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Chapter VI: Food Consumption Risks

A. Potential Hazards and Food Consumption Risks Associated with Food Products from Animal Clones and their Progeny

1. Assumptions

This Chapter of the Risk Assessment is focused on food safety concerns, and assumes that any clones or their products would be subject to the same local, state, and federal laws and regulations as conventional food animals or their products. These assumptions exclude animals with gross anomalies that would not enter the human food supply (although they might be rendered). It also assumes that any hazards arising from the consumption of products derived from animal clones would result from epigenetic dysregulation of the genome of the developing animal, as described in Chapter IV.

Because much of the focus of this analysis is the identification of subtle hazards in otherwise healthy-appearing animals, the Critical Biological Systems Approach (CBSA) evaluates animal health data on as fine a level of resolution as possible. This includes individual animals or even individual analytes per animal in order to have a sensitive screen for adverse outcomes (and thus food consumption risks). Thus, although some of the data in this chapter reprises information previously addressed in Chapters IV and V, the methods by which the data were evaluated differed. Because the emphasis in the Chapter is on subtle hazards, the focus of Chapter VI is to evaluate adverse outcomes observed in animals to see if they can provide insight into identifying food consumption hazards, and not the actual risks to the animals themselves, which have been discussed in Chapter V. Chapter VI also includes all of the information that we could identify on the composition of meat or milk from clones or their progeny. Much of this information has been published or made available in 2005, and tends to evaluate very similar compositional components; much of it is on animals for which physiological data are also available.

2. Critical Biological Systems Approach to Animal Clones of Cattle, Swine, Sheep, and Goats

Chapter V and VI review the health outcomes reported for clones of cattle, swine, sheep, and goats. Over 1,700 references were identified in our literature searches; closer examination revealed that approximately 350-400 papers were useful to the understanding of the subject, and a smaller fraction of those actually cited papers were cited for information on the health of clones or the composition of their food products. Many of these reports are on the same cohorts of animals, but concentrate on different measurements or life stages. Several are reviews of adverse outcomes that have been observed in individual animals or cohorts of animals, but do not provide new data. As indicated previously within the Risk Assessment and detailed in Appendix D, some of the animals on which reports are provided are somatic cell nuclear transfers of transgenic cells, thereby actually being reports on transgenic animal clones. These have been included in the food consumption risk assessment when they provide corroborative information, and the transgenic status of the animals has been indicated when that information is available.

The following section reviews the available information on animal cloning by species, sorting the information into developmental node-specific groupings. This approach was most applicable to bovine clones, where there is significantly more information compared to other species. For those species where information is very limited, such as sheep, the available information is presented as a single unit.

a. Bovine Clones

The largest number of publicly available publications and data sources address clones of dairy and beef cattle. Many reports on effects noted in the Cell Fusion/Reprogramming, Embryo/Fetal, and Perinatal periods tend to come from the early cloning experiments. Others test hypotheses regarding some component of the SCNT process (e.g., cell cycle, cell source, culture conditions, epigenetic reprogramming (see Chapter IV)), and either do not result in live births, or result in very few live births. Very few systematically evaluate the health of the animals, many simply state that “animals appear normal and healthy” or that “no differences were observed between clones and controls.” CVM has extracted as much information as possible from these studies, and has incorporated its findings into the appropriate Developmental Nodes.

During the course of preparing this risk assessment, clone producers shared information on various cloning outcomes with CVM. The most comprehensive dataset was generated in response to preliminary presentations of the risk assessment methodology by FDA staff at various scientific meetings. In particular, one clone producer, Cyagra, Inc., has attempted to gather information on all of the cattle clones that it has produced, including animals that did not survive or that were culled for various reasons. In some cases, this has proved impracticable due to the dispersal of clones to their ultimate owners. The Cyagra dataset is the most comprehensive survey of the health status of cattle clones that has been assembled, and this information has been incorporated into this Risk Assessment. Details on the animals, the methods used to collect and interpret the data, and the actual data themselves can be found in Appendix E. Cyagra also collected data on the composition of meat from several clones; these data are also in the Appendix 1.

   1 Viagen, Inc. has also developed an extensive dataset on the health and composition of swine clones and their progeny. This is the most comprehensive dataset on the health of swine clone progeny and the composition of their meat. Similar to the Cyagra dataset, these data and their detailed analyses are found in Appendix G, and are summarized within the text of this Chapter.

The information provided by Cyagra differs from that presented in the peer-reviewed literature for several reasons:

i. Cell Fusion, Nuclear Reprogramming, and Embryonic and Fetal Development in Bovine Clones2 (Developmental Node 1)

SCNT is a relatively inefficient process. “Successful” event estimates can be based on the number of fused cells, implanted blastocysts, or pregnancies confirmed at some day of gestation, estimates range from one in one thousand (usually based on fused cells) to one in four (confirmed pregnancy at gestation day 60). The former estimates include the earliest reports of SCNT, as well as studies testing various methodological variables, and reflect the “technology development” nature of the reports. When measured from the detection of an established pregnancy in the surrogate dam, the success rate can be considerably higher, and can range from 1-2 percent (as reviewed in NAS 2002b) to approximately 20-25 percent as related to CVM by commercial cloning ventures.

Lack of success at the cell fusion stage is likely due to several factors, the most significant of which are technological (e.g., damage to the oöcyte or donor cells) or biological (e.g., incorrect reprogramming of the genome of the donor cells (Chapter IV) or possible lack of synchrony between donor cell and oöcyte). An alternative justification proposed by Hochedlinger and Jaenisch (2002) among others, is that the extremely low success frequency is a reflection of the inability of all but “stem cells” of various degrees of pluripotency to be reprogrammed, and the serendipitous outgrowth of such cells selected at random for use as donor cells. Regardless of the explanation, few fused donor/oöcyte pairs survive to divide or to become established as pregnancies in surrogate dams.

The following overview of methods that may affect success rates of SCNT are included to allow the reader to understand that there are many different components that may influence cloning efficiency. It is important to remember, however, that the goal of this chapter of the risk assessment is to identify and characterize potential subtle hazards in clones and to determine whether they pose food consumption risks.

(a) Peer-reviewed Publications

2 This Chapter emphasizes the morphological changes observed in this Developmental Node, unlike Chapter IV, that summarized molecular findings.

The following section provides summaries of studies that contribute to identifying some of the factors that may contribute to successful nuclear transfer at the earliest developmental node. It is intended to be illustrative, and not comprehensive.

Effect of the Zona Pellucida. The importance of the zona pellucida in embryo development is not clear, and there are conflicting outcomes in different studies evaluating its role. Dinnyes et al. (2000) compared developmental rates of cattle oöcytes subjected to SCNT, parthenogenetic activation, or in vitro fertilization. For the oöcytes undergoing SCNT (n=106), 74 percent fused, 90 percent of fused embryos cleaved by Day 2, and 29 percent of cleaved embryos developed to blastocysts. Eighty-one percent of parthenotes3 (early embryos arising from parthenogenetic activation) (n=47) incubated in 5 percent CO2 in air cleaved by Day 2 of the experiment, but only 17 percent developed into blastocysts. Parthenotes (n=98) incubated in 5 percent O2, 5 percent CO2 and 90 percent N2 had a 79 percent cleavage rate on Day 2, and a 32 percent survival to blastocyst stage. By comparison, in vitro fertilized oöcytes (n=98) had a 69 percent cleavage rate by Day 2, and 35 percent developed to blastocysts. Because parthenotes are “clones” that have not undergone nuclear transfer, the zona pellucida of the embryo is not disrupted. This disruption has been hypothesized to be a possible cause of early embryo failure in nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. The lack of difference in development to blastocyst between SCNT, parthenotes and IVF embryos cultured under the same conditions suggests that disruption of the zona pellucida may not be an important factor in early loss of SCNT embryos. Conversely, Ribas et al. (2006) noted no difference in development to blastocyst in zona-free vs. zona-intact IVF mouse embryos, although the authors stated that zona-free blastocysts were smaller and more irregular than zona-intact embryos. None of the embryos in this study were transferred to recipients for gestation, however, so further development could not be assessed. In another study involving IVF-derived sheep embryos, Ritchie et al. (2005) transferred eight zona-free embryos to four surrogate ewes. One of these pregnancies progressed to term and resulted in a live lamb.

   3 A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, which occurs among crustaceans and certain other arthropods.  Parthenotes, unlike somatic cells, do not need to be reprogrammed, as they are already in an undifferentiated state.

Cell Culture Conditions. Several laboratories have attempted to optimize culture conditions to improve cloning efficiency (Kubota et al. 2000; Li et al. 2004; Park et al. 2004b; Du et al. 2005). These manipulations have included addition of various compounds to culture media, co-culture with “feeder cells,” and serum starvation. Results of these studies have been mixed, as described below.

In order to study the influence of culture conditions of donor cells used for SCNT, Kubota et al. (2000) used fibroblasts derived from a skin biopsy obtained from a 17 year old Japanese Black beef bull. Donor cells for nuclear transfer were obtained from cultures that had undergone 5 (n=570), 10 (n = 269), or 15 (n = 264) passages.4 All cultures were serum starved prior to nuclear transfer, except that cells from passage number five were divided into two groups, one of which was serum-starved (n=288), and the other was not (n=282). There were no differences among groups for fusion or cleavage rates, but development to blastocyst stage was lower in cells from Passage 5, relative to cells from the higher passage rates, regardless of whether or not the cells were serum starved. A total of 54 blastocysts were transferred to 36 recipient cows. Fifteen cows were diagnosed pregnant, of which nine spontaneously aborted between 39 and 123 days of pregnancy. All three of the pregnancies derived from Passage 5 cell cultures spontaneously aborted. Six calves derived from the two more extensively passaged cultures were delivered at term, two from cultures that had undergone 15 passages, the other four from cells that had undergone 10 passages. Two calves derived from Passage 10 donor cells died shortly after birth. In this study it appears that cells that have been more extensively passaged make better donors than less extensively passaged cells. The biological basis for this is not clear, unless cells that have been passaged more extensively in culture somehow become more amenable to epigenetic reprogramming.

In another study of culture conditions, Li et al. (2004) compared development of SCNT embryos co-cultured with bovine cumulus cells or with one of two different types of serum (fetal calf serum (FCS) or bovine serum albumin (BSA)) for seven days. The rates of cleavage, morula and blastocyst formation were similar across treatment groups. Fewer blastocysts in the FCS group exhibited normal chromosomal ploidy compared to the BSA group (24/41 or 58.5 percent vs. 24/35 or 68.6 percent), but both of the serum supplemented groups performed poorly compared to the cumulus cell co-culture group, in which 34/42 (80.9 percent) of blastocysts had normal ploidy.

Park et al. (2004b) noted that although not effective in improving embryo development alone, the combination of ß-mercaptoethanol (ME) and hemoglobin (Hb) enhanced the rate of development of NT embryos to the morula stage compared to unsupplemented media (19/57 vs. 55/85). Development to blastocyst, however, was similar between untreated controls and either the combined treatments or ME or Hb supplementation alone (16/57 vs. 18/99, 15/95, and 40/104 for control, Hb, Me and Hb + ME, respectively). Similarly, Du et al. (2005) found no beneficial effect of adding phytohemagglutinin-L (PHA) to culture media for survival, cleavage or blastocyst formation of NT embryos. From a total of 324 fused embryos, three live calves were born: two from the PHA group and one from the untreated group.

   4A passage is a cell culture process in which culture vessels that are full of cells are diluted to lower cell densities. This allows the cells to overcome the growth inhibition that comes with limited space. Each dilution is referred to as a passage, so that a culture that has been passaged five times has started with low cell density, grown up to high cell density, been diluted, and had that process repeated four more times.

Heterogeneity of Fusion Components. Hiendleder et al (2004) studied how differences between nuclear and oöplasm sources can influence SCNT outcomes by using three breeds of cattle (Brown Swiss, Dwarf Zebu, and two varieties of Simmental) as oöcyte sources and granulosa cells from a Brown Swiss cow as the source for somatic cells. Four groups of SCNT embryos were produced. All pregnancies were terminated at 80 days gestation and uterine contents collected to determine the number of viable fetuses. Details on individual fetuses were not discussed, but the authors noted that SCNT fetuses in general were heavier, had a larger thorax circumference, and a reduced crown rump length: thorax ratio (a standard measure of body size) compared to AI fetuses. The proportion of viable fetuses was significantly affected by source of oöplasm, and was higher for fetuses produced using Dwarf Zebu oöplasts than the other three sources. The lowest viability was noted for one, but not both, of the Simmental sources. Interestingly, the difference between the two Simmental sources for viability was significantly different. No details regarding the oöcyte donors, other than breed, were provided, so there is no way to determine if other factors (e.g., age of the oöcyte donor cows, nutritional status, health history, or size of follicles collected) might have influenced fetal viability. The authors also compared mitochondrial DNA sequences between the two Simmental oöcyte sources, and noted extensive polymorphism in coding and non-coding regions of the two mitochondrial genomes. Although there has been speculation that mitochondrial dimorphism may affect development of SCNT embryos, only one study was identified that looked specifically at mitochondrial effects on embryo development (Takeda et al. 2005). Also of interest, when fetal morphology was compared in the Hiendleder et al. study, hybrid fetuses (reconstructed using either Zebu or Simmental oöplasm) were not significantly different in size compared to AI fetuses of the same gestational age; however, fetuses produced using the same breed as source of both oöplasm and nucleus (Brown Swiss) exhibited fetal overgrowth. The Brown Swiss cows that were used as sources of oöcytes were different individuals from the Brown Swiss donor of the nuclear DNA. The authors do not report whether they compared mitochondrial DNA of the nuclear donor with that of any of the Brown Swiss oöcyte donors.  

Source of Donor or Recipient Cells. Tissue source of nuclear donor cells can also affect development and survival of NT embryos. Galli et al. (1999) used bovine blood lymphocytes as nuclear donors. Lymphocytes, involved in the immune system, must undergo rearrangement of their DNA in order to produce immunoglobulins. Panelli et al. (2004) examined tissues of four aborted NT fetuses and the chondrocytes of the single surviving clone from the Galli et al. experiments. The results were compared to chondrocytes from three non-clone bulls (how the comparator bulls were generated is not described). The aborted fetuses exhibited DNA rearrangement in brain cells that was typical of terminally differentiated lymphocytes, but the surviving clone showed no rearrangement in chondrocytes isolated from his sperm, similar to chondrocytes collected from non-clone bulls. Based on this small dataset, the authors suggested that although terminally differentiated cells can sustain development through the late fetal stage, cells more amenable to reprogramming (dedifferentiation), such as stem cells, were more likely to result in live clones.

Xue et al. (2002) reported on the relative success rates associated with generating clone embryos from three different tissues collected from a 13 year old Holstein cow. In their hands, ovarian cumulus cells had the highest rate of development to blastocyst (57 percent, n=92), compared to skin fibroblast cells (34 percent, n=110) and mammary epithelial cells (23 percent, n=96). Six term pregnancies resulted following transfer of ovarian cumulus nuclear transfer (NT) embryos to recipient cows (5.5 percent, n=109), and four (7 percent, n=57) term pregnancies resulted from skin fibroblast NT embryos. None of the embryos generated from mammary epithelial cells resulted in a term pregnancy when transferred to recipient cows (n=34). The expression of X-chromosome linked genes in various tissues from deceased animals and conventional controls, and from the placentae of surviving clones was also investigated. Results indicated that X-chromosome inactivation occurred normally in the surviving female clones, but was incomplete in the clones that died. Embryo samples were taken to determine if there were differences in cell counts in embryos from parthenotes and SCNT-derived embryos at the same stage of development. Cell numbers for NT embryos were lower compared to parthenotes at all stages examined (Day 5 morula: 35.1 ± 1.1, n=48 for NT vs. 43.5 ± 1.5, n=58 for parthenotes; Day 7 blastocyst: 81.0 ± 3.7, n=46 for NT vs. 93.8 ± 5.6, n=48 for parthenotes). The importance of differences in cell numbers is not clear from this study, as mammalian parthenotes generally do not develop to term. Cell counts of IVF embryos, which would have been a more informative comparison, were not provided.

Gong et al. (2004) compared granulosa cells from adult cattle of two different breeds (Holstein and Chinese red-breed yellow cattle), skin fibroblasts from two individual Holsteins and a Holstein fetus, and oviductal cells from a Holstein fetus for development and survival through the birth of clones. The rate of blastocyst formation was lowest for one of the two adult skin fibroblast sources (253/906 blastocysts/fused couplets or 27.9 percent), although the other adult fibroblast cell line was comparable to the fetal fibroblast cell line (52/132 or 39.4 percent vs. 1294/3412 or 37.9 percent). Fetal oviductal cells had the highest rate of blastocyst formation in this experiment (456/1098 or 41.5 percent). A total of 346 Day 7 blastocysts were transferred to 171 recipients. Pregnancy rate at day 60 was 34.5 percent (59/171), with 25 surrogates carrying 27 calves to term. Because of the small numbers of calves delivered at term, no differences could be detected among donor cell sources for live birth. Of the 27 calves born, eight died during the perinatal period, and another seven died at later stages. Seven of the calves died of causes associated with LOS (hepatic, cardiac, or gastro-intestinal defects, respiratory distress), and eight animals apparently died due to management errors. It is not clear what portion of the perinatal deaths were due to birth defects/respiratory failure or management errors. Birth weights of calves were not reported.

Some authors have suggested that the stage of the cell cycle may also influence cloning outcomes. However, results in different laboratories (Wells et al. 2003; Urakawa et al. 2004; Ideta et al. 2005) using cells in different stages have been mixed. Wells et al. (2003) compared putative G0 cells (cells that apparently were not dividing) to G1 phase (cells that had begun dividing) cells for SCNT. They noted high early pregnancy losses, but no losses after 120 days of gestation, and no reported hydrops in the G0 group. In contrast, G1 phase cells had higher losses to term (21/43 pregnancies lost after 120 days gestation) and higher incidence of hydrops (18/43 (42 percent) of pregnancies), but higher post natal survival than clones from G0 cells. In contrast to the Wells et al. study, Urakawa et al. (2004) reported success using fetal fibroblast donor cells in the G1 phase. However, it should be noted that Urakawa et al. used only G1 phase cells, and did not compare to other stages of development. Two cell lines were used, derived from fetuses with the same dam but two different bulls. Ten blastocysts were transferred into ten recipients, resulting in nine live calves. According to the authors, calving was “uneventful.” Differences were noted between cell lines, in that three calves resulting from one of the lines tended to be heavier at birth than the six calves of the other cell line used (actual birth weights not provided). One of these three heavy-weight calves died after two days without standing. The authors do not report on the health or survival of the remaining eight calves beyond the first six days of life. Ideta et al. (2005) compared development of embryos constructed with G1 or M phase fetal fibroblasts, and noted that G1 SCNT embryos had higher rates of development to blastocyst than M phase cells (31 vs. 16 percent). Only five surrogate cows received embryos in the Ideta et al. study, of which three were diagnosed pregnant on day 30 of gestation, and one live calf was delivered. All of the transferred embryos were developed from G1-phase somatic cells. The single calf died two days after birth. Health of the surrogate dams, method of delivery, and birth weight of the single calf was not reported in this study.

Based on these studies, two of which used only embryos developed from G1 phase cells, at this time it is not possible to determine the influence of the stage of the donor cell cycle on subsequent development of the embryo/fetus.

