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USAID Employee Survey 2005

Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination (PPC)

USAID 2005 SURVEY: -- Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination (PPC)

Question 2005
PPC's information services helped me perform my job 42.4
I received adequate training and other support services for improving my program evaluation capabilities 8.1
I can quickly and easily get timely and useful information on the international development community 28.0
I receive timely and useful guidance on budgetary and programmatic issues from PPC 19.1
Written materials and advice I receive from PPC is sound and easy to follow 17.7
Policies and strategies issued by PPC are based on sound analysis 25.0
Overall, the Policy and Program coordination Bureau (PPC) is meeting my needs 26.5

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Mon, 12 Dec 2005 09:28:06 -0500