Wednesday, September 6, 2006 [[Page D913]] Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages S8985-S9069 Measures Introduced: Seventeen bills and two resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 3845-3861, and S. Res. 557-558. Pages S9040-41 Measures Reported: S. 3850, to improve ratings quality for the protection of investors and in the public interest by fostering accountability, transparency, and competition in the credit rating agency industry. (S. Rept. No. 109-326) S. 3852, to enhance certain maritime programs of the Department of Transportation. (S. Rept.No. 109-327) S. 3421, to authorize major medical facility projects and major medical facility leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 109-328) Page S9040 Measures Passed: General Services Administration Modernization Act: Senate passed H.R. 2066, to amend title 40, United States Code, to establish a Federal Acquisition Service, to replace the General Supply Fund and the Information Technology Fund with an Acquisition Services Fund, after agreeing to committee amendments and the following amendment proposed thereto: Pages S9064-66 Stevens (for Levin) Amendment No. 4905, to provide for the disposal of federal surplus property to historic light stations. Page S9066 National Life Insurance Awareness Month: Committee on the Judiciary was discharged from further consideration of S. Res. 448, supporting the goals and ideals of ``National Life Insurance Awareness Month'', and the resolution was then agreed to Page S9066 Department of Defense Appropriations Act: Senate continued consideration of H.R. 5631, making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto: Pages S8992-98, S8998-S9035, S9066-68 Adopted: Allen Modified Amendment No. 4883, to make available from Defense Health Program up to $19,000,000 for the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center. Pages S8992, S9035 Rejected: By 30 yeas to 70 nays (Vote No. 232), Feinstein/Leahy Amendment No. 4882, to protect civilian lives from unexploded cluster munitions. Page S8992-96 Kennedy/Reid Amendment No. 4885, to include information on civil war in Iraq in the quarterly reports on progress toward military and political stability in Iraq. (By 54 yeas to 44 nays (Vote No. 233), Senate tabled the amendment). Pages S8992, S9030-34 Mikulski/Sarbanes Amendment No. 4895, to provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into or carry out a contract for the performance by a contractor of any base operation support service at Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital pursuant to a private-public competition conducted under Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 that was initiated on June 13, 2000, and has the solicitation number DADA 10-03-R-0001. (By 50 yeas to 48 nays (Vote No. 234), Senate tabled the amendment). Pages S8996-98, S9034-35 Pending: Rockefeller Amendment No. 4906, to strike the section specifically authorizing intelligence and intelligence-related activities. Page S9068 During consideration of this measure today, the Senate also took the following action: Chair sustained a point of order that Reid Amendment No. 4904, providing a sense of the Senate on the need for a new direction in Iraq policy and in the civilian leadership of the Department of Defense, was not germane, and the amendment thus fell. Page S9030 A unanimous consent agreement was reached providing for further consideration of the bill at approximately 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 7, 2006. Page S9066 [[Page D914]] Messages From the President: Senate received the following message from the President of the United States: Transmitting a draft of proposed legislation entitled ``Military Commissions Act of 2006''; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services. (PM-55) Pages S9038-39 Nominations Received: Senate received the following nomination: Robert K. Steel, of Connecticut, to be an Under Secretary of the Department of the Treasury. Page S9069 Measures Read First Time: Page S9039 Executive Communications: Pages S9039-40 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S9041-43 Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Pages S9043-61 Additional Statements: Pages S9037-38 Amendments Submitted: Pages S9062-64 Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S9064 Privileges of the Floor: Page S9064 Record Votes: Three record votes were taken today. (Total--234) Pages S8996, S9034, S9035 Recess: Senate convened at 9:45 a.m., and recessed at 9:25 p.m., until 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, September 7, 2006. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S9066.) Committee Meetings (Committees not listed did not meet) STEM CELL RESEARCH Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies concluded a hearing to examine recent controversies in stem cell research, after receiving testimony from James F. Battey, Chairman, National Institutes of Health Stem Cell Task Force; Robert Lanza, Advanced Cell Technology, Inc., Worcester, Massachusetts; Ronald M. Green, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; and Kevin Eggan, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ARMY FIELD MANUAL ON INTERROGATION Committee on Armed Services: Committee met in closed session to receive a briefing regarding the Army Field Manual on Interrogation from Stephen A. Cambone, Under Secretary for Intelligence, Lieutenant General John F. Kimmons, USA, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2, Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, and Cully Stimson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Detainee Affairs, all of the Department of Defense. STOCK OPTIONS Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine Federal accounting and regulation of stock options