Embryo and Fetal Development. Early pregnancy failures in bovine clones are thought to be a function of incorrect reprogramming of the donor cell that manifest as lethal developmental defects (see Chapter IV). Some of those developmental defects may manifest as difficulties in placentation. For example, Hill et al. (2000b) noted that placentae from gestation day 40-50 clone embryos were hypoplastic (low cell density), and had poorly developed cotyledons (Hill et al. 2000b). (In ruminants, the cotyledon is the fetal part of the junction between the maternal and fetal sides of the placenta where nutrients and wastes are exchanged.) Additional placental anomalies in first trimester aborted fetal clones may include decreased numbers of placentomes (the junction of maternal and fetal components of the ruminant placenta that serve to transport nutrients into and waste out of the fetal environment), and poor formation of blood vessels in the placenta. In contrast, Lee et al. (2004) noted that although fewer cotyledons were present in SCNT placentae compared to AI and IVF placentae at day 50 of gestation, vascularization was very good, and appeared more developed in SCNT compared to AI or IVF placentae. Edwards et al. (2003) also studied this phenomenon in transgenic and non-transgenic bovine clones and observed that approximately 50 percent of transferred embryo clones established a pregnancy when measured by the presence of a heart beat between gestational days 29-32. This rate was compared favorably to that observed for non-clone IVF embryos. Edwards et al. (2003) noted that 50-100 percent of embryo clones spontaneously aborted between 30–60 days of pregnancy. Dindot et al. (2004) have noted more than 80 percent of hybrid bovine clone pregnancies (Bos gaurus X Bos taurus) were lost between gestational days 30 and 60. Evaluation of the early placental structures at gestational day 40 indicated an absence of cotyledons in each clone pregnancy, while the control (AI) fetuses had between 4 and 25 cotyledons per pregnancy). Pace et al. (2002), in a study that included transgenic clones, noted that the fetal abortion rate prior to gestational day 60 was 67 percent. A comparison of the crown-rump length of calved and aborted clone fetuses with AI-generated fetuses from gestational day 25 to gestational day 70 indicated that prior to abortion fetuses grew at the same rate.

Later pregnancy failures are thought to be a function of developmental defects, including placentation abnormalities. Heyman et al. (2002), for example, compared pregnancy loss between gestation day 90 and calving among clones derived from adult somatic cells, fetal somatic cells, blastomere nuclear transfer (BNT), and in vitro fertilization (IVF) animals. They noted that the somatic cell clones showed a pregnancy loss incidence of approximately 44 percent and 33 percent, while BNT clones were lost in only 4 percent of the pregnancies, and the IVF control group lost no pregnancies.

Abnormal placentation can, however, result in the birth of a viable clone (Hill et al. 2000b). In this case, one of six transgenic fetal clones detected at 40 days of gestation continued to develop to term, and when delivered vaginally weighed 37.7 kg, within the normal weight range for Holstein calves (35 to 45 kg). The calf was considered normal based on physical examination at birth. It suckled normally, and at the time of publication, was two years old and considered to be normal. The placenta was similar in weight for term Holsteins (4.3 kg vs. mean expected weight of 5.6 kg). Its structure, however, was highly abnormal, with only 26 cotyledons present, of which only 12 were judged to have been functional. These were enlarged, and the authors hypothesized that this increased size allowed the normal development of the calf. The authors also note that pregnancies resulting from IVF have also been reported to contain fewer placentomes5 than those of conventional cattle. As discussed in Chapter III, the role of transgenesis in the development of this pregnancy cannot be determined. Batchelder (2005), however, working with non-transgenic clones, also noted fewer and larger placentomes in placentae of eight live-born clones compared to AI and ET comparators.

   5The structures involved in connecting the fetal and maternal tissues consisting of a cotyledon and a caruncle in the cotyledonary placenta. The cotyledons or chorionic villi are of fetal origin and "plug into" the caruncles or receptacles in the maternal uterine wall.

(b) Summary for the Embryonic/Fetal Developmental Node in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 1)
This period manifests the highest degree of risk for the developing clone. The probability of an SCNT-embryo implanting, and the subsequent likelihood of an implanted clone embryo surviving and continuing to develop are low. Various investigators have attempted to understand the role of various components of the donor/recipient/cell culture system that comprises the “cloning unit” to improve efficiency with different sources of nuclear or oöcyte donors or by manipulating the culture conditions. These studies have been met with mixed results. Lack of success can be attributed to failure of the genome to be reprogrammed (Chapter IV), including failure of the embryo to begin dividing and implant in the uterus, and failure of development in the first trimester (likely due to defects in reprogramming that manifest as poor placentation or other defects that do not allow the fetus to develop), or physical damage to the early embryo. Difficulties that may persist in later pregnancy are largely associated with placentation anomalies that may co-develop with Large Offspring Syndrome (LOS) (see Chapter V). Nonetheless, some of these early embryos do divide, implant, develop, and give rise to live animals, as discussed in the subsequent Developmental Nodes.

ii. Perinatal Development in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 2)

In the early studies of the technology, relatively high perinatal losses were reported. Deaths generally resulted from phenomena associated with LOS, including poor development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. (For a more complete description, refer to Chapter V.) In general, animals with LOS tend to have high birth weights (ranging from 20-50 percent greater than breed averages), poorly developed and sometimes edematous (fluid-filled) lungs and other tissues, and heart malformations and malfunctions. These animals may also have kidney and liver anomalies, and may initially exhibit difficulties in maintaining homeostatic functions such as body temperature and glucose metabolism. The latter are discussed in more detail later in this section. As the expertise develops, however, more animals are either born with no apparent defects, or have supportive care perinatally and survive to grow into healthy cattle.

(a) Peer-reviewed Publications

Most of the adverse outcomes that have been reported result in loss of the fetus before birth, although there is another period of loss after delivery, usually within the first few days of life. Reproducible sets of adverse outcomes have been observed, including LOS and gross morphological abnormalities that may result in pregnancy loss either early in gestation or late in gestation. For example, contracture of tendons has been noted in some clones. None of the abnormalities noted in animal clones are unique to animals derived by SCNT; all have been observed in natural reproduction, as well as in ARTs such as AI and IVF (reviewed by Cibelli et al. 2002 and Pace et al. 2002, and in Chapter V).

Despite the initial frequency of publications describing adverse outcomes of SCNT, two classes of successful outcomes actually predominate at birth. The first includes animals that may require assistance with delivery and immediate post-natal support in maintaining oxygenation and body temperature. Among others, Cibelli et al. (2002) noted that adverse effects associated with abnormal placental functions in the birth of a group of transgenic clones can be mitigated by intensive veterinary care immediately following birth. One bull clone described by Hill et al. (2000a) required considerable veterinary support immediately after birth due to respiratory problems (immature lungs and pulmonary hypertension), lack of suckling reflex, apparent Type I diabetes, and other health problems. According to this report, the calf improved rapidly, and the diabetes resolved (the calf was able to maintain normal blood glucose and insulin levels) by two months of age. This animal has fully recovered, and is reported to be a vigorous and healthy bull (PIFB 2003).

The second set of successful outcomes consists of those animals born with relatively little assistance (due to the high cost of developing animal clones, most are delivered via planned C section, and may require more supportive care than animals derived from more conventional breeding techniques), and appear to be normal and healthy (see especially the Cyagra database (Appendix E)). Although many reviews attribute the difference in birth weight to various degrees of LOS, higher birth weights may also be due to the greater care afforded surrogate dams carrying animal clones relative to standard husbandry of conventional animals. Alternatively, birth weight may be related to genetics of the nuclear donor. No data were found on birth weights of nuclear donors, but studies indicate that birth weight is heritable (Knight et al. 2001; Chapter V).

Forsberg et al. (2002) reported the production of 103 cattle clones, of which 47 were produced from non-transgenic cells and 56 from transgenic cells, including a Holstein bull calf generated by recloning an embryo derived from genital ridge cells. Of five pregnancies initiated from that recloning, two aborted prior to gestational day 30, one pregnancy was terminated at gestational day 203 due to hydrops, one set of twins died at birth due to the surrogate dam’s ketosis, and the fifth gave rise to “Gene,” the first cattle clone not produced from an embryonic cell line.  6Little further information on Gene’s birth status, growth, or development is found in the peer-reviewed literature, except that as of the end of 2001, when the Forsberg et al. manuscript was accepted for publication, Gene had matured into “a healthy, fertile bull.” In a separate recloning trial described in this report, fibroblast cell lines derived from another fetal clone were used as donors to generate 28 blastocysts that were then transferred into 14 surrogate dams. Nine pregnancies were initiated. Four of those pregnancies went to term, and five calves (three singletons and one set of twins) were produced.

   6The first publication describing the production of cattle SCNT clones appeared in Science in 1998 (Cibelli et al. 1998).  Gene’s gestation overlapped with Dolly’s and due to species differences in length of pregnancy, Dolly became the first SCNT clone born alive.

Forsberg et al. (2002) also used cells from adult animals as donors for SCNT. Ear cells from a bull (age and breed not specified) were used to generate 32 embryo clones that were transferred into 17 surrogate dams, of which 10 became pregnant. Five pregnancies were lost prior to gestational day 60, and two more were terminated due to hydramnios or hydroallantois (these conditions are also referred to as hydrops). Three live animals were born, but one was euthanized at 11 days of age due to a heart defect. In a separate trial described in the same paper, cumulus cells from an in vivo matured oöcyte from a 17 year old cow were used to initiate 11 pregnancies, from which three calves were born. Although information on the health status of many of these animals is not available, 15 of these animals were bred, gave birth, and their milk studied by Walsh et al. (2003) (See Compositional Analysis Method - Section 3).

In addition, Pace et al. (2002) of the same group reported on the development of 117 cattle clones from the reconstructed embryo stage through to lactation. These animals were born between January 1998 and February of 2000. Some of the cell lines from which these animals were developed were transgenic (Forsberg et al. 2002), and 75 percent of the resulting clones were transgenic. Because this report does not distinguish individual animals by cell source, it is not possible to determine which of the animals are transgenic. Interpretation of adverse outcomes should therefore be considered within the context of the discussion of transgenic animals in Appendix D. Of the 117 clone births, 106 were born alive, and 82 remained alive at the time of publication. Birth weights of the surviving clones ranged from 11-72 kg, with an average birth weight of 51 ?± 14 kg. The distribution of birth weights was skewed in excess of birth weight ranges for conventional Holsteins.

Pace and his colleagues (2002) divided the calf clone deaths into preventable and non-preventable causes (summarized in Table VI-1). Of the 24 animals that did not survive, 12 died between post partum days 1-5, nine died between days 6-122, and three died at more than 123 days of age. Many of the animals appear to have experienced complications resulting from enlarged umbilici, and three of the deaths were directly related to this condition. For subsequent births, this condition was managed by prophylactically tying or clamping off the umbilical arteries. Difficulties with the umbilicus were also observed at levels apparently higher than in conventional animals by Kishi et al. (2000); Gibbons et al. (2002); Cyagra (Appendix E); Edwards et al. (2003); and Batchelder (2005). Nonetheless, 77 percent of the clones reported on by Pace et al. (2002) in this study were alive and apparently healthy at the time of the study publication (2004). 

Table VI-1: Summary of Causes of Death of Calf Clones
(adapted from Pace et al. 2002)
Non- Preventable Deaths

Physiological System Involved



Age at death

Birth Weight

Multiple dysfunctions 3 1-2 11-63 Failure of most systemic functions
Placental 2 1 50-59 Apparent premature separation of placenta
Respiratory 1 3 62 Lung immaturity, mecomium aspiration at birth
Digestive 2 78-122 52-60 Chronic diarrhea (n=1);
Intussusception of small intestine with obstruction (n=1)1
Circulatory 1 42 52 Congenital heart defect
Nervous 1 154 51 Hydrocephalus
Musculoskeletal 1 298 44 Developmental orthopedic disease
Preventable Deaths
Physiological System Involved Calves (n) Age at death (days) Birth Weight
Placental 3 1 53-69 Extensive internal bleeding from enlarged umbilicus
Respiratory 3 1-5 48-66 Developed pneumonia (n=2);
Premature induction of labor 16 days early, immature lungs (n=1)
Digestive 5 5-90 59-72 Clostridial infection (n=1);
Developed abomasal ulcers2 from eating wood chips (n=2);
Bloat (n=2)
Musculoskeletal 1 328 42 Injury, dislocation of patella
Urinary 1 112 59 Pyelonephritis3 probably secondary to umbilical infection
1 Intestinal intussusception is the collapse of one portion of the intestine into another, like a telescope, often resulting in the obstruction of the intestine.
2 The abomasum is the fourth compartment of the stomach of cattle, similar to the human stomach in function.
3 Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney brought on by bacterial infection.

In another example of the successful production of clones, Chavatte-Palmer et al. (2002) reported on clinical, hematological, and endocrine characteristics of 21 apparently normal cattle clones and 16 abnormal SCNT-produced fetuses compared with similar outcomes in animals derived by AI (and summarized in Table VI-2). Initial measurements such as pregnancy outcome (e.g., abnormal development, stillbirth, live birth) and birth weight were also compared with IVF-derived animals. (Data were presented as summaries, and individual animal data were not presented.) Detailed discussion of the health outcomes of these clones are in the section describing the next developmental node (Juvenile – Developmental Node 3), as they extend from the perinatal period to approximately 50 days after birth.

In a follow-up study by this same group, including animals from the 2002 study (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2004), the authors noted a 76 percent survival rate (44/58) among clones following the first week after birth. Causes of death during the neonatal period included hyperthermia, umbilical hernia, respiratory problems, ascites (abnormal fluid accumulation) in the chest and abdomen, fatty liver, limb deformities, various digestive tract problems, and abnormal or degenerating kidneys.

Reports from research groups noting no differences between clones and naturally bred animals provide very few details about the health status of the clones. For example, Kubota et al. 2000 reported that although 30 blood measurements were taken on four clone calves, and that they observed no differences between the clones and their age-matched peers, neither the nature nor the numerical values of the measurements were provided.

Table VI-2: Summary of Outcomes Measured in SCNT Clones and AI Controls
(adapted from Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2002)
Outcome AI Controls SCNT Comment
Pregnancy Outcome: Stillborns or Abnormal
NR 11/12 exhibit “pathological gestation;”
1 animal sacrificed for control.

5 term stillborn (gd* 274.4 ?±?2.6).

Abdominal ascites and edema.

7 fetal membranes show large edematous cotyledons, and lower mean number of placentomes.

Mean and median weight of placentomes higher than for normal pregnancies and controls.

Kidney defects:
Fetus: 1 enlarged
Stillborn: both autolyzed.
1 apparently normal fetus had “seemingly small kidneys.”
1 large fatty liver in fetus; seemingly large amount of fat surrounding abdominal organs in “several” fetuses (number not specified). No other gross morphologic abnormalities in other organs.

Live Births


not specified

not specified

n=21; 7 fetal origin; 13 adult origin
20 (18 at term, 2 were 1 week before term).


Clones delivered via C-section when natural calving had not occurred by gd 282. All calves survived to at least 2 mo of age.
Body Weight
43.7?± 2.7
55.1?±?2.7; n= 26
Difference between Clone and AI and IVP statistically significant at P<0.01.
No significant difference between AI and IVF.
Body Temperature (BT) at birth Lower than SCNT (approximately 38 to 39.5ºC) Mean rectal BT higher in SCNT than controls in 1st week, and until 50 days.

Data provided for only 1st week.

Peak temperature spike approximately 41o C.

No accompanying clinical signs.

Comparison between n=10 NT and n=10 combined AI (8) and IVF (2).

Not sensitive to NSAID; regulated by using wet towels and ventilation.

Hematologic Parameters
Mean cell

Mean cell volume (43.59± 0.60 fl).

Neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio at birth 3.14 ± 1.1; higher than SCNT.

n=21 live clones.

Mean cell volume (50.07 ± 1.29 fl) higher than AI.

Neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio at birth 6.28 ± 0.9; higher than AI.

1 animal with lymphoid aplasia (Renard et al. 1999), sudden decrease in lymphocyte and RBC counts.

No measurements reported after birth.
Clinical Chemistry
NR All values within normal limits; individual data not provided. No measurements reported after birth.
Thyroxine (T4) n=4 n=7; Lower than AI controls for days 1-15. Approximate kinetics the same as AI (rapid decrease from birth to d 4, then constant low level (~15-25 pmol/l) to day 15. Measured for 2 months to determine whether associated with hyperthermia.




n=5; No diff. from SCNT.

Lower than SCNT at birth and d 15.

No difference from SCNT

n=7; no difference from AI.

Higher than AI at birth and day 15.


No difference from AI.

Measured from day of birth until age 80 days.
Leptin n=5; Lower than SCNT animals, and less inter-animal variability. n=6; higher in clones than controls during first week after birth. More inter-animal variability and changes in absolute response in SCNT animals.
Levels revert to normal in amount and amplitude after one week.
Measured from day of birth until age 28 days.
Growth Hormone n=6;
no difference from SCNT
no difference
Same as leptin assay.
Insulin & Post-Prandial Glucose Response n=6;
No significant difference in either response between AI and clones 1 to 8 days old.
Some clones presented with hypoglycemia and hypothermia during first 24 h post partum.

No significant difference in either response between clones and AI after the first 24 hours.

Cortisol (ACTH Induction) n=2; C-sect,
n=6; natural
n=11; C-section.
n=1; natural birth.
Increase in plasma cortisol in response to
  birth. Basal levels in C-section births lower than natural birth. No significant differences between clones and controls.

Basal levels in C-section births lower than natural birth.

ACTH stimulation reflects appropriate adrenal maturation and function.

Lower basal cortisol values probably due to C-section and not NT or IVF.

AI = artificial insemination
NR = Not reported
gd = gestational day
NSAID = Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Matsuzaki and Shiga (2002) evaluated the potential link between endocrine status and perinatal difficulties in Japanese Black clone calves delivered via C-section (selected by the investigators on the basis of a comparison of fetal size and maternal pelvic diameter, or rapidly expanding hydroallantois) relative to clones delivered vaginally, or Japanese Black calves produced via AI, and IVF calves born via spontaneous vaginal delivery. Birth weight, plasma cortisol levels, Adreno Cortico Tropic Hormone (ACTH), and components of the insulin-like growth factor signal transduction pathway (IGF) were evaluated. Average birth weights of clones delivered by C-section were heavier than AI controls; average birth weights of vaginally delivered clones and IVF animals were intermediate compared with C-section clones and AI control animals. Clones delivered by C-section had lower cortisol and IGF-I levels than AI and in vitro produced controls, similar ACTH levels, and had more IGF binding protein-2 (IGFBP2) relative to controls. The authors concluded that in C-section delivered clones the expected prepartum rise in plasma cortisol did not occur, and that these animals failed to initiate the switch to extra-uterine IGF-I system during late gestation. Four of five C-section delivered clones died within the first week following birth; one of the eight vaginally delivered clones died in that same time period of unspecified causes.

In their first study, Kato et al. (1998) reported that eight of 10 blastocysts derived by SCNT from a Japanese Black beef cow completed gestation and were born. Seven were delivered vaginally, while one was delivered by emergency C-section due to dystocia. Two of the calves were born prematurely. Four of the eight calves died. No abnormalities were noted, and the authors attributed the deaths to “environmental factors” as described in Table VI-3.


Table VI-3: Summary of Clone Outcomes

(source Kato et al. 1998)

Gestation Length


Vaginal (V)/ Cesarean (C)


Birth Weight (kg)2


Status at Publication

Cause of Death














Dead (day 3)

Pneumonia apostematosa from heatstroke




Dead (day 0)

Inhalation of amniotic fluid




Dead (day 0)

Inhalation of amniotic fluid














Dead (day 0)

Dystocia and delayed delivery

1 Average gestation length for Japanese Black cattle: 286.6 ± 0.9 days

2 Average weight of Japanese Black calf at birth: 27.0 ± 0.8 kg

3 NA = not applicable

In a second publication, Kato et al. (2000) reported the production of 13 surviving clones of 24 deliveries of Japanese Black and Holstein donor cells. Pregnancy duration was approximately equivalent to that of the donor cell breed, except that “a few” recipient cows had shorter gestations. Calves were either born vaginally or delivered via C-section; no criteria were given for the decision to perform C-section. Seven animals were either stillborn or died at delivery. Two clones died during C-section due to dystocia, but presented no gross abnormalities. One clone born appeared normal at birth but died 19 days later from septicemia. Six dead clones had significant morphological abnormalities of the kidney or outer extremities, including severe tendon contracture. One clone was born disemboweled, and another had a “warped” face. All of these abnormal births were attributed to infection with Akabane virus, a known teratogen (birth defect inducer), as antibodies to the virus were detected in the serum of afflicted animals. Mean body weights of clones were higher than those of controls,7 with nine clones exceeding the mean body weight of controls by >40 percent. Interestingly, Kato et al. report on the unusual appearance of some male clones derived from a bull that was 10 years of age when cells were taken for donors in the SCNT process. At birth, the bull calves were reported to exhibit “an adult appearance, displayed as many wrinkles in the skin, thick bone structure and rough hairs resembling those of adult males.” They speculate that these might result from mutations in the donor cells that increase with age or to telomere length.

