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Open Public Meeting - Human Bone Allograft

August 2, 2000 - Slide Presentation

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Overview of Relevant Comments to the Proposed Rules Dockets Concerning Regulation of Bone Products

Martha A. Wells CBER, FDA

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Review of Comments to Dockets of Proposed Regulations

  • 5/14/98 Establishment Registration and Listing for Manufacturers of Human Cellular and Tissue-Based Products
  • 9/30/99 Suitability Determination for Donors of Human Cellular and Tissue-Based Products

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General Comments: Homologous Use and Minimal Manipulation

  • Terms are vague - subject to broad interpretation
  • Do not reflect clinical use of the products
  • Questions on how the criteria will be applied
  • Should be eliminated
  • Agrees with the focus on promotion and labeling rather than the intent of the practitioner
  • Requests more guidance on how the definition will be applied

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Comments: Bone in General

  • Support/Against regulation of allograft
  • Against further/additional regulation
  • Against interference with patient care, doctor-patient relationship, practice of medicine
  • Support/Against regulating bone allograft as a medical device
  • Mechanical shaping of bone is minimal manipulation

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Concerns:Regulation of Bone

  • Curtailment of supply
  • Increased cost without increased safety
  • Satisfaction with industry standards
  • Manipulation of bone by shaping should not determine the level of regulation
  • Long history of safe use
  • FDA lacks authority to impose premarket approval oversight on allograft bone

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Comments: Bone Dowels

  • Support/Against regulatory evaluation of machined or formed allografts as devices
  • Support/Against regulation of allograft for procedures requiring stabilization
  • Premachined dowels are superior to those machined in the operating room
  • Mechanical shaping is not more than minimal manipulation
  • Against regulation based on the shape of bone
  • Shaping of bone by manufacturer should be regulated the same as shaping by the surgeon
  • Superior to similar metal devices
  • Should undergo the same degree of regulation as required for metallic implants

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  • Can't satisfy everyone- conflicting views
  • Majority of comments based on misinformation spread by interested parties - all bone as devices
  • More information is needed on bone allografts and their use
  • Clarification of the definitions is needed
  • Possible need for guidance


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