backdating, after receiving testimony from Christopher Cox, Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Mark W. Olson, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Washington, D.C.; Erik Lie, University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Business, Iowa City; Lynn E. Turner, Glass, Lewis and Co. LLC, San Francisco, California; Kurt N. Schacht, CFA Centre for Financial Market Integrity, Charlottesville, North Carolina; and Russell Read, California Public Employees' Retirement System, Sacramento. FEDERAL RENEWABLE FUELS PROGRAM Committee on Environment and Public Works: Committee concluded an oversight hearing to examine the implementation of the federal renewable fuels programs, after receiving testimony from William Wehrum, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency; Alexander Karsner, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; and Keith Collins, Chief Economist, Department of Agriculture. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing to examine current issues regarding executive compensation, including backdating of stock options, and tax treatment of executive compensation, retirement and benefits, after receiving testimony from Paul J. McNulty, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice; Mark Everson, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury; Linda Thomsen, Director, Division of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Nell Minow, The Corporate Library, Portland, Maine; Lucian A. Bebchuk, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Charles M. Elson, University of Delaware Lerner College of Business and Economics, Newark; and Steven Balsam, Temple University Fox School of Business, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. GROUP HEALTH CARE Committee on the Judiciary:Committee concluded a hearing to examine competition in group health care, focusing on enforcement actions and competition advocacy to protect and promote competition in health care markets, after receiving testimony from Senator [[Page D915]] Coburn; J. Bruce McDonald, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice; David P. Wales, Deputy Director, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission; Mark A. Piasio, Pennsylvania Medical Society, Harrisburg; Edward L. Langston, American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois; Stephanie W. Kanwit, America's Health Insurance Plans, Washington, D.C.; and David A. Hyman, University of Illinois Epstein Program in Health Law and Policy, Champaign. NOMINATIONS Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Kent A. Jordan, of Delaware, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit, who was introduced by Senators Biden and Carper and Representative Castle; Marcia Morales Howard, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Florida, who was introduced by Senator Martinez; John Alfred Jarvey, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Iowa, who was introduced by Senators Harkin and Grassley; and Sara Elizabeth Lioi, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio, who was introduced by Senators DeWine and Voinovich, after each nominee testified and answered questions in their own behalf. INTELLIGENCE Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee met in closed session to receive a briefing on certain intelligence matters from officials of the intelligence community. House of Representatives Chamber Action Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 11 public bills, H.R. 6028- 6038; and 5 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 468 and H. Res. 980, 982-984, were introduced. Pages H6301-02 Additional Cosponsors: Pages H6302-04 Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: Report entitled ``al-Qaeda: The Many Faces of an Islamic Extremist Threat'' (H. Rept. 109-615); Brownfields: What Will It Take To Turn Lost Opportunities Into America's Gain? (H. Rept. 109-616); H.R. 503, to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-617, Pt. 1), adversely; H.R. 138, to revise the boundaries of John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System Jekyll Island Unit GA-06P, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-618); H.R. 383, to designate the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, with amendments (H. Rept. 109-619); H.R. 479, to replace a Coastal Barrier Resources System map relating to Coastal Barrier Resources System Grayton Beach Unit FL-95P in Walton County, Florida, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-620); H.R. 631, to provide for acquisition of subsurface mineral rights to land owned by the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and land held in trust for the Tribe (H. Rept. 109-621); H.R. 1796, to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the route of the Mississippi River from its headwaters in the State of Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico for study for potential addition to the National Trails System as a national scenic trail, national historic trail, or both (H. Rept. 109-622); H.R. 2069, to authorize the exchange of certain land in Grand and Uintah Counties, Utah (H. Rept. 109-623); H.R. 2110, to provide for a study of options for protecting the open space characteristics of certain lands in and adjacent to the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests in Colorado, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-624); H.R. 2334, to amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to participate in the design, planning, and construction of permanent facilities for the GREAT project to reclaim, reuse, and treat impaired waters water in the area of Oxnard, California, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-625); H.R. 3350, to amend the Native American