7 Mean body weights of Holstein calves at term were 40 kg for females and 47 kg for males; for Japanese Black cattle, mean female calf birth weight at term was provided as 27 kg, and male at 38 kg.

In the Kubota et al. (2000) study of clones from the 17 year old Japanese Black bull described in the Cell Fusion/Fetal Developmental Node (Developmental Node 1), two calves died shortly after birth, one of which was diagnosed as having Akabane Virus. The other died due to complications following a difficult delivery (dystocia). Four others survived, and were reported to be healthy and normal. The average gestation periods for the clone pregnancies was 294 days (range of 291-299 days), which was nine days longer than the breed average of 285 days. Average birth weight of the clones was 36 kg (range of 30.7 to 42.5 kg), approximately 20 percent heavier than the breed average of 30 kg.     

Kishi et al. (2000) used fibroblast cells from ear punches of Holstein or Japanese Black cattle, and somatic cells isolated from the colostrum of mammary gland epithelial (MGE) cells from Holstein cows as SCNT donors. Of the 45 embryos implanted into 31 recipients, three pregnancies were confirmed on gestation day 60, and two calves were born from colostrum derived MGE cells. One clone was delivered at 279 days of pregnancy by C-section and weighed 44 kg; the other was vaginally delivered after induction of parturition at 280 days of gestation and weighed 45 kg. For the fibroblast-derived clones, 43 embryos were implanted into 37 recipients. Five pregnancies were confirmed on gestational day 60, and 2 calves were born (one Holstein and one Japanese Black). The clone derived from the Japanese Black fibroblast died six hours after birth due to internal hemorrhage of the umbilical artery. Two of the Holstein clones (the origin of the cells is unclear) received blood transfusions due to anemia at some unspecified time after birth. The three remaining Holsteins (presumably including the post-transfusion clones) were reported as “normal and healthy.”

A series of papers (Taneja et al. (2000); Tian et al. (2000); Xu and Yang (2001); Enright et al. (2002); Govoni et al. (2002); Xue et al. (2002); Savage et al. (2003)) has been published on a group of female Holsteins cloned from a 13 year old cow by the laboratory of X. Yang at the University of Connecticut. Most of these studies report on the birth and later development of these calves, and are discussed in the sections appropriate to those developmental nodes.

In a meeting abstract, Taneja et al. (2000) described the premature delivery of 10 Holstein clones and the supportive care that they required. Normal gestation length for a Holstein averages 282 days (range 280 to 285 days). All the calves born in this study were premature (average gestation length 266.6 ± 2.0 days), regardless of whether labor was induced or occurred naturally. Three cows initiated labor spontaneously at 263.0 ± 3.8 days gestation. Twin calves born to one surrogate dam were stillborn, with one requiring manual delivery. One of the calves in the spontaneous labor group was delivered by C-section, showing signs of stress and hypothermia (body temperature <100ºF). This calf was hospitalized after 36 hours, when it began running a fever. A chest x-ray revealed immature lung development, and blood gas measurements indicated low blood oxygen concentration. The calf also underwent surgery for an umbilical abscess and for patent urachus (the canal connecting the bladder with the umbilicus) on day 6, after which it recovered and survived. The last calf born in the spontaneous labor group was delivered vaginally with some assistance, was diagnosed with immature lung development and low blood oxygen concentration; it died within 12 hours of birth. Necropsy of this calf indicated bacterial infection and septicemia, as well as immature lung development. The remaining five surrogate dams were treated with dexamethasone 17 hours prior to planned C-sections. Four single calves and a pair of twins were born in the induced labor group. Two calves were delivered vaginally without assistance at 8 and 15 hours post induction treatment. The first calf (born after eight hours) was healthy and did not require supportive care. The second calf (born after 15 hours) died three hours after birth; necropsy revealed that it had died of hypoxia and immature lungs. A set of twin calves and another single calf were delivered by C-section. One of the twin calves and the singleton survived, while the other twin and another single calf died soon after birth. Necropsy revealed that they had inhaled mecomium (the first intestinal discharge that normally occurs after birth that can appear in the amniotic fluid if the fetus is distressed) and the lungs failed to inflate completely. All but one of the surviving calves required supportive care ranging from supplemental oxygen to surgery. The four surviving clones were the subject of additional studies by this lab, including Enright et al. (2002) and Govoni et al. (2002). In the study by Xue et al. (2002) comparing the relative effectiveness of different cell types as donors for SCNT, four of the six calves from the ovarian cumulus group survived the perinatal period; all four of the calves born from donor skin fibroblast cells died. All deaths occurred within 24 hours of birth due to respiratory distress.

Batchelder (2005) reported on the birth of eight clones (three Hereford and five Holstein) and nine comparators produced by AI (n=3) or ET (n=6). She noted an interaction between cloning and cattle breed, such that Hereford clones were heavier (range 50.0 to 71.0 kg; n=3) than their breed-matched ET comparators (range 31.5 to 48.0 kg; n=3), while Holstein clones had similar birth weights to their breed-matched ET comparators (37.1 vs. 39.4 kg). Neonatal clones had lower RBC and hematocrit at birth and for the first hour, but were similar to comparators thereafter. Clones also exhibited lower blood glucose and lactate levels than comparators during the first 24 hours, but were similar to comparators by 48 hours. No differences were noted between clones and comparators for WBC and differential patterns. Although Batchelder noted several clinical signs often associated with LOS in both Holstein and Hereford clones (delayed time to suckle and stand, hypoglycemia, forelimb flexor tendon contracture, enlarged umbilicus, patent urachus, and respiratory distress), many of the same signs were noted in the AI-derived comparator group in this study (see Chapter V for more details). In this study all clones survived the first 48 hours after birth, but two clones were lost between 72 hours and six days of age. All comparator calves survived.

Wells et al. (2004) reported that a total of 133 clone calves were delivered as a result of 988 embryo transfers of somatic cell nuclear transfers (SCNT) using adult and fetal donor cells. Embryonic cloning resulted in 27 delivered clone cattle from 210 embryos derived from embryonic blastomeres (ENT). Both techniques were reported to result in a live birth success rate of 13 percent. Approximately two thirds of these calves survived to weaning (3 months of age).

Yonai et al. (2005) reported on the growth, reproduction, and lactation of clones whose nuclear donors were a high milk performance 13 year old Holstein and a six year old Jersey that had previously been used for embryo transfer. These animals had previously been characterized as having shortened telomeres, but are otherwise indistinguishable from cattle of presumably normal telomere length (Miyashita et al. 2002). (Discussions of growth and reproductive and lactational performance of these clones are found in Developmental Nodes 3, 4, and Compositional Analysis, respectively). Table VI-4 summarizes the success rates for the two breeds of dairy clones. All embryos, regardless of the breed of the donor cows, were implanted into multiparous Holstein surrogate dams. One of the recipients of Holstein embryos had twin calves. The overall success rates, as measured by surviving calves as a function of embryos implanted were approximately 5 and 10 percent for the Holsteins and Jerseys, respectively.

The authors state that although there is an approximately two-fold difference in the production rates between breeds, this difference is not statistically significant due to the low numbers in the study. The abortion rate in the surrogate dams carrying Holstein clones was approximately two times higher than the Jersey group (68.4 percent v 31.8 percent). No dystocia was noted in surrogates carrying Jersey clones; incidence of dystocia in the surrogates carrying Holsteins was not reported. The authors attribute the differences in outcomes to the smaller size of the Jersey fetuses relative to the Holstein fetuses. Gestational periods and birth weights were reported as being within normal ranges for dairy cows of these breeds. Although there was more variability in birth weights of the Holstein clones than the Jerseys, no symptoms of LOS were noted in these two clone cohorts. The authors note that although cell culture conditions have been implicated as a potential source of large calves, the two cell lines used for nuclear transfer were cultured under identical conditions, implying that differences between the cell lines (i.e., heredity) was likely responsible.


Table VI-4: Success Rates for Implantation Through Delivery for Holstein and Jersey Clones

(source Yonai et al. 2005)


Jersey Embryos

Holstein Embryos




Embryos Transferred



Pregnancy Detected at 40 - 60 days

7 (31.8%)

18 (28.6%)

Failure to Reach Term

1 (14.3%)

11 (61.1%)

Calves Delivered

6/22 (27.3%)

8/63 (11.1%)

Surviving Calves from Transferred Embryos

4/37 (10.8%)

6/124 (4.8%)

Production Rate from Recipients

4/22 (18.2%)

6/63 (9.5%)

Average Birth Weights ± SD kg (ranges)

29.4 ± 1.5 (27.5-31.0)

36.2 ± 7.7 (27.0-47.0)

In summary, the survival rate of clones appears to be in the range of 5-18 percent, depending on how it is calculated. Many of the perinatal clones die of complications or sequellae of LOS. Newborn cattle clones may be more physiologically fragile than their comparators, and differences between clones and comparators include body weight, body temperature, alterations in the amounts of circulating IGF-II, leptin, growth hormone, T4, and differences in mean erythrocyte volume either on the day of birth or shortly thereafter. None of the differences between clones and AI- or IVF-derived controls persisted through the longest observation period (up to three months) (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2002; 2004), and most resolved within a week or two of birth (Hill et al. 1999 (for transgenic clones); Enright et al. (2002); Govoni et al. (2002); and Tian et al. (2001)) (See subsequent discussions in the sections on the appropriate developmental nodes).

(b)           Cyagra Dataset: Perinatal Cohort8

Of the 134 clones in the Cyagra dataset that were born or delivered, 103 animals (or 77 percent) were alive three days after birth. The remaining 31 were stillborn, died, or were euthanized within three days of birth. Details on health and survival of conventional, age-matched comparators (comparators) are not available. At the time that data were collected on these animals (late March 2003), 67 were alive (64 percent of those surviving to 48 hours, or 50 percent of those born or delivered). Eight animals died between 4 and 149 days of birth. The problems noted at the time of birth and the causes of death for those clones not surviving are summarized in Table E-2 of Appendix E: The Cyagra Dataset. Some animals required supportive care immediately after birth (e.g., glucose, warming, or supplemental oxygen), and many (n=26) received umbilical surgery after birth.

Blood was drawn for clinical chemistry and hematology for 10 clones within a few hours (or in some cases, minutes) of birth. The actual measurements provided by the Cornell Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory are found in Appendix E, Tables E-100a (clinical chemistry), and E100b (hematology). Charts E-100, E-101, E-102, E-110, E-111, and E-112 compare these values with the comparator population reared on the same farms and the Cornell Reference Values and are also found in Appendix E, along with all of the data from which they were generated.

Ninety percent of the total clinical chemistry values of the clones were within the range of values exhibited by the comparators, and 90 percent of the hematology values were within the comparator range. Twenty-seven of the 33 analytes (substances that were measured, such as sodium, cholesterol, or liver enzyme activity) had either no differences or one difference relative to the comparators (Chart E-101). The remaining six analytes tended to be more variable between clones and comparators. Liver values (AST, GGT, cholesterol, bile acids (hBA)) were lower in several clones, for reasons likely related to the placental/umbilical abnormalities, or transitions from fetal to adult circulation. GGT levels were also low relative to the comparators, probably related to blood sampling prior to colostrum intake, whereas comparators were administered colostrum prior to blood draw. None of the out-of-range values of these analytes poses any particular concern for food safety, as they are relatively close to the comparator range.

Blood cell parameters in the neonatal clones were also very similar to those of the comparators. Fifteen of the 17 analytes had either no differences or just one difference between the two groups (Chart E-111). With the exception of one clone that was infected with rotavirus and subsequently died, all red blood cell parameters were within the range of the comparator group. Three clones had white blood cell counts that were lower than the comparator range. One clone was infected with rotavirus but survived, indicating that at least in that animal, the immune system was functioning appropriately. There did not appear to be an increased incidence of infection in these animals, except where infection was associated with umbilical difficulties, also indicating that the immune systems were functioning appropriately.

   8Data from Cyagra and the Center’s detailed analyses of the data are found in Appendix E: Cyagra Dataset.  Summaries of the analyses are presented in the narrative of the Risk Assessment. Readers wishing to have the best understanding of the Cyagra Dataset are urged to read the entire Appendix prior to continuing with the summaries.

(c)           Unpublished data

In response to requests by CVM, various groups involved in cloning submitted unpublished data. One such group, a commercial cloning company, submitted body temperature, pulse and respiration rates on 19 cattle clones (breed(s) and gender not identified) during the first 72 hours of life. These data has been discussed in greater detail in Chapter V. Body temperatures were elevated during the observation period (mean 103°F at birth; 102.7°F at 72 hours); heart rates appeared to increase (95.2 beats/min at birth; 138.6 beats/min at 72 hours); while respiration rates remained fairly constant (53.9 breaths/min at birth; 53.1 breaths/min at 72 hours). It is often difficult to evaluate data on heart rate and respiration in livestock, since the stress of handling tends to increase these rates. Body temperature in neonatal clones appears to be quite variable, with some studies reporting hyperthermia (Chavatte-Palmer et al 2002; Batchelder 2005) which may persist through the first 50 to 60 days of life and then appears to normalize.

Another cloning firm presented birth records on two Holstein heifer clones delivered by C-section. The calves weighed 45 and 47.7 kg at time of delivery, within the normal range for Holstein cattle; body temperatures were 100 and 102.6°F at birth, slightly below and above normal (101.5°F) for cattle. These two calves were otherwise normal, according to the veterinarian’s notes and limited blood chemistry (See Chapter V for details).

(d)           Summary for Perinatal Developmental Node in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 2)

The combined information from the peer-reviewed literature and the Cyagra dataset indicates that newborn clones tend to be more fragile than their comparators, with a higher incidence of perinatal death. Abnormalities noted among both dead and surviving clones include respiratory distress, organ malformations, flexor tendon contracture, and umbilical difficulties. None of the adverse outcomes observed are qualitatively different from adverse outcomes that have been observed in natural breeding or other assisted reproductive technologies. Some animals succumbed to infection, but there does not appear to be a decrease in immune function in the population of clones at the perinatal stage. Despite the perinatal deaths and noted anomalies, most clones that survive parturition, either with or without assistance, appear to stabilize.

“Sentinel” markers were sought that might predict a successful outcome for perinatal clone calves. Based on the literature and the Cyagra data, it does not appear that any one analyte or analyte profile is predictive of whether a particular animal, or indeed, the entire cohort of animals will develop into normal, fully functioning, healthy animals. The laboratory data are consistent with the hypothesis that animals that look and behave normally are normal with respect to laboratory values, implying that consideration of the complete dataset on an individual animal is the best predictor of the health of that animal. Further, the seven surviving Cyagra clones that were sampled twice (# 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 119, and 132) provide the baseline data for a small subcohort of animals for which there are laboratory measurements at two different time points, as described more fully in the following section.

iii.               Juvenile Development in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 3)

Most of the information on this developmental node has been extracted from publications that primarily address the perinatal period.

(a)           Peer-reviewed Publications

For purposes of following the cohorts of animals, these reviews have been grouped by institution.

The Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Studies: Renard et al. 1999 and Chavatte-Palmer 2002

Renard et al. (1999) reported one case of lymphoid hypoplasia in a clone generated from cells in an ear biopsy of an animal that had herself been the product of blastomere (or embryo) nuclear transfer (BNT). An echocardiogram performed on the animal immediately after birth revealed an enlarged right ventricle of the heart. The animal was treated with an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and given diuretics for one month, at which time the condition was reported to be resolved. Blood samples taken every two days after birth revealed relatively high reticulocyte counts and immature blood cells in the blood during the first three weeks of life. Lymphocyte (white blood cell) counts were also reported as normal for about a month after birth, but counts fell rapidly after that time. Hemoglobin levels in the animal also decreased at about day 40. On day 51, the animal died from severe anemia. Histological examination of the calf revealed hypoplasia (lack of development) of the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes or global lymphoid aplasia (absence of lymphoid cells in all organs in which they would likely be found) that likely began at birth. No evidence for the endogenous synthesis of immunoglobulin G was detected. Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus, which has been known to induce thymic atrophy, was ruled out. SCNT was implicated as the cause of the lymphoid aplasia, possibly due to the selection of a cell with a mutation responsible for the expression of the portion of the genome governing lymphoid development, or lack of appropriate reprogramming of the somatic cell nucleus. In a follow-up study by this group (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2004) an additional four clones were diagnosed with thymic aplasia. Histological examination of the thymus glands of these calves indicated abnormal tissue organization, suggesting the aplasia was the result of epigenetic errors. It is not clear from the late report whether these four clones were also the result of serial cloning. To our knowledge, this is the only laboratory reporting thymic aplasia in clones. Three other calves in this cohort died suddenly with few or no clinical signs: two died of diarrhea, and one died without any apparent cause.

In a separate report of the larger cohort of clones produced by the same laboratory (see Perinatal Developmental Node), Chavatte-Palmer (2002) monitored the growth and development of 21 clones. For the first week after birth, the mean rectal body temperature was higher in clones than AI controls, and some temperature spikes (up to 41º C; normal temperature is considered to be approximately 38.5 ºC in dairy cows) were observed. Elevated temperatures in the clones persisted for 24-36 hours, and were not sensitive to pharmacological intervention. Animals were cooled by wrapping in wet towels and providing ventilation, although they did not appear to be distressed during the temperature spikes. No bacterial infection was detected, and no changes in hematology or clinical chemistry were observed. The authors state that the mean temperature remained elevated for 50 days, although data are only provided for the first week. Thyroxine (T4) levels were tested to determine if they could help explain the temperature difference between clones and controls. Plasma thyroxine levels were lower in clones than controls during the first two weeks of life, and then reverted to normal levels. Chavatte-Palmer et al. (2002) noted that lower plasma T4 levels coupled with elevated body temperatures in young calves was consistent with the findings of Carstens et al. (1997). (See discussion in Chapter V on metabolism and body temperature.)

In the Chavatte-Palmer et al. (2002) study, the higher body temperatures of clone calves were independent of T4 levels, suggesting that the hyperthermia experienced by the clones may have resulted from increased brown adipose tissue (BAT) metabolism (see discussion in Chapter V). Chavatte-Palmer et al. did not measure norepinephrine, but did measure cortisol, another hormone that may be stress-induced. They observed that cortisol levels were decreased in both clone and non-clone calves born by C-section relative to calves born vaginally. By seven days of age, all of the calves exhibited similar cortisol levels following an ACTH challenge (AdrenoCorticoTropic Hormone induces the production of cortisol). In the Carstens et al (1997) study, the response to norepinephrine infusion tended to be breed specific: Bos indicus (breeds originating in the tropics and subtropics) calves tended to produce more basal and norepinephrine-induced cortisol than calves with more Bos taurus breeding (originating from cooler climates). All of Chavatte-Palmer’s calves were Holstein, or of Bos taurus origin. Therefore, without knowing what the norepinephrine levels were in the Chavatte-Palmer calves, it cannot be determined if the hyperthermia observed in clone calves was related to stimulation of BAT by norepinephrine, though it is plausible.

Blood parameters evaluated by Chavatte-Palmer et al. (2002) included red blood cell count (RBC), hematocrit (HC), hemoglobin (Hb), and counts of white blood cells (WBC), including differentials (counts of the distributions of populations within the overall category of white cells). Mean cell volume was higher in clones than AI controls, and the neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio was higher in clones at birth than in AI controls. As previously mentioned, one clone presented with lymphoid aplasia (Renard et al. 1999), with decreased lymphocyte and RBC counts. All other blood parameters in clones were reported as not statistically different from AI controls. Clinical chemistry values were reported as within normal limits. With the exception of the aplastic clone in Renard et al. (1999), no clinically relevant findings accompanied these measurements over the time period of the study. (For a discussion of the nature and relevance of these tests, refer to Appendix F).

