Partnerships: The Key to NBII's Success

Underpinning the NBII's information network is a network of partners; these partners, representing the spectrum of sectors, assume a variety of roles to help us deliver this information system to you, the end-user.

NBII is proud to work with such a wide range of partners, which include:

  • U.S. Federal Government Partners: Most federal science and land managment agencies are NBII partners.
  • U.S. State Government Partners: Each state has its own natural resources agency, and generates valuable data and research.
  • U.S. Local Government Partners: County and municipal governments across the U.S. are taking an increasingly active role in the management of their local natural resources.
  • International Partners: NBII is the U.S. representative for many initiatives at bilateral, regional, hemispheric, and global scales.
  • Non-Profit Partners: These agencies are active in field studies that generate a sizeable amount of data and information on species and ecosystems.
  • Private sector: Private industry has a strong role to play in the management and use of natural resources, and is the source of much research and innovation.
  • Universities: Traditionally focused on research, university partners are also exploring cutting-edge techniques and technologies to help better manage natural resources, and the data and information generated from studying them.
  • Multi-Sector Partners: Collaboration across sectors is taking place in the field of biological informatics, and NBII is a focal point for many of these innovative partnerships.
  • The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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