Business Development, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000 to establish the Tribal Development Corporation Feasibility Study Group (H. Rept. 109-626); [[Page D916]] H.R. 3534, to designate the Piedras Blancas Light Station and the surrounding public land as an Outstanding Natural Area to be administered as a part of the National Landscape Conservation System, and for other purposes (H. Rept. 109-627); H.R. 3961, to authorize the National Park Service to pay for services rendered by subcontractors under a General Services Administration Indefinite Deliver/Indefinite Quantity Contract issued for work to be completed at the Grand Canyon National Park (H. Rept. 109-628); H.R. 4382, to provide for the conveyance of certain land in Clark County, Nevada, for use by the Nevada National Guard (H. Rept. 109- 629); H.R. 4588, to reauthorize grants for and require applied water supply research regarding the water resources research and technology institutes established under the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-630); H.R. 4612, to redesignate Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park in the State of Ohio as ``Wright Brothers-Dunbar National Historic Park'', with amendments (H. Rept. 109-631); H.R. 4750, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of implementing a water supply and conservation project to improve water supply reliability, increase the capacity of water storage, and improve water management efficiency in the Republican River Basin between Harlan County Lake in Nebraska and Milford Lake in Kansas, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-632); S. 1773, to resolve certain Native American claims in New Mexico (H. Rept. 109-633); H.R. 4789, to require the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain public land located wholly or partially within the boundaries of the Wells Hydroelectric Project of Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, Washington, to the utility district, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-634); H.R. 5016, to provide for the exchange of certain Bureau of Land Management land in Pima County, Arizona, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-635); H.R. 5079, to provide for the modification of an amendatory repayment contract between the Secretary of the Interior and the North Unit Irrigation District, with amendments (H. Rept. 109-636); H.R. 5132, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study to determine the suitability and feasibility of including in the National Park System certain sites in Monroe County, Michigan, relating to the Battles of the River Raisin during the War of 1812, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-637); H.R. 5381, to establish a volunteer program and promote community partnerships for the benefit of national fish hatcheries and fisheries program offices (H. Rept. 109-638); H.R. 5539, to reauthorize the North American Wetlands Conservation Reauthorization Act, with amendments (H. Rept. 109-639); H.R. 5802, to amend the National Park Service Concessions Management Improvement Act of 1998, to extend to additional small businesses the preferential right to renew a concessions contract entered into under such Act, to facilitate the renewal of a commercial use authorization granted under such Act, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-640); H.R. 5861, to amend the National Historic Preservation Act, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109-641); and H. Res. 981, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 503) to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption (H. Rept. 109-642). Page H6301 Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he appointed Representative Bishop of Utah to act as Speaker pro tempore for today. Page H6243 Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest Chaplain, Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Sr., Senior Pastor, Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, California. Page H6243 Board of Trustees of the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress--appointment: The Chair announced the Speaker's appointment of Mr. C. Kurt Dewhurst of Michigan on August 15, 2006, to the Board of Trustees of the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress on the part of the House for a term of 6 years. Page H6246 Election Assistance Commission Board of Advisors: Read a letter from the Minority Leader wherein she announced her appointment of Ms. Barbara Arnwine of Washington, D.C. to the Election Assistance Commission Board of Advisors. Page H6246 Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following measures: Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act: H.R. 2808, amended, to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, by a (\2/3\) yea-and- nay vote of 401 yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 427; Pages H6246-49, H6271-72 Supporting the goals and ideals of National Life Insurance Awareness Month: H. Res. 912, to support the goals and ideals of National Life Insurance Awareness Month; Pages H6249-51, H6271 [[Page D917]] Agreed that the House vacate the ordering of the yeas and nays on adoption of H. Res. 912 to the end that the Chair may put the question on the resolution de novo. Page H6271 Recognizing the life of Preston Robert Tisch and his outstanding contributions to New York City, the New York Giants Football Club, the National Football League, and the United States: H. Res. 605, to recognize the life of Preston Robert Tisch and his outstanding contributions to New York City, the New York Giants Football Club, the National Football League, and the United States, by a (\2/3\) yea-and- nay vote of 399 yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 428; Pages H6251-54, H6272 