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Cancer Clinical Trials: A Resource Guide for Outreach, Education, and Advocacy


Strategies for Outreach and Education

Ways to Educate Yourself

Ways to Educate Others, One-on-One

Ways to Conduct Community Outreach and Education

Ways to Work with the Media

Ways to Work with Hospitals, etc.


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Plan for Action

Plan for Action

This worksheet is to help you determine how to accomplish your goals for clinical trial outreach and education. We hope that this planning will inspire you to take realistic steps towards your goals. You may want to print this appendix for future reference.

Please be realistic in planning; you do not need to fill out every page.

1. Remind yourself why you/your organization want(s) to get involved in clinical trial outreach and education. Sometimes it can be helpful to list these reasons before you plan your efforts.

List five reasons: 






2. Given your interest in the above topic areas, which of the following activities do you feel ready to undertake during the next 6 months or next year?






Read through the entire action plan before you begin to check your interests. Be realistic about your other commitments!

Ways to Educate Yourself

Use NCI resources to keep up-to-date with new clinical trial information, including

Find local clinical trials in your community

Attend conferences, meetings, and workshops

Ways to Educate Others, One-on-One

Find opportunities to talk to others-neighbors, friends, and coworkers-about clinical trials, and about the common myths surrounding clinical trials, and where to find more information on clinical trials

Help others understand how to evaluate research in the news

Ways to Conduct Community Outreach and Education

Find opportunities and develop a strategy to speak about clinical trials and/or:

  • Present NCI slide programs or the awareness video "Cancer Trials…Because Lives Depend on It"

  • Distribute educational materials such as those in this series:

    • At meetings or events

    • Through doctors' offices

    • Through a booth for local research institution(s) at events

Write articles for newsletters; post articles on Web sites

Host an information session or community forum on clinical trials

Form a clinical trial advocacy coalition

Ways to Work with the Media

Develop a media campaign

Contact local media outlets about running a story related to clinical trials

Write a letter to the editor or an op-ed piece for your local newspaper

Ways to Work with Hospitals, Medical Centers, and Universities

Help researchers design and conduct clinical trial recruitment efforts

Find ways to get primary care doctors, oncologists, and oncology nurses to understand local clinical trial resources and to refer people to trials

Find out how you can serve on a local institutional review board (IRB)

3. What resources will you need to get these activities accomplished? (Think about time, organizations, and individuals.)






4. Name five steps you will take to begin planning these activities. Be as specific as possible.






5. What challenges do you see standing in your way of accomplishing these activities?






6. How can you address these challenges? If you are working as a part of a larger organizational effort, how can you get support from your organization?







Education and Training. (2000). North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. [Online], Available:

How You Can be an Advocate for Change: Action Against Cancer. (1997). Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Health.

KU Work Group on Health Promotion and Community Development. (2000). Community Tool Box. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. [Online], Available:

Stevens, G.L. (1990). A Process for Building Coalitions. Lincoln, NE: Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska. [Online], Available:

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. (1999). Educational materials for affiliate distribution. Clinical Research Affiliates Funding Trials (CRAFT).

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