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American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is a non-profit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

American Planning Association
The American Planners Association website offers a comprehensive information resource for articles, event information, publications and APA membership services.

Area Commission on Transportation (ACT)
An Area Commission on Transporation (ACT) is an advisory body chartered by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC). The ACT addresses all aspects of transportation (surface, marine, air and transportation safety) with primary focus on the state transportation system. An ACT considers regional and local transportation issues if they affect the state system.
ACTs play a key advisory role in the development of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which schedules funded transportation projects. ACTs establish a public process for area project selection priorities for the STIP. Through that process they prioritize transportation problems and solutions and recommend projects in their area to be included in the STIP.

Department of Land Conservation and Development
The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) guides land use policy to: foster livable, sustainable development in urban and rural communities; protect farm and forest lands and other natural resources; conserve coastal and ocean resources; and imnprove the well-being and prosperity of citizens, businesses and communities throughout Oregon.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)  provides funding, guidance and technical assistance for transportation planning and projects.

Freight Mobility Section
The Freight Mobility Section website is to provide a variety of information about intermodal movements and connections. The focus is on intermodal in general and freight more specifically.

Immediate Opportunity Fund
The Oregon Immediate Opportunity Fund (IOF) provides grant funding needed for street or road improvements to influence the location, relocation or retention of a firm in Oregon, revitalize business or industrial centers, and prepare Oregon Certified Project Ready Industrial Sites.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) provide a coorperative, continuous and comprehensive framework for making transportation investment decisions in metropolitan areas. There are seven MPOs in Oregon.

Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, which is an element of the statewide Oregon Transportation Plan, is divided into a policy section and a design section. The design section of the plan, originally adopted in 1995, is currently being updated. The original plan is available on this site.

2000 Oregon Aviation Plan
The 2000 Oregon Aviation Plan  is an element of the Oregon Transportation Plan.

Oregon Department of Transportation Access Management Unit
Access Management is a broad set of techniques that balance the need to provide efficient, safe and timely travel throughout the state with the ability to allow access to the individual destination. The goals of Access Management are to reduce congestion, reduce accident rates, lessen the need for highway widening, conserve energy and reduce air pollution. Legal and policy guidelines are from the Oregon Revised Statues (ORS 374), The Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 734 Division 51), the Division 51 Tables, the Oregon Transportation Plan and the Oregon Highway Plan.

2001 Oregon Rail Plan
The 2001 Oregon Rail Plan is an element of the statewide Oregon Transportation Plan.

ODOT Rulemaking
All agency rulemaking notices are published by the Secretary of State in the Oregon Bulletin. ODOT rules must be approved by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) before they can be filed with the Secretary of State and become effective. Proposed rules are posted at this link.

Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC)
The Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) establishes state transportation policy. The commission also guides the planning, development and management of a statewide integrated transportation network that provides efficient access, is safe, and enhances Oregon´s economy and livability. The commission meets monthly to oversee Oregon Department of Transportation  activities relating to highways, public transportation, rail, transportation safety, motor carrier transportation, and drivers and motor vehicles. The governor appoints five commissioners, ensuring that different geographic regions of the state are respresented. One member must live east of the Cascade Range; no more than three can belong to one political party.

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) lists the state's planned transportation investments for a four-year cycle, and is updated every two years. It is built up from needs identified in performance data and in state and local plans following policy as stated in the Oregon Transportation Plan and its component plans.

Technology Transfer Center (T2)
The Oregon Technology Transfer (T2) Center provides low-cost seminars, workshops, publishes a quarterly newsletter, takes informational materials to local agencies, provides a lending library service of audio/visual programs on a variety of transportation topics, provides copies of technical bulletins and reports and answers inquiries related to transportation topics. The T2 Center is jointly sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, the counties and cities of Oregon, and the Oregon Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration funds are provided through the Local Technical Assistance Program.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Program
The Environmental Justice component of Title VI guarantees fair treatment of people of all races, cultures and incomes regarding the development of environmental justice laws, regulations and policies.

Transportation and Growth Management Program (TGM)
Oregon's Transportation and Growth Management Program supports community efforts to expand transportation choices for people.  By linking land use and transportation planning, TGM works in partnership with local governments to create vibrant, livable places in which people can walk, bike, take transit or drive where they want to go.

Transportation Research Board (TRB)
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is one of six divisions of the National Research Council. The mission of TRB is to promote innovation and progress in transportation through research.

Page updated: April 07, 2008

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