In addition to thyroxine, endocrine measures that were evaluated included IGF-I, IGF-II, IGF binding protein, leptin, and growth hormone. No differences in levels of growth hormone, IGF-I, or IGF binding protein were observed between clones and AI controls, although levels of IGF-II were relatively high at birth but then rapidly decreased within 15 days. Leptin levels were higher in clones than controls during the first week of life, but reverted to normal after that. Both insulin and post-prandial glucose response were measured in clones and AI controls, with no differences between the two groups (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2002).

Thus, even for physiological measures in which differences were detected between clones and controls, most resolved soon after birth in apparently healthy animals. Of those measured, even the most persistent, abnormal body temperature, resolved after 50 days. The study authors caution that, based on their data, apparently healthy clones should not be considered “physiologically normal animals until at least 50 days of age.”

The 2004 follow-up study by Chavatte-Palmer et al. noted that clones (n=25) had slightly lower hemoglobin levels than AI comparators (n=19), although the hemoglobin levels of the clones were still considered within the normal range. The lower levels persisted for the first 65 days after birth before reaching the same levels as the AI comparators. This finding reinforced the group’s opinion that clones could not be considered physiologically normal for the first two months of life.

The University of Connecticut Studies: Govoni et al. 2002; Enright et al. 2002; and Savage et al. 2003.

Govoni et al. (2002) investigated the degree to which the somatotropic axis9 in Holstein clones developed normally compared to AI-produced age-, gender- and breed-matched controls. All calves were prepubertal at the beginning of the study. Differences were noted over time between clones and controls in growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) levels. Over the course of the six month study, GH levels declined in controls, but began to increase beginning at about nine months of age in the clones. Although IGF-I increased in both groups over time, clones continued to have lower IGF-I concentrations compared to age matched controls. In a review of this issue, Le Roith (2001) indicates that GH is a major modulator of systemic concentrations of IGF-I. Growth hormone, produced in the hypothalamus, binds to liver cells and stimulates production of IGF-I. Somatostatin, which is stimulated by high levels of IGF-I, suppresses GH synthesis, which in turn causes a reduction in IGF-I synthesis in the liver. Clones in this study were more responsive to certain factors promoting GH release, but showed a similar response to controls when exposed to inhibiting factors. Response to Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) was five times higher in clones compared to controls, and returned to basal levels 40-50 minutes post stimulation. Somatotropin Release Inhibiting Factor (SRIF) was successful in inhibiting response to GHRH in both clones and controls. IGF Binding Protein 2 (IGFBP2) levels were not different between growing clones and controls in the relatively older animals of this study. Levels of IGFBP3, another IGF-I binding protein, however, were lower in clones compared to controls. Although the reasons for this are not entirely clear, this may be due to the lower IGF-I levels in these animals, which may down-regulate this binding protein.

9The somatotropic axis governs the growth and development of the body.

Although lower circulating IGF-I levels may be partially responsible for the later onset at puberty observed in this group of clones (Enright et al. 2002) (as IGF-I is involved in development of ovarian follicles and uterine growth (Le Roith et al. 2001)), the concentration of IGF-I required for normal sexual development is not known. Despite the reported differences in these protein levels, the clones appeared otherwise healthy and grew normally. Appendix F: Comprehensive Veterinary Examination discusses the relative weight that individual clinical chemistry values should have in the overall evaluation of the health of cattle. Interpretation of these results should occur within the context of that discussion.

Savage et al. (2003) evaluated the behavior of the clones and age-matched controls described in the Govoni et al. (2002) study. Between 32 and 36 weeks of age, there were no differences in weight or height between the clones (205.5 ± 9.9 kg; 117.0 ± 1.8 cm) and controls (211.4 ± 7.4 kg; 119.5 ± 1.4 cm). All calves were raised together under the same management conditions. Based on a series of studies evaluating approach to other animals and novel objects, clones exhibited age-appropriate behaviors, but were reported to be more aggressive and inquisitive than controls, and spent more time grooming and socializing. Clones tended to spend less time in playful behavior than controls. Review of records on the cow that served as the donor for the clones indicated that she had displayed similarly aggressive and inquisitive behavior as a young animal, suggesting that at least some of these behavioral traits may be genetically controlled. Clones spent more time in proximity to adult animals in an adjacent pen (which also housed the nuclear donor), and in proximity to the feed bunk compared to control animals. In general, clones were reported to spend more time with each other rather than socializing with control animals, with the authors speculating as to whether clones exhibit some form of genetic kinship recognition. Nonetheless, the overall conclusion of this study was that the clones behaved normally.

Other Studies

Wells et al. (2004) and Wells (2005) followed the growth and maturity of cattle clones generated at their facility in New Zealand through approximately four years of age. Approximately 80 percent of the clones delivered alive at term survived the first 24 hours of live. They reported that two-thirds of the 20 percent that died was due to spinal fractures syndrome or to deaths from dystocia, associated with LOS (Wells 2005). Another 15 clones died in the time period before weaning, most commonly of musculoskeletal abnormalities, including tendon contracture and chronic lameness, and umbilical infections, attributable to complications of LOS. They also reported two clones dying as the result of bloat, and an unspecified number of clones dying due to endophyte toxicity after eating fungus-infected ryegrass. Bloat and other gastrointestinal disorders have been reported by others (Cyagra 2003; Batchelder 2005), but also may result from feeding or grazing management problems. Wells et al. use the phrase “clonal family” to refer to clones derived from a particular donor, and note that the bloat and susceptibility to endophyte toxicity was restricted to one clone family, and likely due to their genetics. Another clone family consisting of three clones (and five half-siblings produced by AI) survived with no health anomalies and at the time of reporting was 18 months old. Other health problems observed during the juvenile period included anemia, chronic heart failure, and degenerative nephrosis, problems that have also been noted by other researchers (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2004). Additional deaths were categorized as being due to misadventure and accidental deaths due to clostridial disease, parasitism, and over feeding. Surviving animals from this group were characterized with respect to general health and physiological measurements; these are found in the discussion of Developmental Node 5 (Post-Pubertal Maturation).

Similar to Chavatte-Palmer et al. (2002), Batchelder (2005) also noted periodic moderate to severe hyperthermia in Holstein and Hereford clones up to 60 days of age. As with the Chavatte-Palmer clones, the Batchelder clones also showed no indication of infection, were unresponsive to anti-inflammatory drugs, and their behavior was unchanged; the hyperthermia also resolved spontaneously.

In their study of Japanese Black beef cattle clones described in the section on the Perinatal Developmental Node, Kato et al. (1998) reported that all of the clones that survived the perinatal period were alive and healthy at 85 and 120 days of age. In the subsequent study (Kato et al. 2000) of 13 clones that survived the perinatal period, 12 clones were alive and healthy at 117-350 days, and one clone died at three months “for no clear reason.”

Kubota et al. (2000), in their study of four surviving clones of a 17 year old Japanese Black bull, reported that the clones were 10-12 months of age at the time of publication. Based on veterinary examinations, growth curves, and 30 blood parameters no differences were found between the clones and their age-matched peers. No data were provided in the publication. Other groups have also reported normal growth rates for cattle clones (Wells et al. 2004; Heyman et al. 2004).

Yonai et al. (2005) (previously mentioned in the Perinatal Developmental Node) studied the growth of Holstein (n= 6) and Jersey (n=4) clones with shortened telomeres. Clones were given at least two liters of warmed colostrum immediately after birth, fed colostrum twice a day for the first five days of life, and monitored for physiological functions until they stabilized. Clones were fed according to the guidelines presented by the US National Research Council Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (1989). From Day 5 through Day 45, calves were given milk replacer twice daily, and offered calf starter pellets, hay and water during this time. After Day 45, all calves (clones and comparators) were weaned from milk replacer, and their feed gradually changed from calf starter pellet to formula feed over a two week period. Calves were fed 2-3 kg/day of formula feed, hay and water from Day 60 until one year of age. For the first 45 days after birth, the clones were reared in individual calf huts, after which they were reared together with other calves produced by AI or embryo transfer. Calves were held in a large pen in mixed groups of clones and age-matched comparators during the weaning period. After weaning, groups of 10-20 animals were moved into pens, and after one year of age, all animals were moved to a free-stall barn for heifers. Table VI-5 summarizes the average daily body weight gain of the clones from birth to two years of age. Body weights were collected monthly from birth to one year of age, and every three months between 15 and 24 months.


Table VI-5: Average Daily Gain (kg/day) for Holstein and Jersey Clones

(source Yonai et al. 2005)

months of age











Jersey Clones (n=4)






















Holstein Clones (n = 6)






















SD = Standard Deviation

The authors report that the average daily gain for the clones was greater than that of the standard of each breed. For the Holstein clones, the average bodyweights conformed to the standard during the first three months of age, but exceeded the standard after five months, while the Jersey clones exceeded the body weight of the Japanese Feeding Standard for Dairy Cows throughout the measured time period. The Holstein clones’ body weights were approximately equivalent to that of the donor animal until 18 months of age, but exceeded it thereafter. The Jersey clones exceeded the body weights of the donor from birth to two years of age. The animals were reported as healthy with normal growth throughout this time period. No deaths were reported after the perinatal period.

There are other reports of clones that appear to be healthy at birth but unexpectedly die some time later. Gibbons et al. (2002), for example, reported a clone dying at 60 days of age due to respiratory and digestive problems. As mentioned above, Kato et al. (2000) also reported the death of a clone at 3 months. Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2004; Wells et al. 2004; Batchelder 2005 have also noted early deaths, but their cause(s) have not been clearly linked to cloning. The degree to which these unexpected deaths in cattle are related to cloning, or some disease process that is independent of cloning, is not clear. Ogunuki et al. (2002) have noted shorter life spans in some of their mouse clones; the cause of death appears to be due to liver damage, pneumonia, or neoplasia. The relevance of mouse models to domestic livestock has been discussed in Chapter IV.

(b) Cyagra Data: 1-6 Month Age Cohort

The calves from the Cyagra dataset most closely correlating to the Juvenile Developmental Node are the 46 clones and 47 comparators found in the 1-6 month of age group. Tables E-200a and E-200b, and Charts E-200, E-201, E-202, E-210, E-211, and E-212 describe CVM’s analyses of the information.

In general, these clones appeared normal, although some anomalies were noted on physical examination. These may be related either to cloning or to the genetics of the animal that was being propagated. None are unique to clones, although their frequency appears to be higher in clones than in calves produced using other forms of reproduction (see Chapter V). One of the clones was culled for poor conformation (the physical appearance of the animal), a matter of potential business importance to the producer, but likely having no impact on either food or animal health. Conventional animals with poor conformation are generally not used in selective breeding programs, and may be culled; it is likely that breeders will put similar limitations on clones as well. Several of the clones experienced serious problems resulting from umbilical abnormalities, including enlargement, excessive bleeding, and infection of the navel. These were resolved surgically. In addition, three cases of cryptorchidism (undescended testicle) were identified in calves from the same cell line. Although this condition is relatively uncommon in conventional animals, it is observed with some frequency, and is thought to be hereditary.

Interestingly, three clones derived from the same Jersey cow cell line presented with very different phenotypes. Clones # 87, 88, and 89 were within 10 days of age of each other when they were weighed and blood samples drawn (131-141 days old). All three required umbilical surgery. The oldest, clone #87, weighed 282 pounds. Clone #88, who was a day younger, weighed 197 pounds, and the youngest (at 131 days of age) weighed 215 pounds. Otherwise, the animals were healthy on physical examination. A fourth clone from this cell line died at birth from LOS-related complications.

Measurements of analyte levels in the entire 1-6 month old cohort were generally very close to those measured in the comparators (Chart E-201). In aggregate, 96 percent of the total analyte values for clones were within the range of the comparators. A few were out of range: glucose values were above the range of the comparators in six of the 42 likely valid measurements (four were considered artifactual). In order to determine whether the hyperglycemia was transient or sustained, urinalysis results were checked for the clones with elevated blood glucose levels. As none of those tests were positive for glucose (the renal threshold for glucose in cattle is approximately 100 mg/dl: i.e., if blood levels of glucose exceed 100 mg/dl for any appreciable time, glucose spills over into the urine), it is unlikely that the higher blood glucose levels (88-123) had been sustained long enough to allow for spillover into the urine. Most likely, these were transient elevations resulting from proximity to a meal or as a short-lived response to stress (as in being restrained for blood draws).

The hemograms for the cohort did not reveal any significant health concerns. None of the clones were anemic, and there was no depression of cellular immune function. Some of the clones had individual values that were outside the range of the comparators, but these were not judged to pose either an animal health or food consumption risk (see Appendix E for a more complete discussion).

It is important to note that although this time period appears to be relatively short, it spans an important developmental transition period for ruminants. Calves that are closer to one month of age are still primarily milk-fed, while those closer to six months of age have mostly transitioned to a more adult diet, and function as ruminants. The youngest animals are in a very rapid growth phase, while the older animals in the range, although still growing, are doing so at a slower rate. Because young animals are growing rapidly, measures of bone growth such as calcium, phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase might be expected to be higher in younger compared to older animals. Comparison of both the clone and comparator laboratory values to the Cornell Reference Range (which is derived from adult cattle) (Charts E-200 and E-202) indicates that many of the clones and comparators exhibit calcium, phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase levels that exceed the Cornell Reference Range. This finding is consistent with higher rates of growth in young calves relative to adults, and provides confidence that clones and comparators are exhibiting similar, normal physiological responses to growth stimuli. Review of Chart E-201 reveals that clone alkaline phosphatase values are almost entirely within the range of the comparators (38 of 46 values). Most of the clones whose alkaline phosphatase levels exceeded the comparator range were the youngest animals.

Another set of physiological parameters that varies with age can be seen in total protein, globulin, and albumin levels. These measurements reflect, among other things, the immune status of the animal. Immediately after birth, globulin levels, which are largely comprised of immunoglobulins, are derived almost entirely from colostrum (the antibody-rich first “milk” to be secreted by mammals). “Passive immunity” is conferred by the ingestion and intestinal absorption of immunoglobulin-rich maternal colostrum. In the two to four months after birth, the calf’s own immune system begins to develop its production of immunoglobulins, as the circulating supply of maternally-derived immunoglobulins in the calf’s blood wanes. This phenomenon can be observed in Charts E-200 and E-202 (Clones: Reference Range (1 to 6 months) and Comparator Population: Reference Range). Clone and comparator globulin values are low relative to the Cornell lab reference range because that reference range is derived from adult animals with fully functional endogenous immunoglobulin production. The clone and comparator calves in this cohort have not fully started to produce their own antibodies from their own B-lymphocytes. Review of Chart E-201 (Comparison of Clones to Comparator Population), however, indicates that there were few differences between the clones and the comparator population, reflecting the appropriate age-related lag accompanying the decrease in passive acquired immunity and endogenous immunoglobulin production. The globulin levels that are different between clones and comparators reflect this age-related physiological phenomenon. Clones #72 and 73 were among the youngest in the one to six month old group, and thus would be expected to have lower globulin levels. Comparison of the globulin value for clone #100 (174 days of age, globulin of 4.6g/dL) with clone #72 (48 days of age and globulin level of 1.6 g/dL) clearly demonstrates the age-related changes in the analyte, and appropriately reflects the normal developmental increase in endogenous globulin production.

Sub-Cohort Analysis

Examination of the subcohort of seven clones (# 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 119, 132) at two time frames (birth and the 1-6 months of age) allows the determination that appropriate age-related physiological changes are occurring in the clones on an individual animal basis, rather than on a population basis. For example, gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) values appear low relative to comparators in “within 24 hours of birth” time period for four of these seven clones. This likely reflects the difference in timing between when the blood samples were drawn for clones and comparators (Clones had their blood samples drawn prior to colostrum administration, while comparators had their blood drawn some time after being fed colostrum). As colostrum has high intrinsic GGT activity, the difference between the two groups may be due to its effective absorption of GGT by the comparators. GGT values normalized by the time of the second blood draw for three of these animals, and were only slightly lower (4U/L vs. the comparator range of 5-32 U/L) in the remaining clone at Day 48.

At birth, some of the clones in this sub-cohort had measures of liver function out of the comparator range (lower AST, and low bile acid or cholesterol levels). Low cholesterol is associated with retained fetal circulation in the livers of young animals. Were these low cholesterol levels to continue into the next developmental node, there might be cause for concern, but given that they normalized at the time of the second blood draw, there is little reason to expect that the lower values in these very young clones pose a health risk. The low levels at birth are more likely a reflection of the changeover from fetal to neonatal circulation, possibly exacerbated by the clones’ unusually large umbilical vessels, which often required surgical correction. The lower bile acid and AST values observed would also be related to the transition from fetal to neonatal circulation, and are not indicative of any disease state. All of these values normalized by the second measurement, as did additional analyte levels that were out of range for individual clones perinatally (low CK, TIBC, and iron). These measurements reflect normal adaptive physiological processes and not pathologic or disease states, and instead provide evidence of the “normalization” of the clones as they matured.

A few laboratory measurements appeared outside the range of the comparators in some of the clones at the time of the second measurement, but these do not appear to have clinical relevance. Complete blood count information is only available for four of the seven clones measured at both time points, and do not appear to be reflective of clinical problems. For a more complete discussion of these data, see Appendix E.

(c)           Unpublished data

Full hematology and clinical chemistry screens on three pre-pubertal bull clones (aged 5 to 7 months old) were shared with CVM by a private veterinary clinic (Chapter 5 Table V-10). The clones were described as being clinically, physically and behaviorally normal, with normal growth rates and size. Blood samples were taken three times over a six week period. All of the clinical chemistry data, with the exception of one, were within normal published ranges or within the comparator range for the testing laboratory. Just as for the physiological data shared by Cyagra, the reference range for the testing laboratory was for an older cohort of animals (that were also female), and were not age-appropriate. The one analyte that fell outside a reference ranges occurred in a single sample in one bull clone, and was a low cholesterol value. All measurements in the subsequent sample from this bull clone were within normal ranges.

(d)           Summary for Juvenile Developmental Node in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 3)

With the exception of visible physical anomalies that were detected, individual animal and analyte review of the data indicated no differences between clones and conventional animals that reflect any food consumption hazards in clones. Clones that may be physiologically “unstable” at birth appear to normalize all of the measured variables within two months of birth (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2002; Cyagra 2003). Some juvenile clones succumb to the sequellae of LOS. Surviving clones appear to grow normally, and careful evaluation of the laboratory results indicates that the clones’ physiology reflects normal, appropriate responses to ongoing growth and developmental signals, and that they are functionally indistinguishable from non-clones.

iv.               Reproductive Development and Function in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 4)

(a)           Peer-reviewed Publications

The number of studies that explicitly address the reproductive function of bovine clones is smaller than studies of other endpoints. Puberty onset has been reported as either “within normal limits” or somewhat (days) later in clones than controls. The Cyagra data received do not explicitly address the question of puberty onset or reproductive capability.

Reproductive Function of Female Clones

In a study of reproductive function in bovine clones, Enright et al. (2002) at the University of Connecticut evaluated the same clones and controls previously reported on by Xue et al. (2002) and Govoni et al. (2002). They reported that heifer clones reached puberty at a later age than controls (314.7 ± 9.6 days vs. 272 ± 4.4 days), and were reported as having higher body weights at first estrus (336.7 ± 13 vs. 302.8 ± 4.5 kg). No differences were noted between clones and controls in estrous cycle length, development of ovarian follicles, or profiles of hormonal changes. Three of the four clones and all four control heifers became pregnant following AI, although number of inseminations was not reported. Daily hormone profiles of lutenizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, and progesterone were similar between clones and controls. The cause of reproductive failure in one clone could not be determined; although this animal had reproductive hormone profiles similar to the other animals in the study, and no physical abnormalities could be found upon veterinary examination, poor signs of estrus were observed. This heifer did eventually conceive and produce a calf (Tian et al. 2005) further discussed below). The cause for the later age and higher weight of clones at time of puberty is difficult to explain. The authors speculated that as the later onset of puberty can be genetically controlled in some cattle breeds, these clones may be expressing the genetics of the donor animal. Given that no records of age at puberty were kept for the donor cow, it is not possible to draw any conclusions regarding that hypothesis.

