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463 Titles Match Your Query
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1. MBDyn - MultiBody Dynamics Software [MBDyn]
MBDyn - MultiBody Dynamics Software is a free MultiBody Dynamics analysis software system developed at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of the University "Politecnico ...

2. CropWat: A Crop Decision Support System [CropWat]
CROPWAT is meant as a practical tool to help agro-meteorologists, agronomists and irrigation engineers to carry out standard calculations for evapotranspiration and crop water use studies, ...

3. Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences [SERC-TQS]
Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences Quantitative skills are an essential tool for both the geoscientist and the citizen. Helping students ...

4. Conservation Land-Use Zoning Software [CLUZ]
The Conservation Land-Use Zoning Software (CLUZ) is an ArcView GIS interface that allows users to design protected area networks and conservation landscapes. It can be used for on-screen planning ...

5. BayFish Models [BayFish]
The BayFish Models are decision-support tools that show, and predict, the impact of land use and water management options on water-dependant food production. They allow users to see all the ...

6. ARIES - Web Based Application for Making Environmental Decisions [ARIES]
ARIES is a web-based technology offered to users worldwide to assist rapid ecosystem service assessment and valuation (ESAV). Its purpose is to make environmental decisions easier and more ...

7. Agricultural Non-Point Source (AGNPS) Distributed Parameter Model [PURDUE_GRASS_AGNPS]
Agricultural Non-Point Source (AGNPS) is a distributed parameter model developed by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and engineers. This model ...

8. Atlantis - An Ecosystem Box-Model [Atlantis]
The Atlantis ecosystem model was developed by Dr Beth Fulton, an ecosystem modeller with the Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship. She leads a marine ecosystem modelling team based ...

9. Australian National Resources Atlas [ANRA]
The Australian Natural Resources Atlas and Data Library provide access to the data, reports and information prepared by the Audit. The goal is to provide data, ...

10. Blue Sky Rains: A Web-Based Information System to Help Manage Prescribed Burning, Wildland Fires and Agricultural Burning [BLUE_SKY_RAINS]
Blue Sky Rains was developed by the USDA Forest Service to predict surface smoke concentrations from prescribed fire, wildfire and by integrating with the ClearSky ...

11. California Environmental Information Catalog [CEIC]
The California Environmental Information Catalog is an online directory for reporting and discovery of information resources for California. Participants include cities, counties, ...

12. Soil and Water Assessment Tool [SWAT]   CHILD SERFs
SWAT is the acronym for Soil and Water Assessment Tool, a river basin, or watershed, scale model developed by Dr. Jeff Arnold for the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS). SWAT ...

13. National Geophysical Data Center Interactive Map Services [NGDC_MAPS]
The National Geophysical Data Center interactive map services provide visual display of one or more data layers, often with links to download the underlying data. ...

14. The GIS Weasel - An Interface for the Development of Spatial Parameters for Physical Process Modeling [USGS_GIS_WEASEL]
The GIS Weasel is a map and Graphical User Interface (GUI) driven tool that has been developed as an aid to modelers in the delineation, characterization, and ...

15. Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) [NASA_ARC_TOPS]
The Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) modeling software system that brings together technologies in information technology, weather/climate forecasting, ecosystem modeling, ...

16. ColorBrewer - Online Tool to Help Select Good Color Schemes for Maps [PSU_GEOG_ColorBrewer]
Color Brewer is an online tool designed to help people select good color schemes for maps and other graphics. It is free to use, but please cite Penn State University if you decide to use one ...

17. GeoViz Toolkit [PSU_GEOG_GeoViz_Toolkit]
The GeoViz Toolkit was developed from work conducted at the GeoVISTA Center at The Pennsylvania State University. To find out more about this program go to GeoVISTA Studio. These tools were ...

18. Aspera [Aspera]
Aspera is a new file transfer technology tool that provides a reliable and faster (up to 1000x standard FTP) data transfer solution. This new approach overcomes ...

19. Habitat Management and Monitoring [SEAHOME_HABITAT]
The Habitat Management and Monitoring tutorial helps users learn about: 1. The many ways habitats support the ecosystem 2. How plants and animals play a role in in their ...

20. Hazardous Waste Management on the Farm [SEAHOME_FARMHAZ]
This tutorial is intended to serve as a guide towards proper hazardous waste management. Knowing the regulations, different methods of disposal of hazardous waste, and how to provide a safer ...

21. Soil and Geologic Site Evaluation (Site Evaluation on the Farm) [SEAHOME_FARMSITE]
This software provides information about the roles that soils, geology and depth to groundwater play in the protection of groundwater. A risk assessment portion helps determine the potential ...

22. Alaska Fire Weather [AFS_Fire_Weather]
AFS Fire Weather provides information on: - AFS Fire Weather Database - Alaska Seasonal Fire Weather / Fire Danger Outlook - Alaska ...

23. Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System, Industrial Pollution Model: ADMS 3 [ADMS]
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System (ADMS-3) is an advanced dispersion model for calculating concentrations of pollutants emitted both continuously from point, ...

24. Earth System Curator [ESC]
The Earth System Curator team is prototyping a software environment for assembling, running, and archiving information about climate models. The idea is to make it easier for scientists to ...

The HAZUS-MH Hurricane Model allows users to estimate the economic and social losses from hurricane winds. The information provided by the model can be used by state and local officials in ...

