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Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project (Voices of War)

Wars aren't won by force alone, but the men and women who work in support of the infantry are too often taken for granted. Here are stories of the intelligence agents and the nurses, the scientists and the mapmakers, the storekeepers and the entertainers who all played their own roles on the broad stage that is war.

Image of John Enman examining aerial photographs
John Enman examines the aerial photographs he helped create for pilots in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II.
(page 172)

Image of Malcolm and Frederick Stilson

The more members a family sends off to war, the more likely that one will not return. Frederick Stilson and his two sons, Malcolm and Warren, all served their country proudly in two wars. Frederick and Malcolm were the lucky ones; though they were shipped overseas, they never fired a weapon and were rarely in harm’s way. Warren, Malcolm’s younger brother, served in the infantry and was killed in action leading up to the Battle of the Bulge.
Image of Warren StilsonLearn more about:
Learn more about Frederick Stilson Malcolm Harvey and Warren Stilson (pages 212-215)
Go to Violet Hill Gordon's Story Frederick Clarence Stilson (pages 212-215)
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* Page numbers refer to the pages in Voices of War on which
    the veteran appears.

“It goes without saying that knowing enemy intentions is half the battle.”
    -- Warren Tsuneishi

Image of Rep. Steve Buyer

"I got a phone call from a friend of mine..."

Rep. Steve Buyer's story
(pages 184-186)

Image of Isabelle Cook

"Proceed immediately to Camp Rucker, Alabama..."

Isabelle Cedar Cook's story
(pages 194, 195-197)

Image of John Enman

"I matured faster, becoming wiser sooner in the ways of the world ..."

John Enman's story
(pages 172, 178-179)

Image of Margaret Henry Fleming

"How did I feel through all of this? Scared to death, naturally..."

Margaret Henry Fleming's story
(pages 207-211)

Image of Patricia Seawalt

"...My prayers are with my fellow brothers and sisters..."

Patricia Seawalt's story
(pages 182-185)

Denton W. Crocker (pages 180, 181-182)
Rod Hinsch (page 191)
Rafael Hirtz (pages 176-178, 179)
Robert Krishef (page 191)
Jeanne Urbin Markle (pages 198-199, 205)
Robert Lee Olen (page 209)
Rhona Knox Prescott (page 204-207)
Sally Hitchcock Pullman
(pages 199-203)

Rep. Edward Schrock
(pages 186, 188-189)

Rosalind Westfall Sellmer (page 201)
Patty Thomas (page 193)
Ernest Nelson Thorp (page 209)
Warren Tsuneishi (pages 174-176)
John Caspar Wister (pages 186-188)
Janice Bickerstaff Yeoman (page 190)
Jacob Younginer (pages 186, 189)
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  The Library of Congress
  March 17, 2005
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