Heyman et al. (2002) reported that from a group of clones derived from adult cells, five remaining animals were healthy and normal (one clone died of severe anemia (Renard et al. 1999, as previously discussed in the Perinatal section)). They noted that some of the females were more than one year old at the time of publication and were cycling normally, but no data were provided. In a follow-up study (Heyman et al. 2004) the authors stated that female clones at the INRA facility generally began cycling at 10 months of age, and demonstrated estrous behavior by 12 months of age, within the normal range for their breed (Holstein). Ten female clones were bred by AI to the same non-clone bull. All 10 heifers conceived and produced live, apparently normal calves. Birth weight of progeny was 43.9 ± 4.1 kg, and gestation length was 281 ± 3.9 days, within the normal range for Holstein cattle.

Wells et al. (2004) reported conception rate to two AI was 83 percent (25/30) for Holstein heifer clones, compared to 90 percent (9/10) for as small group of heifers produced by AI. Gestation length was slightly longer for clones (n=16) than for nine comparators (287 ± 3 vs. 281 ± 3 days), but within the normal range for Holsteins. Wells (2005) notes that despite variations in gestation length, only conventional levels of animal management and husbandry are required for the calving of heifer clones, indicating that the signals for induction of parturition and actual birth are functioning appropriately. Although most of the clones were separated from their offspring soon after birth, as is conventional in dairy practice, those dams that were not separated from their progeny exhibited normal maternal behavior and successfully reared their young.

Forsberg et al. (2002) reported that Gene, the bull calf described previously, matured into a “healthy, fertile bull that has sired calves by artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.” Specific data on measures of reproductive function were not provided.

Kato et al. (2000) report that one of the clones derived from a Holstein cumulus cell was artificially inseminated, conceived, and gave birth to a normal calf.

The University of Connecticut (Tian et al. 2005) also reported first lactation milk yields and SCC for four clones and their non-clone comparators, indicating that lactation curves were similar for both groups. Total milk production for the first lactation was not different between clones and comparators (8,646 ± 743.8 kg vs. 9,507.8 ± 743.8 kg). One clone gave birth prematurely to a stillborn calf, did not have complete udder development, and produced approximately 30 percent less milk during her first lactation compared to her clone mates. Overall, SCC was low for both clones and comparators (based on Figure 2b of the paper: ~ 40 x 103 vs. 35 x 103 cells/mL), indicating a functional immune system, mammary gland, and low disease incidence. The role of good husbandry can also not be ruled out in this observation.

Yonai et al. 2005

Study overview: In the most comprehensive study of reproductive function in cattle clones, Yonai et al. (2005) (previously mentioned in other Developmental Nodes) performed an extensive analysis of reproductive performance in Holstein and Jersey clones with shortened telomeres, including puberty onset, estrus behavior, hormone cycling, the appearance of follicular waves, fertility and birthing for three estrus cycles. Once puberty onset had been determined, ovulation and formation of corpora lutea were monitored thrice weekly, with plasma samples to monitor progesterone levels collected every three days. After puberty, the estrus behavior of the clones was monitored twice daily until the animals became pregnant, with the length of the estrous periods and occurrence of standing behavior recorded. Plasma samples and ultrasonography were used to identify follicular waves and monitor progesterone and 17-ß estradiol concentrations between day 18 of estrus and the day of ovulation over 17 estrus cycles in the Jersey clones and 28 estrus cycles in the Holstein clones. All clones were bred by artificial insemination using semen from the same lot of one bull (breed unspecified). Pregnancies were diagnosed by ultrasonography at 40 days after AI. For the first and second postpartum cycles, all clones were artificially inseminated at first estrus, which usually occurred 90 days after parturition. The length of gestation and resulting calves’ birth weights were recorded. Table VI-6 summarizes the data collected in this very detailed study.


Table VI-6: Reproductive Parameters Evaluated for Jersey and Holstein Clones (adapted from Yonai et al. 2005)


Mean ± Standard Deviation


Jerseys (n = 4)

Age at puberty


Reproductive records from puberty to first parturition

Length of estrous cycle 1 (days)

20.2 ± 1.4

Follicle waves per cycle 1 (number)

2.3 ± 0.8

Plasma estradiol-17 b concentration on estrous day 2

Detectable (17/17 cycles; pg/ml)

8.12 ± 2.40

Not detectable (0/17 cycles; pg/ml)


Plasma progesterone under the curve 3 (ng/ml per cycle)

190.6 ± 59.4

Number of AI for first conception

2.3 ± 1.9

Age at first conception (days)

503 ± 54.9

Gestation period (days)

279 ± 2.5

Calf weight (first parturition) (kg)

22.0 ± 2.1

Reproductive records after first parturition

Interval from parturition to first ovulation (days)

51.3 ± 42.8

Interval from parturition to first estrus (days)

85.0 ± 52.7

Number of AI for second conception

1.3 ± 0.5

Interval from parturition to second conception (days)

115 ± 16.8

Age of second conception (days)

897 ± 44.8

Calf weight (second parturition) (kg)

26.4 ± 1.1

Reproductive records after second parturition

Interval from parturition to first ovulation (days)

32.5 ± 19.3

Interval from parturition to first estrus (days)

50.0 ± 27.8

Number of AI for third conception

1.5 ± 1.0

Interval from parturition to third conception (days)

129 ± 49.9

Age of third conception (days)

1,304 ± 46.6


Holsteins (n = 6)

Age at puberty

323 ± 0.6

Reproductive records from puberty to first parturition

Length of estrous cycle 4 (days)

20.3 ± 1.5

Follicle waves per cycle 4 (number)

2.3 ± 0.7

Plasma estradiol-17 b concentration on estrous day 5

Detectable (19/28 cycles; pg/ml)

6.94 ± 2.64

Not detectable (9/28 cycles; pg/ml)

3.95 ± 1.74

Plasma progesterone under the curve 6 (ng/ml per cycle)

154.0 ± 58.0

Number of AI for first conception

2.0 ± 2.0

Age at first conception (days)

481 ± 35.0

Gestation period (days)

277 ± 5.8

Calf weight (first parturition) (kg)

37.8 ± 5.0

Reproductive records after first parturition

Interval from parturition to first ovulation (days)

56.0 ± 41.5

Interval from parturition to first estrus (days)

86.0 ± 33.0

Number of AI for second conception

1.2 ± 0.4

Interval from parturition to second conception (days)

126 ± 41.7

Age of second conception (days)

881 ± 61.7

Calf weight (second parturition) (kg)

44.2 ± 1.9

Reproductive records after second parturition

Interval from parturition to first ovulation (days)

79.3 ± 18.9

Interval from parturition to first estrus (days)

92.3 ± 19.2

Number of AI for third conception

1.3 ± 0.5

Interval from parturition to third conception (days)

138 ± 34.9

Age of third conception (days)

1,297 ± 75.0

1 Twenty-six estrous cycles in four cloned heifers were included.

2 Plasma samples were collected from 17 estrous cycles in four cloned heifers.

3 Plasma samples were collected every three days during the 26 estrous cycles.

4 Thirty-three estrous samples in five cloned heifers were included.

5 Plasma samples were collected from 28 estrous cycles in five cloned heifers.

6 Plasma samples were collected every three days during the 33 estrous cycles.

Reproductive function: First Estrus: Yonai et al. grouped their analysis of reproductive function into three stages: pubertal, post-pubertal conception and gestation, and post-parturition, including rebreeding. Although some of the clones entered puberty prior to the initiation of this stage of the study, Yonai et al. reported that changes in plasma progesterone were consistent with previous reports on puberty in conventional cows. They also reported that corpus luteum formation was consistent with that reported in conventionally bred cows, and that the clones exhibited appropriate estrous behavior at puberty. Overall, the observations at puberty indicated that these clones exhibited normal early reproductive development. With respect to post-pubertal maturation of the heifer clones, Yonai et al. noted that there was some difficulty detecting estrus by behavior in the Holstein heifer clones, and that there were differences in their estradiol levels, these were consistent with similar observations in conventionally bred Holstein heifers. There were no difficulties in observing estrus in the Jersey clones. Estrus cycles lengths in both clone lines were comparable those observed in conventionally bred cattle. Additionally, the levels of progesterone secretion per cycle were reported as similar to those of conventionally bred heifers, which the authors interpreted as normal post-pubertal corpus luteum function. They conclude that the estrus cycles of the heifer clones were normal.

All of the heifers conceived upon artificial insemination, although one heifer clone and one comparator needed multiple cycles of insemination; the remaining clones and comparators all conceived after no more than two rounds of AI. All of the clones but one Holstein delivered healthy, live calves. The exception delivered a stillborn calf two weeks before expected parturition. No obvious abnormalities were observed in the stillborn. Two of the Holstein clones required limited assistance for delivery; the remaining Holsteins and all the Jersey clones did not require any assistance in delivery. The average gestational periods were normal for the clones and all of the resulting calves were within normal body weight ranges for their breeds. All the live-born calves were reported as being normal.

Second and Third Estrus. Yonai et al. noted a wide variation in the interval between parturition and first post-partum ovulation and estrus. The first postpartum ovulation in the Holstein clones occurred between 14 and 188 day (Table VI-6), and between 11 and 108 days in Jersey clones; the interval between parturition to first estrus was between 62 and 149 days for the Holstein clones, and 30 and 135 days for the Jersey clones. All clones had confirmed follicular waves, and pregnancy ensued in all of the clones following an average of 1.2 and 1.3 rounds AI for the Holstein and Jersey clones, respectively. The second parturition was largely uneventful for all of the clones, with one Holstein requiring minimal assistance calving. Gestation times for the all of the clones fell within normal ranges for the breeds; all of the calves had normal body weights, appeared to be normal at birth, and survived. Similar responses were noted for the third conception.

Milk Production. Table VI-7 summarizes the yield of milk produced by the clones and their half-siblings and donor for the two lactation cycles following the first and second calvings. Data on the composition of this milk are addressed in the Food Composition portion of this chapter. Milk yield, although varying among the clones, was within the normal range for each breed for each lactation cycle. Interestingly, the Holstein clones produced less milk on average than their nuclear donor animal, while the Jersey clones produced more milk on average than their nuclear donor. The authors reported that mastitis was observed in the Holstein group of clones in two animals towards the end of the lactation cycle, and bloat was observed in two clones (not specified if the same animals) at approximately 130 days post-parturition. Neither was observed in the Jersey clones. Although not specified, the affected animals were most likely treated, and appear to have recovered as the number of animals did not change between cycles.

This study, which is the first to study multiple cycles of reproductive function in any species of clone provides detailed information on both the individual physiological parameters measuring growth and reproduction (including lactation), as well as integrated measures of those functions. The authors conclude that despite the observation that all of these clones had shortened telomeres, these Holstein and Jersey clones exhibited normal growth, reproductive and lactation characteristics.


Table VI-7: Results of Milk Yield in First and Second Lactations of Jersey and Holstein Clones

(adapted from Yonai et al. 2005)




Milk Yield


Jerseys (n = 4)

First Lactation

Clone 1


Clone 2


Clone 3


Clone 4


Mean ± Standard Deviation

5,896.4 ± 332.0

Donor Animal


Second Lactation

Clone 1


Clone 2


Clone 3


Clone 4


Mean ± Standard Deviation

7,262.8 ± 222.6

Donor Animal


Holsteins (n = 6)

First Lactation

Clone 1


Clone 2


Clone 3


Clone 4


Clone 5


Clone 6


Mean ± Standard Deviation

9,333.0 ± 476.4

Donor Animal


Second Lactation

Clone 1


Clone 2


Clone 3


Clone 4


Clone 5


Clone 6


Mean ± Standard Deviation

11,271.4 ± 1084.7

Donor Animal


Other Studies

Although Lanza et al. (2001) reported on transgenic clones, conception rates for female clones after AI were high, with 87.5 percent of the animals conceiving on the first insemination and the remainder conceiving on the second insemination attempt. The two transgenic clones that had given birth, as of the publication date, were reported to have delivered calves that appeared normal in all respects, although no specific data are provided.

Pace et al. (2002) reported that heifers began to display signs of reaching puberty at 10-11 months of age, within the normal age range of conventional Holstein heifers (9 to 12 months). They further report that all of the heifer clones that were inseminated (n=22) became pregnant, and calved at the age of 23-25 months, similar to non-clone cattle (approximately 75 percent of the cattle in Pace (2002) were transgenic). No specific information on gestation length or health of the progeny was provided. Analysis of the milk from non-transgenic clones of this cohort (Walsh et al. 2003) is presented within Section 3 of this Chapter.

In an abstract, Aoki et al. (2003) present a preliminary report on the milk and milking behavior of two first-lactation Holstein clones derived from somatic cells isolated from the colostrum of mammary gland epithelial (MGE) cells described by Kishi et al (2000), previously discussed in the Perinatal section. These two clones were housed near the same automatic milking system as eight second-lactation control cows produced by AI. Comparisons were made between first lactation clones and second lactation controls. These cow clones were apparently followed for at least two calvings, and results were reported for the first through third post-partum ovulation and follicular development per estrous cycle. First postpartum ovulation was delayed in both of the clones, as well as the interval between the first to second postpartum ovulation. Clones were reported to have had two waves of follicular development per cycle. Both clones and comparator cattle were reported to calve normally, and did not appear to have different body weights and body condition scores, although no data were provided. The authors did not report differences between gestation length and duration of estrous cycle. They concluded that the clones were “normal in regard to delivery, lactation, and growth, and were similar in regard to the functions of their reproductive physiology.” Differences were observed, however, in the milking behavior, including the number of times that they voluntarily entered the automatic milking system relative to controls. In general, first lactation animals lack experience with milking equipment, and produce less milk than second and later parity cows, which likely contributed to differences in milking behavior between the two groups (Vasconcelos et al. 2004; Flis and Wattiaux 2005). Given that this is an abstract, the number of animals is very small, and the difference in the total number of lactation cycles the cows had experienced, the significance of the observation is unclear. Presentation of these data in a complete publication would aid this risk assessment and other analyses of clones.

Heyman et al. (2004) reported that first lactation milk yields (9,341 ± 304 kg vs. 8,319 ± 1,800 kg for a 305 day lactation) and somatic cell counts (SCC), which are a measure of mammary gland health) for three female Holstein clones were similar to those of three age-matched non-clone comparators. Somatic cell counts for both clones and comparators (116 ± 103 x 103 vs. 113 ± 50 x 103) were well below the level indicative of subclinical mastitis (1,000 x 103), and the SCC limit cited by the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance for fluid milk entering commerce.

Reproductive Function of Male Clones

The reproductive function of male bovine clones has also been studied. Wells (2005) reported on the reproductive function of six bulls cloned from the same steer. The rates of in vitro embryo development following fertilization of abattoir-derived oöcytes using sperm from these sires varied among the sires, but the development of blastocysts to quality grades suitable for embryo transfer were similar to that for four comparator bulls (10-25 percent for the clones and 13-30 percent for the comparators). Likewise, Heyman et al. (2004) reported that three clones of an eight year old bull were enrolled in an AI center, and semen was collected when the clones were between 13 and 15 months of age. Percentages of normal sperm, cleavage rate and blastocyst rate following IVF were not different between the clones and their nuclear donor. Results of AI trials were only presented for one clone (no comparator). Forty-one cows became pregnant out of 63 animals inseminated, yielding a 65 percent pregnancy rate. Two pregnancies were lost by day 90 (5 percent loss). Only 26 pregnancies were allowed to go to term, yielding 25 live, healthy calves and one stillborn.

Shiga et al. 2005 reported on the semen quality of two clones of a 12 year old Japanese Black bull. Semen was collected over a four month period beginning when the clones were approximately 12 months old. Comparisons were made using frozen semen from the nuclear donor and using averages for the breed. Although ejaculate volumes of the two bulls were lower than the range for the breed (2.34 and 2.76 mL vs. 5-8 mL), sperm concentration, pH, and pre-freezing motility were within established ranges for Japanese Black bulls. Development of IVF embryos to the blastocyst stage was not different between clones and their nuclear donor (23.4 and 28.4 vs. 30.9 percent). Semen from one of the clones was used to inseminate 22 cows, compared to 102 cows inseminated by the nuclear donor. Pregnancy rates were similar between the clone semen and semen from the nuclear donor (54.5 vs. 62.7 percent). Two of the 12 (17 percent) resulting pregnancies from the clone aborted spontaneously in mid-pregnancy, compared to 5/64 (8 percent) abortions among the cows bred by the nuclear donor.

(b)           Unpublished data

Semen evaluations on four healthy post-pubertal clones derived from an Angus-Chianina nuclear donor cross were shared with CVM (Chapter 5, Table V-17). Semen was collected by a commercial reproduction service from May through June 2003, three times daily, as is usual for industry practice. The age of the bulls at the time of collection was not recorded. Semen evaluation showed that one clone had a low sperm concentration (average 169.5 x 106 cells/ml vs. the normal range 800-1,200 x 106 sperm/mL (Sorenson 1979; Beardon and Fuquay 1980; Hafez and Hafez 2000)) and low percentage of normal sperm (between 2 and 8 percent) during the observation period. This bull likely would have failed a breeding soundness exam, and if it had been a conventional animal, it would most likely have been sold to a feedlot for eventual slaughter. A second bull clone had marginal semen quality, and might have been retained depending on the perceived value of his genetics. The remaining two clones exhibited acceptable semen characteristics, and would likely have been retained for breeding.

Galli et al. (unpublished data 2003) also presented data on breeding soundness and performance of three clones of a Holstein bull (Chapter V, Table V-10). Breeding soundness exams indicated that clones were acceptable for breeding. Artificial insemination trials using semen from one of the clones on four farms resulted in pregnancy rates ranging from 33 to 80 percent; however, few cows were actually bred (n=63 for all farms combined), there were no contemporary comparators used, and no details regarding farm management were provided, making these data difficult to interpret. Pregnancy rates to AI for this clone were within the range of the U.S. average for Holstein cattle.

(c)           Summary Statement for Reproductive Development and Function in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 4)

Although specific animals are rarely cited, all reports of reproductive function in bovine clones appear to indicate that the animals respond normally to developmental signals governing puberty onset and that they subsequently reproduce effectively. The results of the study by Yonai et al. (2005) provide further confidence by reporting on detailed physiological parameters required for successful reproduction, and demonstrate that the clones continued to cycle and function normally after the first pregnancy. The studies of lactation and milk yield indicate a consistent response demonstrating that these animals function normally post-partum and during subsequent reproductive cycles. Reproductive failure is a common phenomenon in conventional cattle, and among one of the most frequent causes for culling. Although cases of reproductive failure have been reported among clones, they are not unusual among conventional cattle, and do not raise food safety concerns. Reproductive function is among the most tightly regulated functions that a mammal performs; the demonstration that clones can reproduce normally appears to indicate that those clones are functioning normally for this biological criterion.

v.               Post-Pubertal Maturation in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 5)

(a)           Peer-reviewed Publications

Post-pubertal maturation includes the very long period of time between the development of reproductive capacity and the natural end of the animal’s life. Most cattle in US agriculture never reach the end of their “natural” life-spans for economic reasons. In commercial dairy establishments, dairy cows are sent to slaughter some time between the end of their third to fifth lactations, or sooner, depending on their health and productivity. Beef cattle that are not being used for breeding are generally sent to slaughter when they reach about 1,000 to 1,400 lbs, or at approximately 18 to 24 months of age (depending on breed, season, environmental conditions, etc.). Most of the possible food consumption risks arising from edible products of clones (e.g., milk or meat) would occur during this Developmental Node.