International Solid Waste Importation and Management Act of 2005: H.R. 2491, amended, to amend the Solid Waste Disposal Act to authorize States to restrict receipt of foreign municipal solid waste and implement the Agreement Concerning the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste between the United States and Canada; Pages H6254-59 YouthBuild Transfer Act: S. 3534, to amend the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to provide for a YouthBuild program--clearing the measure for the President; Pages H6259-65 Congratulating Spelman College on the occasion of its 125th anniversary: H. Res. 875, amended, to congratulate Spelman College on the occasion of its 125th anniversary, by a (\2/3\) yea-and-nay vote of 400 yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 429; and Pages H6265-69, H6272-73 Expressing condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims of the crash of Comair Flight 519: H. Res. 980, to express condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims of the crash of Comair Flight 519. Pages H6269-71 Recess: The House recessed at 4:40 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m. Page H6271 Presidential Message: Read a message from the President wherein he transmits for the consideration of the Congress draft legislation entitled the ``Military Commissions Act of 2006.''--Referred to the Committees on Armed Services, the Judiciary, and International Relations and ordered printed (H. Doc. 109-133). Page H6273 Senate Messages: Message received from the Senate today and messages received from the Senate by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the House today appear on pages H6243 and H6245. Senate Referrals: S. 466 was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; S. 843 was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce; S. 1899 was referred to the Committees on the Judiciary and Resources; S. 2068 and S. 3613 were referred to the Committee on Government Reform; S. 2694 was referred to the Committees on Financial Services and Veterans' Affairs; S. 2555 was held at the desk; and S. 3836 was referred to the Committee on International Relations. Page H6297 Quorum Calls--Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes developed during the proceedings today and appear on pages H6271-72, H6272, and H6272-73. There were no quorum calls. Adjournment: The House met at 2 p.m. and adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Committee Meetings GETTING INTERCENSAL POPULATION ESTIMATES RIGHT Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census held a hearing entitled ``2 + 2 Should Never Equal 3: Getting Intercensal Population Estimates Right the First Time.'' Testimony was heard from Louis Kincannon, Director, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce; and public witnesses. HIV PREVENTION Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations held a hearing entitled ``HIV Prevention: How Effective Is the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)?'' Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of State: Mark R. Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator; and Kent Hill, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, U.S. Agency for International Development; David Gootnick, Director, International Affairs and Trade, GAO; and public witnesses. UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL: REFORM OR REGRESSION? Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations held an oversight hearing on the United Nations Human Rights Council: Reform or Regression? Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of State: Mark Lagon, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; and Erica Barks-Ruggles, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor; and public witnesses. PROPOSALS TO UPDATE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security held a hearing on [[Page D918]] proposals to Update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), including the following bills: H.R. 4976, NSA Oversight Act; H.R. 5223, Surveillance Activities Commission Act of 2006; H.R. 5371, Lawful Intelligence and Surveillance of Terrorists in an Emergency by NSA Act; H.R. 5825, Electronic Surveillance Modernization Act; S. 2453, National Security Surveillance Act of 2006; and S. 2455, Terrorist Surveillance Act of 2006. Testimony was heard from Steve Bradbury, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice; Robert L. Deitz, General Counsel, NSA, Department of Defense; and public witnesses. HORSE PROTECTION ACT AMENDMENTS Committee on Rules: Granted, by voice vote, a structured rule providing 1 hour and 20 minutes of general debate on H.R. 503, to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes, equally divided and controlled by the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader or their designees. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill and provides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution. The rule provides that the amendments printed in the report may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. The rule waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Testimony was heard from Chairman Goodlatte, and Representatives Whitfield, Sweeney, and Peterson of Minnesota. F COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2006 (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Senate Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Homeland Security, to hold hearings to examine preparedness 1 year after Hurricane Katrina, 10 a.m., SD-192. Committee on Foreign Relations: business meeting to consider Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and related exchanges of letters, signed at Washington on March 31, 2003 (Treaty Doc. 108-23), and the nominations of Richard