Appendix C
(This form cannot be filled in (or submitted) online.)


Name of Individual Requesting Accommodation:____________________________

1. Type(s) of reasonable accommodation requested:

2. Request for accommodation denied because (may check more than one)

___Accommodation ineffective

___Accommodation would cause undue hardship

___Medical documentation inadequate

___Accommodation would require removal of an Essential Function

___Accommodation would require lowering of performance/production standard

___Other (please specify)

3. Detailed reason(s) for the denial of the accommodation (Must be specific, e.g., why accommodation is ineffective or causes undue hardship)

4. If the requestor proposed one type of reasonable accommodation and the request is denied, and rejected an offer of an alternative accommodation, explain the reason for denial of the original requested accommodation and how the offered alternative accommodation would be effective.

Name & Title of Deciding Official _____________________________

Signature of Deciding Official___________________________________

Date reasonable accommodation denied_____________________________

If an individual wishes to request reconsideration of this decision, s/he may take the following steps:

If an individual wishes to file an EEO complaint, or pursue Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) and union grievance procedures if applicable, s/he must take the following steps:

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