We have not conducted a survey of clone producers or the investigators who have published on the health status of clones earlier in the clones’ lives to determine their vital or health status. At this time, there are economic disadvantages to maintaining healthy clones without being able to realize financial investments, so many otherwise healthy clones have been euthanized. The following discussion therefore summaries reports that have been obtained from the literature, and tends to focus on anomalies that have been noted.

Kato et al. (2000) reported that as of September 1, 1999, all of the surviving clones from their Holstein and Japanese Black cumulus cell and fibroblast donors were healthy and aged 117-350 days. No further publications were found regarding the fate of these animals.

Because of the relatively short time that cloning has been practiced, (Gene, the first bovine SCNT clone was born in 1997 (Cibelli et al. 1998)), little information is available on animals during this developmental phase, and much of that information comes in the form of single sentences or short mentions in journal articles that address some other issue. Abnormalities that have been noted in mature cattle clones appear to be sequellae of anomalies or defects noted earlier in life, and may be related to LOS or other earlier diseases. For example, Batchelder (2005) reported that one clone died suddenly at 25 months of age. Necropsy results indicated severe trace mineral deficiency (selenium and copper) as the cause of death. None of the non-clone cattle grazing the same pasture developed signs of mineral deficiencies. Nonetheless, this particular clone was reported to have exhibited frequent but mild signs of bloat as a juvenile, and it is possible that its subsequent death may have been the result of gastro-intestinal tract problems resulting in reduced ability to absorb micro-nutrients. The two surviving clones were reported as healthy at 19 months of age.

Second Chance, the Brahman bull clone described by Hill et al. (2000a), has been outlined in detail in the preceding section. The researchers speculate that the early diabetes had resolved at eight months of age and the calf was clinically normal. At a conference in September of 2002, the bull was reported to be 3 years of age, with normal weight, growth, behavior, and normal semen production. The investigator presenting this information also reported that the bull’s glucose level was elevated, although they could not rule out the role of stress resulting from medical procedures as a cause 10). In a subsequent conversation, Dr. Westhusin indicated that the blood glucose has remained within normal limits since the previous report.

Lanza et al. (2000) reported on 24 sexually mature transgenic bovine clones. Physical examinations were reported as normal including temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, general appearance, lymph nodes, and abdominal palpation. Blood and urinalysis indicated that in general, those variables were within normal ranges although six animals had total urine protein levels slightly below the comparator average. Studies with adaptive T-cell responses indicated that these transgenic clones had functional immune systems, and that the animals responded to periodic infection in the same manner as conventional cattle.

Pace et al. (2002) measured weight gain in their transgenic clones until the age of 540 days. Although comparison of the overall cohort with any comparator group is difficult because the clones were raised at different facilities, 52 of the clones raised at the same facility had similar weight gain over the first 120 days of life (approximately 1.15 kg/day). Weight gain of 17 clones from the same genetic line declined to 1.09 ± 0.14 and 0.92 ± 0.10 kg/day at 365 and 540 days, respectively, entirely consistent with weight gain profiles of conventional animals.

Yonai et al. (2005) reported on the growth characteristics of six Holstein and four Jersey clones with shortened telomeres from birth through two years of age. Those data have been summarized in Table VI-5. Evaluation for clones aged 12-24 months indicates that animals had normal weight gain for their breeds, indicating their overall health. With the exception of brief mentions of bloat and mastitis, no other illnesses were reported in this study. All of the animals that entered the study were alive at the time the manuscript was submitted for publication.

Wells et al. (2005) have reported that clones produced at AgResearch have an overall annual mortality of eight percent over four years. Most of the mortality observed appears to be due to the sequellae of LOS or accidents or mishaps; no contemporaneous comparator exists. They also note that one clonal family and their half-siblings were all alive and healthy at 18 months of age, implying that there may be an association between the cell line used, susceptibility to LOS and its sequellae.

(b)           Cyagra Dataset: 6-18 Month Cohort

The oldest cohort of Cyagra animals spans 6-18 months of age, and actually overlaps the Juvenile and Maturity developmental nodes. Clearly, the younger clones in this cohort have more in common with the older, but still juvenile, animals of the preceding cohort, while the older clones are more appropriately considered as nearing “adulthood.”

The 6-18 month Cyagra clones were virtually indistinguishable from the comparators. None of the animals had any visible anomalies on physical examination (See Appendix E for details). The laboratory values derived from blood samples drawn from the clones are virtually superimposable on those of the comparators. Only three of the 294 hematological values and six of the 592 clinical chemistry measurements were outside the clinically relevant range. In aggregate, 99 percent of the laboratory measurements were within the clinically relevant range established by the comparators.

Review of Chart E-301 indicates that only two analytes initially appeared to marginally exceed the range characterized by the comparators: estradiol-17ß (E2), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I). Neither of these findings was judged to pose clinical significance for the animals or any food consumption risk. Although the E2 levels of five animals exceeded the comparator range, none exceeded the Cornell Reference range, which as previously discussed, is derived from adult cattle. By comparison, 14 of the 20 comparators had measurements that were lower than the Cornell Reference Range (Chart E-302). For a more complete discussion of the normal fluctuation of E2 levels in cattle, see Appendix E. IGF-I levels in the Cyagra cohort were slightly higher in males than in females, and in three of the bull calves (# 24, 33, and 35) were slightly increased (less than 10 percent) relative to the comparator Group. Review of the literature on IGF-I levels in cattle indicated that basal circulating levels of IGF-I vary with a range of factors and fluctuate dramatically among individual animals in herds (Vega et al. 1991). Plasma concentrations of IGF-I are strongly influenced by a number of factors including gender, age, and diet (Plouzek and Trenkle 1991 a,b). The primary nutritional determinants of basal IGF-I levels appear to be crude protein and the number of calories absorbed by the animal (Elsasser et al. 1989). Given that most non-transgenic clones are derived from animals of superior genetic merits for traits such as growth and development, 10 percent elevations in IGF-I levels are likely of no clinical significance for the animal, and pose no food consumption risk.

No remarkable dissimilarities were noted in the blood variables of clones and comparators. There were no indications of problems with respect to red or white blood cell measurements. One animal (Clone #98) exhibited higher basophil counts than the comparator range, but there appeared to be no clinical correlate to that value, and as a result it was judged insignificant to the health of the animal or food safety.

(c)           Unpublished data

Hematology data for two Holstein heifer clones aged 14 months old were submitted to CVM by a private veterinary firm. They consisted of a Veterinary Certificate of Inspection, results of serological testing showing the animals were free of Bovine leucosis virus and Bovine viral diarrhea, and standard clinical chemistry and hematology panels. All hematology and clinical chemistry results were within the range of the laboratory’s reference values except red cell distribution width, which was slightly below the reference range used by the testing laboratory (see Chapter V). As discussed in Chapter V and Appendix E, RDW is a secondary indicator, and does not on its own suggest a health problem. Certificates of Veterinary Inspection accompanying the hematology data indicate that both heifers were healthy.

(d)           Summary Statement for Post-Pubertal Maturation in Bovine Clones (Developmental Node 5)

Clones in this age group exhibited no remarkable differences from non-clones with respect to their overall health. The Cyagra clones were indistinguishable from the comparator group on the basis of clinical and laboratory tests. The study of Yonai et al. indicates that clones continued to grow well for the duration of the study (two years). No residual health problems were noted in any of the clones in this Developmental Node that had not been identified in earlier developmental nodes. Some clones died prematurely for different reasons, including the sequellae of earlier disease. Individual animal reviews indicated no health problems, or changes in physiological parameters that would indicate a food consumption risk that would not be detected in existing food safety regulations (e.g., mastitis in milking cows).

b.             Swine Clones

There are approximately twenty papers, including some reviews, within the peer-reviewed literature that address cloning of swine; many of these report on the generation of transgenic swine by SCNT. Unlike cattle, where improvement of breeding stock has been a major driving force for advances in reproductive technologies, many of the earlier studies of SCNT in swine have focused on transgenic animals for use as xenotransplant organ sources (reviewed by Prather et al. 1999; Westhusin and Piedrahita 2000; Wheeler and Walters 2001; Carter et al. 2002; Machaty et al. 2002; and Prather et al. 2003). Nonetheless, cloning swine for agricultural purposes has become the focus of at least one large commercial venture (Viagen, Inc.), and others (Archer et al. 2003 a, b) have also reported extensively on the health and physiological status of non-transgenic swine clones.

The cloning of swine was first described in 2000 by Polejaeva and her colleagues at what was then PPL Therapeutics in Blacksburg, Virginia and Roslin, UK. Several laboratories followed that publication with their own reports of swine cloning using different approaches to cell fusion, oöcyte maturation, or other technical issues (Betthauser et al. 2000; Onishi et al. 2000; and Bondioli et al. 2001). In the subsequent years, additional studies have reported on the difficulties of overcoming the early stage failures (Boquest et al. 2002, and Yin et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2005; Zhu et al. 2004).

Another issue contributing to the difficulty of cloning swine is that unlike cattle, sheep, and goats, swine require a minimum number of viable embryos, thought to be approximately four, to initiate and sustain pregnancy (Polge et al. 1966; Dzuik 1985). This has posed a technical limitation for the development of cloning in this species because the high loss of embryo clones throughout the pregnancy necessitates the transfer of a very large number of clone embryos into the surrogate dam (between 150 and 500) to ensure that the minimum number of embryos is maintained. A recent paper by King et al. (2002) explored hormonal treatments to sustain limited numbers of viable embryos to term, and demonstrated that pregnancies can be established with a mixture of fertilized and parthenote embryos and that small numbers of fertilized embryos can develop to term successfully with hormonal support.

Because of these difficulties, most of the available reports describe only the implantation and early perinatal phase. Two publications by Archer et al. (2003 a, b) describe the behavior and clinical chemistry of juvenile swine clones.

i.               Cell Fusion, Nuclear Reprogramming, Embryonic and Fetal Development Through the Perinatal Developmental Period in Swine Clones (Developmental Nodes 1 and 2)

(a)           Peer-reviewed Publications

In the first published report of swine clones by Polejaeva et al. (2000), two rounds of nuclear transfer were employed, with in vivo matured oöcytes as recipients and cultured granulosa cells as donors, to produce five live female piglet clones. Piglets were delivered by C-section on day 116 of the pregnancy. The only data on the health of these piglets indicated that the average birth weight of the clones of 2.72 pounds (range 2.28-3.08 pounds) was approximately 25 percent lower than in piglets produced using natural mating in the same population as the donor cells (average birth weight of 3.6 pounds, range 3.3-3.9 pounds in an average litter size of 10.9 piglets).

In the second report of swine cloning, after several unsuccessful attempts, Onishi et al. (2000) produced a single female piglet named “Xena” from cultured embryo fibroblast cells. The clone’s birth and placental weights were 1.2 kg and 0.3 kg, respectively, which the authors state were in the normal range for conventional offspring of that breed (Meishan). Xena was described as a “healthy female” but, with the exception of a photograph, no data were provided to confirm that observation.

Betthauser et al. (2000) also describe multiple attempts at establishing successful pregnancies in surrogate dams receiving swine embryos resulting from SCNT. Of the seven pregnancies that were established, three were with non-transgenic embryo clones. Four live births resulted from two pregnancies, out of 427 embryos implanted into surrogate dams. The first litter yielded two male piglets born alive by vaginal delivery, weighing 2.0 and 3.0 pounds each. The second litter also produced two live vaginally delivered male clone piglets and one mummified fetus. The live piglets in this litter weighed 2.2 and 3.5 pounds. The third pregnancy was aborted at 40 days of gestation. No further information was provided on the health status of the clones at birth. Subsequently, the senior author on this report wrote a Letter to the Editor of the publication (Bishop 2000) to inform that the piglets from the second litter had died one week after their birth due to the aggressive behavior of the first-time surrogate mother. This behavior limited the amount of time the piglets were able to nurse, and the consequent lack of adequate nutrition proved to be fatal to the piglets (Bishop 2000). CVM is unaware of any publications providing additional information on the health status of the first litter.

An Australian group (Boquest et al. 2002) described the birth of live piglets from cultured fetal fibroblast cells that were frozen for two years, employing a novel cell fusion method in which donor nuclei were exposed to inactivated oöplasm for a period of time prior to chemical activation (to begin the process of cell replication). They believe that the lag time between fusion and activation allows for the more efficient reprogramming of the donor cell nuclei. The investigators transferred between 40 and 107 embryos to 10 surrogate dams, resulting in five pregnancies. Three of those pregnancies were aborted, and each of the two remaining pregnancies yielded one live piglet. No information is provided about the health status of the clones.

Yin et al. (2002) also developed a novel method for the production of pig clones by treating oöcytes to be used as recipients with demecolcine such that the condensed chromosomes produce a protrusion at the cell membrane that can easily be removed by micro-aspiration. Donor cells were obtained from an adult female four year old Landrace pig, and included cultured heart and kidney cells. Six surrogate dams were implanted with between 137 and 341 embryos. Three of the recipients never became pregnant, and one aborted the pregnancy on day 62. The remaining two pregnancies, both with embryos of heart tissue origin, resulted in live births. The first litter included four live female clones, and one dead fetus. The second resulted in another four live female clones, and two dead fetuses. None of the clones, live or dead, exhibited any morphological anomalies. The authors reported that the eight surviving clones were eight months old at the time of publication, and “appear quite healthy.” No further information is provided.

Lee et al. (2005) found that supplementing culture media with epidermal growth factor (EGF) improved cleavage rate of NT embryos, but not the rate of blastocyst formation compared to unsupplemented media, although total cell numbers in surviving blastocysts were higher in EGF supplemented media. Adding EGF after morula formation did not affect blastocyst formation rate or cell numbers. Zhu et al. (2005) found embryos produced with stem cells isolated from fetal porcine skin cultures had higher preimplantation development rates than embryos produced using fetal fibroblast cells. Karyotypic analysis of the two donor cell cultures indicated that porcine stem cells accumulated fewer abnormalities and were more stable through multiple passages compared to fibroblast cells. Porcine stem cells also yielded more blastocysts than fibroblast cells. Because neither of these groups attempted to transfer embryos to recipients, there is no way to know whether these improvements in early embryo developmental efficiency would have resulted in a higher proportion of live clones.

Bondioli et al. (2001) reported on the generation of transgenic pig clones from cultured skin fibroblasts derived from an ?-1,2-fucosyltransferase (H-transferase) transgenic boar. (H-transferase is involved in producing the sugars on the surface of a pig cell that are partially responsible for the acute phase of rejection observed when non-human tissues are transplanted into humans.) Of the 217 embryos transferred into five surrogate dams, two pregnancies resulted. One of the surrogate dams was euthanized at 90 days of gestation for health reasons that the authors state were unrelated to embryo transfer. One mummified fetus and one apparently viable fetus were recovered. The other pregnancy yielded two live piglets that were delivered by C-section at 116 days of gestation. The piglets were reported as “healthy,” and a photograph of two apparently normal piglets at two months of age is provided in the paper.

Walker et al. (2002) have reported on the largest litters of piglets produced by SCNT. Donor cells were derived from Duroc fetal fibroblasts, and fused with in vitro matured oöcytes. A total of 511 embryos were transferred into five surrogate dams, with between 59 and 128 embryos per recipient. All five recipients were confirmed pregnant by ultrasound between days 28 and 40 post-implantation. Four of the five pregnancies went to term, and litters containing between 5 and 9 piglet clones (total of 28) were delivered. Three of the four surrogate dams were induced and delivered on gestational day 115. The fourth was allowed to deliver naturally, and produced her litter on gestational day 117. One of the 28 clones was stillborn, but no abnormalities were noted on necropsy. One of the live born clones presented with anal atresia (no anus or tail), and was the smallest of all of the clones (birth weight of 0.72 kg, and crown rump length of 23.5 cm). The authors noted that anal atresia is a developmental abnormality seen at a natural low frequency in conventional piglets. The question of whether this is a random event due to genetic or inappropriate reprogramming cannot be answered from this dataset.


Table VI-8: Summary of Birth Characteristics of Piglet Clones

(source: Walker et al. 2002)

Litter size

Mean Birth Weight (kg)1

Mean Placental Weight (kg)1

Crown-Rump Length (cm)1


1.15 ± 0.17

0.29 ± 0.09

68.8 ± 2.1


1.06 ± 0.23

0.23 ±0.02

71.6 ± 7.6


1.35 ± 0.13

0.29 ± 0.07

74.9 ± 1.8


1.29 ± 0.26




1.37 ± 0.12



1 All values presented as means ± SD.

2 The control birth weight was derived from the average weight ± SD from 10 litters of piglets from naturally bred Duroc pigs.

NR = Not reported.

The remaining piglets had birth weights that appear to be a little lower than conventional piglets of the same breed. The authors noted with explicit surprise that there was little correlation between litter size, placental weights, and fetal weights (Table VI-8). They predicted a correlation of 0.639 between placental and fetal weight, but noted that the lowest mean birth weights occurred in the litters with the smallest number of piglets. The authors asserted that without the appropriate controls for litter size, in vitro oöcyte maturation and other manipulations, it is inappropriate to assign the SCNT process as the cause of the difference in birth weights. Two of these litters subsequently served as the source of the clinical and behavioral studies of Archer et al. (2003 a, b).

Viagen Inc. provided birth weights of seven male swine clones as part of the data package presented to CVM. Clones were smaller at birth than AI comparators of similar genetic background (See Appendix G: Viagen Dataset). No detailed health data were available on these clones for this developmental node. All clones survived the neonatal period.

Additional data submitted to CVM included birth weight, average daily weight gain (ADG), body temperature, and pulse rates on another cohort of neonatal swine clones (see Chapter V). Birth weights for three clones ranged from 1.1 to 1.4 kg, and ADG ranged from 0.46 to 0.55 kg; however, because the breed of swine was not identified, it is not possible to determine whether these data are within normal ranges. The report indicated that two of the five piglets, both from the same litter and weighing 1.0 kg at birth, died within the first 48 hours. The cause of death was not reported, and no other details were provided. Body temperatures of the piglets were low (range 98.8 to 101.8°F) during the first 48 hours compared to reference body temperature for adult swine (102-103°F). This finding is not unusual, however, as neonatal swine generally have difficulty regulating body temperature, and require supplemental heat after birth (see Chapter V).

(b) Summary Statement on the Embryo/Fetal to Perinatal Developmental in Swine Clones (Developmental Nodes 1 and 2)

The production of swine clones differs from the other livestock species discussed in this risk assessment because of the requirement for a minimum number of viable fetuses to maintain the pregnancy. The gestational losses observed are a function of the combined low “success rate” for embryonic and fetal development for the individual clone and the requirement for a minimum number of growing fetuses to implant. Clone piglets do not appear to exhibit the overgrowth phenomena observed in cattle, and if anything, newborn swine clones may be smaller than their non-clone counterparts. Although there is one report of an anomaly at birth (e.g., anal atresia), piglet clones appear to be normal and healthy.

ii. Juvenile Development and Function in Swine Clones (Developmental Node 3)

(a) Peer-reviewed Publications

Archer et al. (2003 a,b) have investigated the degree of behavioral and physiological variability exhibited among litters of swine clones and their closely related conventional siblings. The derivation of these clones has been described in Walker et al. (2002). The clone cohorts consisted of two litters of 5 and 4 female swine derived from the same cell line born 6 weeks apart. The control groups consisted of a litter of four female full siblings (both parents in common) and a litter of four female half-siblings taken from three sows mated to the same boar. All animals were farrowed (born) in conventional farrowing crates, and weaned at 5-6 weeks of age when they were placed in adjacent identical pens and given continuous access to identical standard rations and water. Results in these studies were presented as means and ranges; individual animal data were not provided.