E. Hoagland, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia, John Robert Bolton, of Maryland, to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambassador, and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations, to which position he was appointed during the recess of the Senate from July 29, 2005, to September 1, 2005, and to be Representative of the United States of America to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during his tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, to which position he was appointed during the recess of the Senate from July 29, 2005, to September 1, 2005, John C. Rood, of Arizona, to be an Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Non- Proliferation, Cesar Benito Cabrera, of Puerto Rico, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Mauritius, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to the Republic of Seychelles, Cindy Lou Courville, of Virginia, to be Representative of the United States of America to the African Union, with the rank of Ambassador, Donald C. Johnson, of Texas, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Mary Martin Ourisman, of Florida, to be Ambassador to Barbados, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Ronald Allen Tschetter, of Minnesota, to be Director of the Peace Corps, 9:30 a.m., SD-419. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security, to hold hearings to examine Information Technology projects at risk, focusing on why $12 billion in projects is being funded and what OMB is doing to ensure success, as well as GAO's recommendations in these areas, 9:30 a.m., SD-342. Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider the nominations of Terrence W. Boyle, of North Carolina, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, William James Haynes II, of Virginia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, William Gerry Myers III, of Idaho, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, Norman Randy Smith, of Idaho, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, Valerie L. Baker, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California, Francisco Augusto Besosa, to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico, Philip S. Gutierrez, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California, George E.B. Holding, to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, and Sharon Lynn Potter, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of West Virginia, S. 2453, to establish procedures for the review of electronic surveillance programs, S. 2455, to provide in statute for the conduct of electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists for the purposes of protecting the American people, the Nation, and its interests from terrorist attack while ensuring that the civil liberties of United States citizens are safeguarded, S. 2468, to provide standing for civil actions for declaratory and injunctive relief to persons who refrain from electronic communications through fear of being subject to warrantless electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes, S. 3001, to ensure that all electronic surveillance of United States persons for foreign intelligence purposes is conducted pursuant to individualized court-issued orders, to streamline the procedures of the Foreign [[Page D919]] Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, S. 2831, to guarantee the free flow of information to the public through a free and active press while protecting the right of the public to effective law enforcement and the fair administration of justice, S. 155, to increase and enhance law enforcement resources committed to investigation and prosecution of violent gangs, to deter and punish violent gang crime, to protect law- abiding citizens and communities from violent criminals, to revise and enhance criminal penalties for violent crimes, to reform and facilitate prosecution of juvenile gang members who commit violent crimes, to expand and improve gang prevention programs, S. 1845, to amend title 28, United States Code, to provide for the appointment of additional Federal circuit judges, to divide the Ninth Judicial Circuit of the United States into 2 circuits, H.R. 1442, to complete the codification of title 46, United States Code, ``Shipping'', as positive law, H.R. 866, to make technical corrections to the United States Code, and S. 2046, to establish a National Methamphetamine Information Clearinghouse to promote sharing information regarding successful law enforcement, treatment, environmental, social services, and other programs related to the production, use, or effects of methamphetamine and grants available for such programs, and for the other purposes, 9:30 a.m., SD-226. Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security, to hold hearings to examine strategies for pre-screening international airline passengers before takeoff, 2 p.m., SD-226. Committee on Veterans' Affairs: to hold hearings entitled ``Wounded Warrior'' Insurance: A First Look at a New Benefit for Traumatically Injured Servicemembers, 10 a.m., SR-418. Select Committee on Intelligence: closed business meeting to consider pending calendar business, 2:30 p.m., SH-219. Special Committee on Aging: to hold hearings to examine America's ailing guardianship system relating to exploitation of seniors, 10 a.m., SD-562. House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Defense, hearing on Defense Contracting, 10 a.m., 2359 Rayburn. Committee on Armed Services, hearing on standards of military commissions and tribunals, 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearing on BP's Pipeline Spills at Prudhoe Bay: What Went Wrong? 