PRESIDENT'S PROPOSAL FOR PRIVATIZATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from Michigan (Ms. Kilpatrick) is recognized for 5 minutes. Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, March is Women's History Month, and we are proud to celebrate the contributions that women have made to American society. As mothers, as caregivers, as teachers, as providers, we honor the women in America this month of March. =========================== NOTE =========================== March 2, 2005--On Page H922 the following appeared: Ms. KILPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, March is Women's . . . The online version should be corrected to read: Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, March is Women's . . . ========================= END NOTE ========================= While home last week, I had an opportunity to hold two town hall meetings. My first meeting was in Wyandotte, Lincoln Park, River Rouge, and Ecorse communities, where we had hundreds of people who came out to hear about the Social Security proposals. My first point to them was that we have no bill. What we are hearing are discussion points, and right now we have no legislation that has come to the House or the Senate. What we are