One study (Archer et al. 2003b) evaluated behavioral characteristics including food preference (for apples, bananas, saltine crackers, and carrots), temperament (as judged by time to remove a towel placed on the pig’s head, attempts to escape mild restraints, being placed on their backs, and being lifted off the ground), and time budgets (the amount of time spent engaged in a particular activity in their pens). The results of this study indicated that the behaviors of swine clones were no more homogenous than the behaviors of siblings and may be more variable than the comparator animals, although the statistical power to draw such a conclusion was limited. The authors conclude that “...using nuclear transfer to replicate animals to reproduce certain behavioral characteristics is an unrealistic expectation.” The relevance of the study to an evaluation of the health of swine clones, however, is that the animals behaved in much the same manner as conventional animals, and displayed no behavioral anomalies at the times tested (15-16 weeks of age for the food trials, 8-9 weeks and 14-15 weeks for the towel test, 7 weeks for the restraint tests, and 13-15 weeks for the time budget tests)

Another study performed by this group (Archer et al. 2003a) evaluated whether the SCNT process introduced epigenetic changes into animal clones that could be manifested at the genomic (e.g., methylation status) (See Chapter IV), physiological (e.g., blood chemistry), and anatomical (e.g., weight, size, coat) levels. Body weights of all the animals overlapped and were within the normal range for the age and breed, with the exception of a single clone that was small at birth, and never attained the size of its littermates. This is likely a case of “runting,” which is observed in conventional animals as well. Teat number was the same for all animals (6,6 distribution) except for one clone (6,7 distribution), within the normal variability in conventional pigs.

One of the clones also exhibited an unusual hair growth pattern (e.g., longer and sparser), which the authors state prompted an examination of the histology of the skin. Results of that investigation indicated that with one exception, skin morphology showed no unusual variations among the pigs. The exception was a clone that exhibited morphology indicative of hyperkeratosis.11 Hyperkeratosis, also referred to as parakeratosis, also occurs in naturally bred and AI pigs between the ages of 6 and 16 weeks, and is generally associated with zinc and essential fatty acid deficiency or excess dietary calcium or phytates. Gastrointestinal disorders may also affect zinc absorption, and contribute to the development of this condition (Cameron 1999). Other possible causes of hyperkeratosis include heredity, and other non-specific causes of skin inflammation (Blood and Radostits 1989). Dermatitis vegetans is the inherited form of this disease in swine, and is a semi-lethal recessive gene (Blood and Radostits 1989). Although the phenotypic variation is interesting, it is of limited concern for food safety, as pork skin that exhibits severe hyperkeratosis would be condemned at slaughter.

Blood samples were taken from the animals for analysis at 15 and 27 weeks of age (Table VI-9) (Archer et al. 2003a). Although the hypothesis being testing in this study addressed the degree of variability among clones relative to the degree of variability among controls, these data are very instructive in that they provide the most extensive analysis of the physiological status of swine clones at two different times in development. (See previous discussion of Cyagra dataset). Unlike the Cyagra dataset, however, very few


Table VI-9: Clinical Chemistry Results from Swine Clones at Two Ages

(adapted from Archer et al. 2003a)







Week 15

Week 27

Week 15

Week 27

Creatinine (mg/dl)


1.02 ± 0.223


1.11 ± 0.14




1.25 ± 0.32


Alkaline Phosphatase (U/l)


208.67 ±11.60


100.78 ±17.89


235.25 ±33.12


117.88 ± 49.54


BUN2 (mg/dl)


9.69 ± 1.45


10.09 1.29


9.58 ± 2.84


7.85 ±2.04


ALT (SGPT) (U/l)


46.78 ± 4.24


38.44 ± 2.55


53.25 ± 9.16


38.88 ± 8.32


Albumin (g/dl)


4.21 ± 0.13


4.12 ± 0.26


4.40 ± 0.21


4.15 ± 0.55

(3.0 -4.7)

Phosphorus (mg/dl)


10.29 ± 0.42


7.87 ± 0.60


10.75 ± 0.82


7.75 ± 0.85


Calcium (mg/dl)


11.30 ± 0.24


11.50 ± 0.84


11.49 ± 0.57

(10.4 -12.2)

11.35 ± 1.12


Serum Protein (mg/dl)


6.34 ± 0.35


6.96 ± 0.44

(6.2 - 7.7)

6.09 ± 0.32


7.00 ± 0.60


Glucose (mg/dl)


100.56 ± 10.03


86.89 ± 7.03


115.88 ± 14.89


99.13 ± 7.40


Globulins (g/dl)


2.13 ± 0.33

(1.6 - 2.8)

2.83 ± 0.57

(2.2 -3.6)

1.69 ± 0.22

(1.3 - 2.0)

2.85 ± 0.89


A/G ratio


2.01 ± 0.30


1.52 ± 0.39


2.65 ± 0.36


1.62 ± 0.62


Total T3 (ng/dl)


70.95 ± 10.05

(60.09 -92.99)

48.60 ± 9.37


95.48 ± 17.85

(74.12- 120.07)

43.99 ± 19.41


Cortisol (g/dl)


5.56 ± 2.52


4.58 ± 1.76


6.56 ± 2.39


4.66 ± 3.55


1 Merck Veterinary Manual,, References, Table 07.

2 For abbreviations, see Appendix F: The Comprehensive Veterinary Examination and Its Interpretation

3 Values presented are means ±? SD, range in parenthesis.

animals were evaluated (nine clones and eight controls). Nonetheless, the data are compelling in that they demonstrate that the physiological parameters investigated do not indicate any material differences between the clones and controls. In addition, they provide confidence that these clones are responding appropriately to age-specific signals. Just as the Cyagra cattle clones, the piglet clones initially exhibit relatively high alkaline phosphatase levels: at week 15 both clones and controls have mean levels of 209 and 235 U/L, respectively, while 8 weeks later (at 27 weeks of age), the mean alkaline phosphatase levels have decreased to 101 and 118 U/L, respectively. (Alkaline phosphatase provides a measure of bone growth in young animals.) Phosphorus levels, also an indicator of bone growth, show similar age-related changes, as does T3.

Genomic methylation levels (also discussed in Chapter IV) were evaluated in two repeated sequences, one found at the centromere12 and the other in the euchromatin13 regions of the chromosomes (Archer et al. 2003a). The investigators discovered that one euchromatin region of clones had a different degree of methylation from controls. They further observed that another region had an increase in the variability of the degree of methylation in clones relative to controls. The investigators stated that it was not possible “to prove cause and effect” between alteration in methylation patterns and any of the measurements that they had taken on these animals. Additionally, because all of the animals in this study (clones and controls) appear to be healthy, with the exception of the pig with hyperkeratosis/parakeratosis, the developmental relevance of these methylation changes are not clear. It may be that animals that do not survive have higher degrees of variability or derangement of methylation patterns, and that what is being observed in this study is a set of animals that has adapted to or compensated for differences in methylation, or the inherent tolerance of biological systems for changes in methylation status of genes.

The authors concluded that “while cloning creates animals within the normal phenotypic range, it does affect some traits by increasing variability associated with that phenotype.” Their final conclusion with respect to phenotypic variability among clones was that they were not necessarily less variable than their closely related, sexually reproduced half-siblings. For pigs, at least, this implies that although genetics may have a strong influence, various environmental influences, including intra-uterine environments, may play a significant role in eventual phenotype of the animal.

(b) Viagen Dataset

The data on which the following discussion is based are found in Appendix F, along with a more detailed description of the results of the study.

Two groups of swine clones were used for Viagen Study 1. In the first group, seven clones (1 Duroc and 6 Hamline) were evaluated for survival, health, growth, meat and carcass characteristics. Fifteen conventional barrows (young males) (all Hampshire) were selected as comparators. Because the study was initiated after the birth of the clones (delivered by C-section), the observation period did not begin until shortly after they were weaned. Clones were followed from 50 days after birth through slaughter at approximately 6 months of age. comparators14 were selected as age-matched pigs selected from litters sired by the Hampshire nuclear donor boar in a conventional breeding (AI) program.

Clones raised to slaughter weight (approximately 270 lbs) took on average 27 days longer to reach that approximate weight, and when finally slaughtered tended to weigh less than their comparators. These observations are likely due to the husbandry of the clones. Further, because these animals were delivered via C-section, they faced additional stress during the earliest stages of life. In addition, because of the late initiation of the study, these clones were raised under pathogen-free conditions until 50 days of age before being transferred to more conventional (pathogen containing) rearing conditions, while all of the comparators were raised under conventional conditions. Clones also did not receive colostrum, and were deprived of passively transferred maternal immunity. Combined with the change from pathogen-free rearing, the significant immune challenge that the clones experienced would have slowed growth as the animals adapted to their new environment, regardless of whether the animals were produced by sexual reproduction or nuclear transfer.

Four of the clones exhibited appropriate responses to the immune challenge and were able to adapt and grow, albeit at a lower rate than animals which had been raised under more conventional conditions from birth. Three of the clones were considered “poor-doers:” animals that exhibit slow growth rates and other health problems, such as chronic scouring. At slaughter, organ weights as a percentage of body weight were smaller for clones than for their comparators. The clones also had lower blood IGF-I and estradiol levels in their blood than comparators. It is unknown how the change from a pathogen free environment to a more conventional one may have impacted organ weights or hormone status, as none of the comparators were subjected to similar immune challenges because they were all raised under conventional conditions from time of birth (Appendix F). However, given the physiological and immunological stress that the animals experienced, in the opinion of CVM’s veterinarians, these animals performed as well as could possibly be expected.

The second group of swine clones was used to study reproductive function; that discussion is found in Section iii.

(c) Summary Statement for Juvenile Development and Function in Swine Clones (Developmental Node 3)

The dataset reported by Archer et al. (2003 a,b) in which both behavior and physiological variables were measured on an individual animal basis is the larger and more tightly controlled study of the two studying juvenile swine clones. Those studies indicate that swine clones overlap their conventional counterparts in behavior and health, and that there are no significant differences between the two groups. Measures of age-appropriate physiological responses (e.g., alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, and serum protein indicative of increased globulins) indicate that clones are responding normally to growth signals. One case of parakeratosis was observed in this clone cohort. It is not possible to determine whether its incidence was due to SCNT, as it is a condition that is also present in conventional pigs. The Viagen dataset is less-well controlled, and its outcome confounded by the unconventional shift from a pathogen free environment to more conventional husbandry. Based on the lack of colostrums immediately after birth, and the transfer from pathogen free to conventional housing, it is not possible to ascribe any of the differences in growth to cloning. Further, most of the animals were able to respond appropriately to immune challenges. None of these outcomes were observed in the studies of Archer or Martin, again implying that the changes in husbandry were likely responsible for the outcomes. Finally, none of the swine clones exhibited any adverse outcomes that have not been observed in conventionally bred and reared swine.

iii. Reproductive Development and Function in Swine Clones (Developmental Node 4)

(a) Peer-reviewed Publications

Martin et al. (2004) described birth outcomes of clone females which were mated via artificial insemination to clone males as normal in duration and uneventful. The 62 live offspring of the clone X clone mating were reported to be normal at birth with the exception of one pig that had contracture of the flexor tendons of both hind limbs. The authors reported that the rate for this abnormality (1.6 percent) was similar to estimates of the frequency within the Australian swine industry (1.2 percent). The stillborn rate for the clone offspring litters was 4.5 percent while a comparator group had a stillborn rate of 8 percent. Evaluation of the semen from the boars, showed similar ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and motility between the clones and comparators. These investigators further reported that 100 percent of gilt clones (5) became pregnant following insemination at second estrus. Consequently, the limited data indicate that gilts and boars from cloning mature similar to non-clones.

Reproduction was measured in four boar clones in the Viagen dataset (Appendix F). The four clones (three Hampshire and one Duroc) were compared to three genetically related boars derived by AI. No differences were observed between clones and comparators in semen quality. Farrowing rates were higher for swine clones than comparators (73.5 vs. 62.5 percent), although this difference was attributed to the fact that the Hampshire comparator was five years old, and may have been nearing the end of his reproductive life. Litter size was more variable for boar clones, and mean litter size was slightly smaller for clones vs. comparators (10.94 vs. 11.76 pigs/litter), but were similar to US commercial swine production (10.66 pigs/litter).

iv. Post-Pubertal Maturation in Swine Clones (Developmental Node 5)

CVM was not able to identify any peer-reviewed studies on non-reproductive post-pubertal studies in swine clones. The Viagen dataset (Appendix F) indicated that

No remarkable differences were observed between clones and comparators for any of the characteristics evaluated. The small differences in backfat thickness and marbling are likely due to the lighter weight of clones vs. comparators at slaughter.
v. Conclusions Regarding the Food Safety of Swine Clones

The conclusions regarding food consumption risks from swine clones are drawn largely from the animal health information presented by Walker et al. (2002), Archer et al. (2003b), and the Viagen dataset, supported by less detailed discussions of animal health in the other studies reviewed. These results indicate that there are no apparent anomalies present that would have a direct impact on the safety of food products derived from swine clones. The measurements taken at 27 weeks of age are approximately the age at which pigs are sent to slaughter in the US, and thus provide an appropriate age cohort for the evaluation of food safety. The identified abnormalities in the Archer et al. (2003a) (parakeratosis) and Viagen dataset (lung adhesion) are abnormalities normally seen in case noted does not pose a food consumption risk, as the affected skin from the carcass would be condemned at the slaughterhouse, and would not enter the food supply. The apparently normal status of the clinical measurements indicates that the clones in this study possess the same physiological functions and behaviors as their conventional counterparts, and thus are not likely to pose a greater food consumption risk than conventional swine.

c. Sheep Clones

i. Peer-reviewed Publications

As sheep were the first mammal to be cloned by SCNT, the relative paucity of papers on the developmental success of sheep clones is somewhat surprising. The seminal paper in the history of animal cloning is that prepared by Wilmut et al. (1997) in which they describe the generation of “Dolly,” the first mammal to be born (July 5, 1996) as the result of SCNT. (Gene, a bull clone was being gestated at the same time, but due to differences in the length of pregnancy between cattle and sheep, Dolly was born first). Dolly was derived from the mammary epithelium of a 6-year-old Finn Dorset ewe. The trial from which Dolly was derived included cells from two other sources besides the mammary epithelium, and included fetal fibroblast cells from a 26-day-old Black Welsh fetus, and cells derived from a nine-day-old Poll Dorset embryo.

Table VI-10: Summary of Outcomes from Production of Sheep Clones from Different Cell Types
from Wilmut et al. (1997)
Cell type Number of embryos transferred

Number of pregnancies/ Number recipients (%)

Pregnancy Duration (days)

Number of Live Lambs

Birth Weight (kg)

Finn Dorset Mammary epithelium




Black Welsh Fetal (gd29) fibroblast










Poll Dorset 9 day embryo






Table VI-10 summarizes the outcomes Wilmut et al. 1997 paper. Pregnancy rate, as measured by detectable pregnancy at days 50-60 post transfer, ranged between ~ 8 percent to as high as ~50 percent. A total of 62 percent of the implanted fetuses were lost. Wilmut et al. (1997) reported that at approximately day 110 of the pregnancies, four dead fetuses derived from the embryo cell lines were detected. Their surrogate dams were euthanized, and post-mortem examination of the fetuses revealed two cases of abnormal liver development, but no other abnormalities or evidence of infection. A total of eight live lambs were born. One lamb, derived from fetal fibroblasts, died within a few minutes of birth. No abnormalities were noted at the post-mortem. Wilmut et al. cite the mortality rate of 12.5 percent (1 of 8) as similar to that observed in a large study of commercial sheep breeding, where 8 percent of the lambs died within 24 hours of birth. The birth weights of all of these sheep were within the range of single lambs born to the surrogate Blackface dams used at the Roslin farm (up to 6.6 kg), and were reported to be appropriate to the birth weights of the donor breeds.

The following year, Shiels et al. (1999) compared the telomere lengths of Dolly and one of each of the sheep derived from the different cell sources described in Table VI-10, with age-matched control sheep, donor mammary gland tissue, and donor cells. As expected, the mean size of telomere fragments in control animals decreased with increasing age. Mean telomere sizes were smaller in all three sheep clones than in age-matched controls. Dolly’s mean telomere size in particular, was smaller than other one-year-old age-matched sheep, and more consistent with the telomere fragment sizes derived from a 6-year-old sheep (the age of the animal from which the donor cells were derived). These observations led to speculation that clones would reflect the age of the donor cell, rather than effectively “resetting the biological clock” to their chronological age.

Dolly’s health was scrupulously observed over the course of her life. She developed arthritis at an early age, and was reported to have been overweight. Dolly was euthanized in early 2003 at approximately six and one half years of age having contracted a virulent form of lung disease that was endemic at the facility where she had been housed. It is not clear whether any of the abnormalities that were observed with Dolly were the result of SCNT, the conditions under which she was housed, or some combination of the two.

Most of the other papers in the literature refer to sheep clones generated from transgenic somatic cells to propagate animals with pharmaceutical potential, and data in those papers deal with expression of transgenes, molecular mechanisms that may be involved with fetal overgrowth syndromes (Young et al. 2001), or techniques to increase survival of nuclear transfer (Papadopoulos et al. 2002; Ptak et al. 2002) or other in vitro produced embryos. McCreath et al. (2000) reported on the post-mortem examination of transgenic lambs that died in utero or in the perinatal phase of development. These animals revealed a range of abnormalities including a high incidence of kidney defects, liver and brain pathology. This research group did not discuss the health of the transgenic lambs that survived.

Recently, Rhind et al. (2003) published a commentary on pathology findings from both transgenic (n=5) and non-transgenic (n=3) sheep clones that were not viable after birth. (The transgenes were intended to be targeted deletions of the ?-1,3 galactosyl transferase or prion protein genes). Of the eight animals evaluated, seven were euthanized at birth or shortly thereafter, the eighth survived but was euthanized after 14 days. The authors concluded that many of the defects (e.g., hepatobiliary changes, kidney structure changes, and pulmonary hyptertension) may not be contained within the “large offspring syndrome” (LOS) classification that may be common to other animal clones. Pulmonary hypertension has been observed in transgenic cattle clones (Hill et al. 1999), and in swine clones derived from transgenic “knock-out” piglets (Lai et al. 2002), suggesting that this syndrome may be common to a many species of animal clones, and that a common defect may be responsible. The authors call for additional research into the developmental mechanisms that may be responsible for the common defects in clones, although it is important to note that most of the animals with defects were derived from transgenic donor cells. The relevance of these observations to food consumption risks are limited, as clones that have died would not be used for food consumption purposes.

ii. Conclusions Regarding the Food Safety of Sheep Clones

Very few conclusions can be drawn about the health of sheep clones, due to the small database available for evaluation, as despite Dolly’s high public visibility, there are very few other reports of non-transgenic sheep clones. In the absence of specific information regarding the health of sheep clones, the only inferences that can be made would be drawn from interspecies extrapolation from other ruminant clones, i.e., cattle and goats.

d. Goat Clones

Relative to cattle, the database on goat clones is relatively small, but quite rich for its size. Much of the work that has been reported on non-transgenic goat cloning arises from data collected in an attempt to perfect systems by which SCNT can be harnessed to develop transgenic goats for commercial applications, and are effectively limited to publications from one group.

i. Perinatal Development and Function in Goat Clones (Developmental Node 2)

In 2002, Keefer et al. (2002) published a report on the birth of nine goat clones derived from two lines of adult granulosa cells and one line of fetal fibroblasts. Ninety-one female granulosa cell-derived embryo clones were transferred into eight surrogate dams. Four of those dams became pregnant, as confirmed by ultrasound on gestational day 30 and 60. All of these pregnancies went to term, and seven clones were born. Table VI-11 summarizes the outcomes of Keefer et al. 2002. One of the recipients delivered a single kid; the remaining three surrogates gestating granulosa cell-derived clones delivered twins. One of the female twins died at birth, but appeared to be normal.

In addition, 54 male fetal fibroblast-derived embryo clones were implanted into six surrogate dams. Only one of those dams had a confirmed pregnancy and delivered two male kids, one of which died during delivery. The authors state that this kid also appeared normal.