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises, hearing entitled ``A Review of the Federal Home Loan Bank System,'' 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Science, and Technology, hearing entitled ``The Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate: Is It Structured for Success?'' 10 a.m., 334 Cannon. Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment, hearing entitled ``State and Local Fusion Centers and the Role of DHS,'' 1 p.m., 2118 Rayburn. Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation, oversight hearing on 9/11: Five Years Later--Gauging Islamist Terrorism, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. Committee on the Judiciary, to continue mark up of H.R. 2679, Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005; and to mark up the following bills: H.R. 5092, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) Modernization and Reform Act of 2006; H.R. 5005, Firearms Corrections and Improvements Act; H.R. 1384, Firearm Commerce Modernization Act; H.R. 1415, NICS Improvement Act of 2005; and H.R. 5830, Wright Amendment Reform Act; and to consider a motion to authorize the issuance of a subpoena to Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. Committee on Resources, Subcommittee on National Parks, hearing on the following bills: H.R. 3532, Michigan Lighthouse and Maritime Heritage Act; H.R. 5452, Veterans Eagle Parks Pass Act; H.R. 5485, Columbia- Pacific National Heritage Area Study Act; and H.R. 5978, To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study to determine the suitability and feasibility of including the battlefields and related sites of the First and Second Battles of Newtonia, Missouri, during the Civil War as part of a Wilson's Creek National Battlefield or designating the battlefields and related sites as a separate unit of the National Park System, 10 a.m., 1334 Longworth. Subcommittee on Water and Power, hearing on the following bills: H.R. 5566, To facilitate the transfer of Spearfish Hydroelectric Plant Number 1 to the city of Spearfish, South Dakota; and H.R. 6014, To authorize the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of Reclamation, to improve California's Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta and water supply; and to hold an oversight hearing on a measure regarding the repayment of site security costs at Bureau of Reclamation facilities, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines, oversight hearing on Freight Logistics: The Road Ahead as Seen by the Users of the Highway System, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, executive, briefing on Global Updates/Hot Spots, 9 a.m., H-405 Capitol. Subcommittee on Terrorism, Human Intelligence, Analysis and Counterintelligence, executive, hearing on CIA Sensitive Programs, 10 a.m., H-405 Capitol. 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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Record, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Along with the entire mailing label from the last issue received. [[Page D920]] _______________________________________________________________________ Next Meeting of the SENATE 9:30 a.m., Thursday, September 7 Senate Chamber Program for Thursday: After the transaction of any morning business (not to extend beyond 30 minutes), Senate will continue consideration of H.R. 5631, Department of Defense Appropriations Act. Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, September 7 House Chamber Program for Thursday: Consideration of H.R. 503--A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act (Subject to a Rule). _______________________________________________________________________ Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue HOUSE Baldwin, Tammy, Wisc., E1640 Bean, Melissa L., Ill., E1648 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E1645 Bishop, Timothy H., N.Y., E1647 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1635 Brady, Kevin, Tex., E1647 Brown-Waite, Ginny, Fla., E1630, E1632, E1635, E1637, E1639, E1641, E1643 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1630, E1632, E1634, E1637, E1639 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E1642 Cardin, Benjamin L., Md., E1636 Cardoza, Dennis A., Calif., E1650 Castle, Michael N., Del., E1642 Cleaver, Emanuel, Mo., E1644, E1646, E1649, E1651 Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E1630, E1633 Cooper, Jim, Tenn., E1641 English, Phil, Pa., E1651 Farr, Sam, Calif., E1630, E1633 Frank, Barney, Mass., E1641 Garrett, Scott, N.J., E1636 Hart, Melissa A., Pa., E1637 Higgins, Brian, N.Y., E1639 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E1646 Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E1638 Johnson, Nancy L., Conn., E1643 Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E1630, E1632, E1635, E1637, E1640 Lantos, Tom, Calif., E1637 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1636 Lewis, Ron, Ky., E1636 Linder, John, Ga., E1645 McCaul, Michael T., Tex., E1643 Mica, John L., Fla., E1649 Miller, George, Calif., E1634 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E1639 Oxley, Michael G., Ohio, E1650 Pastor, Ed, Ariz., E1648 Pelosi, Nancy, Calif., E1651 Pence, Mike, Ind., E1642 Pickering, Charles W. ``Chip'', Miss., E1640 Porter, Jon C., Nev., E1629, E1632, E1634, E1636, E1639, E1641, E1643, E1645 Rogers, Mike, Ala., E1650 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Fla., E1629, E1631 Ross, Mike, Ark., E1644, E1646, E1649, E1651 Scott, David, Ga., E1648 Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E1641 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E1644, E1647 Sweeney, John E., N.Y., E1635 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E1629, E1631 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E1640 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1643, E1646, E1649 Walsh, James T., N.Y., E1631, E1633