26. The Virtual Reference Desk [01-VRD-01]
The Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) is a project dedicated to the advancement of digital reference and the successful creation and operation of human-mediated, Internet-based information services. ...

27. Didger - Highly Accurate Digitizing Program [Didger]
Didger is a highly accurate digitizing program that will be an invaluable addition to your software library. In seconds, Didger precisely transforms points, lines, or areas from your paper ...

28. MapViewer [MapViewer]
MapViewer is a mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to produce publication-quality thematic maps easily. A thematic map visually represents the geographic distribution of your ...

29. Voxler - Software for 3D Data Visualization [Voxler]
Voxler is a software package for visualizing your 3D data. It imports data from a plethora of sources, and creates stunning graphics that let you creatively visualize the cryptic relationships ...

30. Quantum GIS [QGIS]
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, ...

31. 2008 TerraViva! SEDAC Data Viewer [CIESIN_SEDAC_TERRAVIVA_2008]
The 2008 Terraviva! SEDAC Viewer is an update of the original TerraVviva! SEDAC Data Viewer. This map viewer and standalone software application (Microsoft Windows-based) uses a powerful data-viewing ...

32. CommunityViz: GIS Software for Planning and Resource Management [CommunityViz]
CommunityViz is an advanced GIS extension to ArcGIS designed to help people visualize, analyze and communicate about important land-use decisions. CommunityViz includes two complementary components, ...

33. GISserver Web Map Server [INOVAGIS_GIServer]
GIServer is a Web Map Server (WMS) for Windows that uses the freeware inovaGIS automation objects server in combination with the Microsoft HTTP Server (Microsoft ...

34. Mesoamerican Visualization and Monitoring System (SERVIR) [SERVIR]   CHILD SERFs
SERVIR is a Regional Monitoring and Visualization System for Mesoamerica that intensively utilizes satellite imagery and other data sources for environmental management and disaster support. ...

35. SERVIR's MesoStor [MesoStor]   PARENT SERF
MesoStor is Mesoamerica's first free on-line data delivery system that allows anybody with an Internet connection to seamlessly access digital map data of the region (satellite imagery, roads ...

36. Systems Integration and Visualization of Yellowstone (SIVY) [SIVY]
The Systems Integration and Visualization of Yellowstone (SIVY) will deliver Earth system data products and information systems addressing Research, Application, and Education goals, ...

37. Project 3D-View: Virtual Interactive Environmental Worlds [NASA_3D_VIEW]
Project 3D-VIEW (Virtual Interactive Environmental Worlds) is a truly interdisciplinary science curriculum for Grades 5 or 6. The program utilizes simple-to-use 3D technologies and is designed ...

38. Invasive Species Forecasting System [NASA_ISFS]
The NASA Office of Earth Science and the US Geological Survey are working together to develop a National Invasive Species Forecasting System for the early detection, remediation, management, ...

39. GeoMedia Geographic Information Tool [GeoMedia]
GeoMedia enables you to bring data from disparate databases into a single GIS environment for viewing, analysis, and presentation. No translation of data is required. ...

40. J-Track [NASA_J-Track]
(Summary adapted from web page) J-Track 2.5 is a great way to locate the Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra X-Ray ...

41. Mobile Geographic Information Systems (MGIS) [MGIS]
The concept of Mobile GIS is proposed in the project. It emphasizes that GIS can be truly developed and used in the field or on a mobile platform (vehicle or helicopter). ...

42. BehavePlus: A Fire Modeling System [BehavePlus]
The BehavePlus fire modeling system is a PC-based program that is a collection of models that describe fire behavior, fire effects, and the fire environment. It is a flexible system that ...

43. Exploring Earth Hazards [USGS_Earth_Hazards]   PARENT SERF
Understanding the mechanisms of natural events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and floods, is important for the United States and the world ...

44. FARSITE: A Fire Behavior and Growth Simulator [FARSITE]
FARSITE is a fire behavior and growth simulator for use on Windows computers. It is used by Fire Behavior Analysts from the USDA FS, USDI NPS, USDI BLM, and USDI BIA, and is taught in ...

45. FlamMap: A Fire Behavior Mapping and Analysis Program [FlamMap]
FlamMap is a fire behavior mapping and analysis program that computes potential fire behavior characteristics (spread rate, flame length, fireline intensity, etc.) over an entire FARSITE ...

46. J-Track 3D and Live 3D Tracking Snapshots [NASA_J-Track-3D]
(Summary adapted from web page) J-Track 3D is one of the most popular Java applets on our web site. It shows 700 satellites, out of thousands, swarming ...

47. Towson University GIS Map Viewer [CGIS_MAPVIEWER]
The Towson University GIS Map Viewer is a free GIS software tool developed by the Center for Geographic Information Sciences. The software provides basic GIS functionality ...

48. quickWMS [QUICKWMS]
quickWMS contains JavaScript classes for creating Web Map clients and interfacing WMS servers according to OpenGIS Web Mapping Specification (versions 0.7 to 1.1). ...

49. Google for Educators - Geo Education [GOOGLE_GEO_EDUCATION]
Google's Geo Education site lets you find helpful information on using Google Earth, Maps, Sky, and SketchUp in your K-12 classroom. For years, this suite of products has been identified as ...

50. ECOSEARCH - Ecosystem Management Software [USGS_ECOSRCH]
ECOSEARCH was developed as a first step to a testable, scientific basis for ecosystem management. ECOSEARCH uses a FORTRAN program to predict occurrence for >300 species of New England wildlife ...

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