Welcome to the Geospatial Interoperability Framework

The NBII Program has developed a Geospatial Interoperability Framework (NBII-GIF or GIF) strategy based on International Standards Organization (ISO) standards and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications, integrated with the core NBII Framework standards and protocols such as Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) protocol, with data content and metadata standards.

This section contains resources describing the NBII-GIF, the products and benefits of the NBII-GIF, and information on how to participate in the NBII-GIF.   The purpose of the GIF is to allow NBII users to seamlessly, and transparently discover and visualize the distributed resources while providing the components, services and tools for NBII's Nodes and Partners to participate in the framework.

Geospatial Interoperability Framework: Overview and Tutorial  
Tutorial List of Topics
This section contains a short tutorial explaining the NBII-GIF. The content is presented as an overview of the topic in tutorial format. For more detailed information on the NBII-GIF, select one of the menu options on the left, such as "How do I Participate In the GIF". Navigation assistance for this tutorial is available by clicking on the help link above.
  *   Overview of the Geospatial Interoperability Framework
       *   Vision and Goals

*   Stage One Components and Services
       *   NBII Gazetteer Service
       *   NBII Catalog of Web Map Services (CWMS)
       *   The NBII Resource Catalog
       *   The NBII Biocomplexity Thesaurus
       *   Node or Partner Internet Mapping Application
       *   NBII Web Map Services Viewer Toolkit
       *   Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
       *   NBII Bounding Box (BBox) Service

*   Why should we participate in the NBII GIF?

*   What is the 3-Step Framework Participation Process?

*   Stage Two and Beyond Components and Services
       *   NBII Web Site (Portal)
       *   UDDI Registry of Web Services
       *   Node or Partner Online Databases
       *   External Catalogs of Web Map Services
       *   NBII's FGDC Metadata Clearinghouse Service
       *   Node or Partner Geospatial Dataset

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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