouth.)

  • How will you engage participants?

  • How will you get feedback or evaluate the effectiveness of your training?


Sample Training Plan Template

Time and materials


Trainer instructions









































Training Plan Worksheet

This worksheet will help you plan a training.





"At the end of the workshop participants should be able to…"

What content is needed to meet the objectives

What strategies are needed to deliver the content (list 1 strategy) and regulate the energy flow (icebreakers,energizers)

How much time should be allotted each strategy

  • List at least 3 barriers women may face in obtaining a Pap test

  • Barriers specific to Pap tests on part of the individual woman

  • Barriers specific to the health care organization

  • Brainstorming list of barriers

  • Reading focus group quotes from women in the community

  • 20 minutes

  • 15 minutes

Worksheet for your training:





































Developing Appropriate Goals and Objectives Worksheet


  • The goal for my training is____.

  • The changes I want to see as a result of my training are____.

  • Increase in knowledge____.

  • Newly acquired skills____.

  • Changed attitudes (e.g., more compassionate, etc.)____.

  • Increased proficiency in existing skills____.

  • Based on the above, the most appropriate objectives for my training are____.

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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health