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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Friday, June 8, 2007


Secretary Gutierrez Applauds U.S. Continued Export Growth
Exports Year-To-Date are Growing More than Twice the Rate of Imports

WASHINGTON—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today issued the following statement on the release of the April 2007 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services report by the Department’s U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Today’s report shows that U.S. exports increased by 10.8 percent to $512.4 billion year-to-date (through April) over 2006. Imports also increased 4.7 percent to $747.7 billion and the trade deficit narrowed 6.7 percent during the same time period.

“U.S. exports in April set a new monthly record. When exports increase, our businesses, farmers and workers benefit. Each percentage point increase in exports, on an annual basis, represents more than $15 billion of American goods and services. These export numbers show that the American economy remains competitive and will benefit from opening markets and leveling the playing field. This Administration is committed to lowering barriers to U.S. exports and pursuing domestic policies that increase our long-run competitiveness.

“Hemispheric leaders will convene next week at the inaugural Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) in Atlanta to discuss how to foster competitiveness in the Western Hemisphere. Six of the 11 countries the Bush Administration has implemented FTAs with are Latin American countries and U.S. exports continue to grow to the Western Hemisphere. We look forward to continuing to build on the momentum that has already been created.

“Our exports are growing at twice the rate of imports, despite the fact that imports from some regions have increased. Critical to this growth are sound policies that promote trade. Passage of pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Korea, Panama and Peru will further open markets for our exporters and we look forward to working with Congress to pass these important agreements.”

For the full report, visit and to learn more about the Americas Competitiveness Forum in Atlanta, Georgia next week please visit,