Table VI-11: Summary of Outcomes from Goat Cloning Study
(Keefer et al. 2002)


Cell Type







Granulosa Line 1

Granulosa Line 2

Granulosa Line 2








NA 1

Granulosa Line 2

Granulosa Line 2









Granulosa Line 2

Granulosa Line 2









Fibroblast Line 1

Fibroblast Line 1








1 NA = not applicable

The birth weights of all of the kids were cited as being within the normal range for this breed (Nigerian Dwarf) at an average of 1.7 ± 0.13 kg versus 1.3 ± 0.06 kg for females resulting from natural breeding. The authors reported that the placentae of these kids appeared normal, and had cotyledon numbers that were comparable to those from the placentae of naturally bred Nigerian Dwarf goats. Suckling response was delayed in half of the granulosa cell-derived kids, and in the fibroblast-derived kid. These animals were fed colostrum by intubation, and good suckling was reported to occur by Day 2. The clones were otherwise reported as healthy, and having no apparent abnormalities.

ii. Juvenile Development in Goat Clones (Developmental Node 3)

In the Keefer et al. (2001a) study, the authors reported that blood profiles of the clones were monitored for one year, and showed no anomalous results. No data addressing this statement were presented in the Keefer et al. (2002) publication. There is, however, an abstract that was published in 2001 (Keefer et al. 2001b) in which some blood parameters are provided (Table VI 12: Selected Laboratory Parameters for Goat Clones). In this brief account, only a few measurements were reported; the duration of monitoring was six months. Alkaline phosphatase levels show the appropriate age-related changes to be expected for rapidly growing infants and very young animals, dropping to lower levels as the animals aged. Given the adult range for alkaline phosphatase in Nigerian Dwarf goats is reported as 16-33 U/L, these animals likely were still growing at 6 months of age.


Table VI-12: Selected Laboratory Parameters for Goat Clones

(from Keefer et al. 2001b)


1 week

3 months

6 months


Lymphocyte counts (cells x 109)


  Control 1











Glucose (mmol/L)




5.64 ± 0.3

4.84 ± 0.3


4.14 ± 0.2

4.54 ± 0.1


3.54 ± 0.1

3.54 ± 0.1


Alkaline phosphatase (U/L)




7,434 ± 84

Not provided


5,554 ± 73

Not provided


374 ± 33

Not provided

1 Controls were reported as taken from Mbassa et al. 1991 (Zentralbl Veterinarmed [A] 38: 510-522). It is likely that these values are from adult animals, as the control values for the alkaline phosphatase levels were not explicitly provided. Instead, the adult range of 16-33 U/L was cited.

Behboodi et al. (2005) compared hematology and blood clinical chemistry of four transgenic goat clones with four age-matched comparators and a published range for goat blood values (Pugh 2002). Hematology values were similar between clones and comparators, and all hematology values fell within the published range (Pugh 2002). For clinical chemistry, 18/24 values were not significantly different between clones and their age-matched comparators. Of the 19 clinical chemistry values for which published ranges were available, 18 of the values for clones and comparators fell within the published range. The one value out of the published range, creatine kinase (244.6 vs. 204.4 IU/L for clones and comparators), was not different between clones and comparators.

iii. Reproductive Development and Function in Goat Clones (Developmental Node 4)

One paper compares the sexual maturation and fertility of male Nigerian Dwarf clones to conventional bucks (Gauthier et al. 2001). Three clones (Stewart, Clint, and Danny) and four conventional animals that served as controls (Blue, Star, Banzai, and Ed) were trained to serve an artificial vagina beginning at the age of one month. Average age at first semen collection for both clones and controls was approximately 20 weeks, although volumes were small at the initial collection (<0.1 ml). Subsequent collections showed increased volume and increased sperm count (see Table VI-13 for a summary of the reproductive function in goat clones, comparators, and clone progeny).

Semen collected from two goat clones, Clint and Danny, at seven months was used to impregnate six Nigerian Dwarf does (three does for each buck). Although not explicitly stated, the implication is that the does were not clones. Five of the six does became pregnant. Two does impregnated by Clint gave birth vaginally to two sets of twins. Two does impregnated by Danny gave birth to singletons, and one doe gave birth to triplets. Nine kids were produced, and all appeared to be normal and healthy. Average birth weights for the male and female clone progeny were 1.7 ± 0.2 kg and 1.66 ± 0.1 kg, respectively, which do not differ significantly from average birth weights for conventional animals of this breed (1.7 ± 0.07 kg (n = 41) for males and 1.3 ± 0.31 kg (n = 79) for females). Semen was first collected from one of the progeny males at 28.4 weeks (Table VI-13).

Table VI-13: Reproductive Function in Goat Clones, Comparators, and Clone Progeny
(from Gauthier et al. 2001)

Animal Derivation
Number of bucks
Mean age at collection ± SEM 1 (weeks)

Mean sperm concentration ± SEM (sperm x 10 9 /ml)

Mean Ejaculate Volume ± SEM (ml)

Range of Motility %
Control bucks
20.2 ± 3.1
ND 2
36.5 ± 0.3
2.5 ± 0.6
0.37 ± 0.14
59 ± 1
2.1 ± 0.6
0.4 ± 0.06
20.2 ±1.2
0.6 ± 0.07 3
0.25 ± 0.1 3
23 ± 0.6
1.2 ± 0.71
0.28 ± 0.11
79.5 ± 0.5
4.4 ± 0.3
0.37± 0.02
Progeny buck

1 SEM = standard error of the mean
2 ND = not done
3 The sample from the first collection from one buck was too small to measure

The authors concluded that male Nigerian Dwarf goat clones developed sexual maturity similarly to their conventional counterparts. Further, these goat clones are fertile, and their progeny appear to be fertile as well.

In their study of goat clones generated from transgenic fibroblasts, Reggio et al. (2001) were able to produce a total of five healthy kids. Twenty-three surrogate dams were each impregnated with an average of eight embryo clones. Five of the dams that were detected as pregnant at day 30 completed their pregnancies, and gave birth naturally, providing a 100 percent success rate based on detectable pregnancy. All of the kids appeared healthy and vigorous. Birth weights averaged 3.8 kg (normal for the Toggenberg breed that served as the donor cell), and weaning weights were also within normal range (19.1-24.5 kg) for the breed. Each of the kids exhibited estrus, and has been bred to a buck. No reports of progeny were provided. Although this study is based on transgenic clones, it reiterates the high success rate that is experienced by researchers producing goat clones.

iv. Post-Pubertal Maturation in Goat Clones (Developmental Node 5)

CVM was not able to identify any published reports of measures of post-pubertal non-reproductive maturation in goat clones. Further, in the course of several presentations at scientific meetings, the Center learned that that the cohort of clones studied in Keefer et al. 2001a and 2002 has been terminated for business reasons.

v. Summary Statement on Health Status of Goat Clones

Based on these data, goat clones appear to have the least difficulty of any of the livestock species with respect to the SCNT process. Successful pregnancy outcome (when confirmed by ultrasound detection) is very high, and clones appear to be born at birth weights within the appropriate breed- and species- range. Suckling response was weak in some of the goat clones immediately after birth, but they appear to have recovered within one day. Available information on physiological parameters indicates that these animals appear to be normal. Data on reproductive function in these animals indicates that they enter puberty at the normal age range, produce viable semen, and normal, live offspring. The minimal reporting on one progeny animal also indicates that progeny are fertile.

vi. Conclusions for Food Consumption Risks from Goat Clones

Based on the data reviewed, there do not appear to be any anomalies present in the goat clones that would have a direct impact on the safety of food products derived these animals. Goats appear to be relatively “cloning friendly” with a high degree of successful live births following confirmation of pregnancy. All reports of health of the goat clones seem to indicate that they are normal and healthy. The available data on the physiological parameters of goat clones indicate that these animals respond as their conventional counterparts to internal signals for growth. The apparently normal status of the clinical measurements indicates that the clones in this study possess the same physiological functions and behaviors as their conventional counterparts. Further, unlike the other livestock clones, data on the reproductive behavior of male goat clones indicate that reproductive function is normal. Finally, although cursory in mention, it appears that male progeny of clone bucks also reach puberty at the appropriate time. Thus, although the number of animals that has been evaluated is not as large as in the case of bovine clones, goat clones appear to be healthy, and do not appear to be materially different from conventional goats.

3. Compositional Analysis Method

a. Overview

The operating hypothesis of the second prong complement to the Critical Biological Systems Approach is that if food products from healthy animal clones and their progeny meet the local, state, and federal regulatory requirements set forth for those products (e.g., Pasteurized Milk Ordinance,  USDA inspection criteria, absence of drug residues), and are not materially different from products from conventionally bred animals, then they would pose no more food consumption risk(s) than corresponding products derived from conventional animals.

Information on the composition of meat or milk from animal clones has been limited for several reasons. Few of the cattle clones are old enough to have been bred, given birth, and begun lactating. In addition, there is uncertainty regarding the kinds of analyses that could or should be performed in order to determine whether milk from animal clones is materially different from milk from non-clone animals. The issues associated with the compositional analysis of meat are similar, but have additional practical and economic components. During the course of preparing this Risk Assessment, CVM has contacted several food testing laboratories to inquire about the minimum sample size that would be required in order to perform a compositional analysis of meat. The Center’s hope was that systems were sufficiently miniaturized to allow analysis of “punch biopsies” of a shoulder or rump, but were informed that the minimum sample size would require sacrificing an animal. Nonetheless, there are now several studies that have evaluated the composition of the milk and meat of both cattle and swine clones, and one large study that has evaluated the composition of the meat of the progeny of swine clones.

b. Nutritional Risk

The primary concern for milk and meat from animal clones is that inappropriate reprogramming of the nucleus of donor cells does not result in epigenetic changes creating subtle hazards that may pose food consumption risks (Chapter III). Because, as previously discussed, there is no a priori reason to expect that SCNT will introduce any new, potentially toxic substances into the milk or meat of otherwise healthy animals, the remaining food safety concerns addressed whether subtle changes have occurred that would alter the presence of important nutrients. The most likely dietary risk would then be the absence or significant decrease in levels of vitamins and minerals whose daily requirements are in large part met by milk or meat.

The overall strategy we used to determine which milk or meat components could characterize their respective nutritional “footprints” involved selecting certain key nutrients and compositional parameters, while at the same time allowing sufficient flexibility in the non-essential components that vary with the genetic make-up and husbandry of the production animal. Finally, evaluation of the levels of the results of complex biochemical pathways in clones (e.g., saturated fats, vitamins) can further ensure that the clone is functioning appropriately, and thus indirectly support the hypothesis that the clones are appropriately reprogrammed and not materially different from their conventionally bred counterparts.

In order to identify the nutrients in milk or meat whose alterations would most likely affect the overall diet, even if all of the dairy and meat products from conventional animals in the daily diet were replaced by counterparts produced by clones, we first determined which nutrients made a “major” or “moderate” contribution to the total daily diet of milk or meat consumers. For the purposes of this Risk Assessment, a nutrient in meat or milk was considered a major dietary source if it provides 50 percent or more of its recommended dietary allowance (RDA) in that food.  Likewise, a nutrient in a food providing 10 to 50 percent of its RDA in that food is considered a moderate dietary source. For example, a single eight ounce serving of whole milk provides milk drinkers with between 10 to 50 percent of the RDA of vitamin B2, riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), calcium, phosphorous and selenium. Another example, a single serving of three ounces of roasted eye of round beef provides a meat consumer with a moderate source of zinc, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, iron, and riboflavin, and a major source of vitamin B12 and selenium.

In order to determine typical meat and milk consumption in the adult US population, we consulted the one-day food survey conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) of 2000-2001. According to NHANES, the mean daily consumption of milk among adult milk drinkers was 11.5 ounces. At this level of consumption, milk becomes a major source of vitamin B12), and a moderate source of thiamin (B1), zinc, and potassium, in addition to the nutrients previously listed as provided in moderate amounts. The same survey showed that the 90th percentile consumption of milk by users was 24.1 ounces per day, making milk a major source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid, and adding magnesium and vitamin B6 to the list of nutrients provided in moderate amounts. Among subjects who consumed meat, the mean intake of meat was 4.2 ounces or 120.2 grams. Among the 90th percentile of meat eaters, consumption was 8.4 ounces or 239.4 grams. In order to determine whether evaluating the mean or 90th percentile consumption of milk and meat, changed the actual number of nutrients designated as moderate or major, we found that there were no nutrients were added or deleted, although with increased consumption rates, some of the nutrients changed from moderate to major contributors to the diet.

Proteins are of dietary importance because once they are digested, they provide the body with amino acids. In particular, some amino acids are of dietary concern because of the inability of mammals to synthesize them de novo in sufficient quantity to meet the body’s needs. For this reason they are designated as “essential.” Therefore, for purposes of assessing nutritional risk from food products from animal clones, the nature of the protein in its initial food matrix (e.g., casein or actin) is less important than whether it contains the same level of essential amino acids as its counterpart in foods derived from conventional animals. Finally, certain fatty acids such as linolenic (18:3) and linoleic (18:2) acid are essential components of the diets of mammals (including humans) and have also been selected as “key nutrients.”

Table VI-14 summarizes the analytes that we believe could be used to assess the composition of milk and meat from clones and comparators to demonstrate that there are no material difference between the two groups of animals with respect to key nutrients and overall nutritional characteristics. Included are key essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Other less essential constituents (e.g., vitamin A in milk is often supplemented, iron is not a key nutrient in milk) are also included to illustrate that checking on the levels of non-essential nutrients can also provide a useful tool to demonstrate the similarity of milk and meat from clones and their contemporary comparators.

Table VI-14: Compositional Analyses of Milk and Meat That May be Used for Showing No Material Differences Between Clone and Comparator Food Products
Milk Composition Meat Composition
Proximates 1 Proximates
Vitamins and minerals for which milk is a moderate to major source
           Vit A, C, B 1,B 1, B 12, niacin, 
           pantothenic acid, Ca, Fe, P

Vitamins and minerals for which meat is a moderate to major source
         Vit A, C, B 6, B 12, niacin 
         Ca, Fe, P, Zn

Fatty Acid Profiles 
         Saturated: 4:0, 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 16:0,   18:0
          Unsaturated: 18:1, 18:2, 18:3

Fatty Acid Profiles
        Saturated: 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 16:0, 18:0
        Unsaturated: 18:1, 18:2, 18:3, 20:4 

Protein characterization
          Essential amino acid profile

Protein characterization
         Essential amino acid profile

1 Most foods are comprised of water, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrates; the sum of these values approximates a complete analysis, hence the term “proximates.”

i. Milk

For the purposes of this Risk Assessment, CVM uses the term “milk” to mean the “lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows,” and that “milk that is in final package form for beverage use shall have been pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized, and shall contain not less than 8 1/4 percent milk solids not fat and not less than 3 1/4 percent milkfat” (21 CFR 131.110(a)).

The Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (a model ordinance for adoption by states, counties and municipalities to regulate the production, collection, processing, sale and distribution of milk and certain milk products) echoes this definition, replacing “cows” with the term “hooved animals.” Therefore, in this Risk Assessment, unless otherwise specified, the term “milk” will refer to the lacteal secretions of cows, goats, or sheep. Although most of the discussion in this Risk Assessment refers to cow’s milk, similar arguments may be applied to the milk of goats or sheep. Other hooved animals whose milk is covered by the PMO include water buffalos, although they are not covered by this Risk Assessment.

The biological role of the milk of any mammal is to provide nutrition to its own newborn and young. In addition to mother’s milk, humans consume the milk of a few other species, principally from cows. Milk and milk products provide a considerable portion of the nutrition of other age groups, including growing children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. In 2001, per capita American consumption of milk among all age groups was approximately 23 gallons of fluid milk, 30 pounds of cheese, and 27 pounds of frozen dairy products (USDA ERS 2003).17 In particular, bovine milk and milk products (excluding butter) provided approximately nine percent of the energy, 19 percent of the proteins, 12 percent of the fats, and 4.5 percent of the carbohydrates consumed by milk drinkers in the US in 2001 18. Ensuring that these dietary levels do not alter significantly is a key component of evaluating the potential nutritional risk from the milk of animal clones.

The degree to which individuals may experience risk from the consumption of milk appears to be a function of individual susceptibility, rather than the intrinsic toxicity of milk. For example, certain individuals suffer from Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy, which has an incidence of 2-6 percent among young infants (Exl and Fritsché 2001). Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy usually presents during the first year of life, and generally resolves by school age (Bernstein et al. 2003). Lactose intolerance is another milk-related condition found in adults and children (to a lesser degree) that is also a function of individual physiology (i.e., decreased expression of the enzyme lactase), particularly among certain ethnic groups. Excess consumption of saturated fats, including those from dairy products, can lead to atherosclerosis and its consequent morbidities; again, these harms are a function of individual behavior and susceptibility and not an intrinsic hazard of milk itself.

State regulatory agencies have managed the risk(s) posed by milk by adopting the PMO. It was first developed (1924) by what was then known as the Public Health Service, a precursor to today’s U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Now known as the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, the PMO is revised biennially (most recently in 2003) by the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and other centers of the FDA, with input from industry and state regulatory agencies.

Table VI-15 lists the PMO requirements for Grade A milk (as adopted by state and local governments). As milk from dairy clones would be subject to the same requirements as that from conventional dairy cows, potential risks associated with subtle changes in immune function that might result in increased rates of mastitis, for example, would be controlled by the somatic cell and bacterial load requirements of the PMO. Likewise, even if clones suffered more bacterial infections, and required additional treatment with antibiotics, existing requirements restrict the presence of antibiotic residues in Grade A milk, thereby ensuring that milk from clones would pose no more bacteriological or drug residue risk than milk from non-clone cows.


Table VI-15: Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) Requirements for Grade A Milk Compliance


Raw Milk

Pasteurized Milk and Bulk-Shipped Heat-Treated Milk


Cooled to 10oC (50oF) or less within four (4) hours after the commencement of the first milking, and to 7oC (45oF) or less within two (2) hours after the completion of milking. Provided that the blend temperature after the first and subsequent milkings does not exceed 10oC (50oF)

Cooled immediately to 7oC (45oF) or less and maintained thereat

Bacterial limits: Standard Plate Count


Individual producer milk not to exceed 100,000 mL prior to commingling with other producer milk. Not to exceed 300,000 mL as commingled milk prior to pasteurization

20,000 mL limit



Not to exceed 10 mL. Provided, that in case of bulk milk transport tank shipments, shall not exceed 100 mL

Somatic cell counts

Individual producer milk not to exceed 750,000 per mL1




No positive results on drug residue detection methods as referenced in Section 6 of the PMO

Milk must not test positive for any drug residues as described in section 6 of the PMO

No positive results on drug residue detection methods as referenced in Section 6 of the PMO

Milk must not test positive for any drug residues as described in section 6 of the PMO




Less than 350 milliunits per liter for fluid products and other milk products by the Fluorometer or Charm ALP or equivalent.

1 Goat milk somatic cell count NTE 1,000,000 cells/mL.

 Source: 2003 Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance.

 Is it possible to be reasonably certain that milk from animal clones and their progeny is indistinguishable from that now available in commerce? The complexity of milk itself is one of the primary difficulties in determining whether residual non-PMO managed hazards exist in the milk of animal clones. Milk from cows, sheep, and goats are mixtures that are estimated to be composed of more than 100,000 molecules (Jenness 1988), whose presence and proportion is a function of both the genetics of the animal and its environment. Not every component in milk has been identified and characterized; thus determining whether animal clones are producing a hazardous substance in their milk although theoretically possible, is highly impractical.

As for new components or changes in currently present but unknown and uncharacterized components of milk, it is unlikely that the cloning process would trigger expression of a novel substance that would not have independently arisen through random mutations in cow populations. In addition, it seems unlikely that a reprogramming error would lead to expression of an excess of a metabolically active protein with no adverse effects on the producing animal itself. This is especially true if the many nutrients that are monitored by the comparison scheme in Table VI-14 are within the ranges of contemporary comparators, and the physiological and biochemical parameters monitored in assessments of animal health are also within the ranges exhibited by contemporary comparators.

All milk is subject to Nutrition Labeling Requirements promulgated by FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition under 21 CFR 101.9. These requirements provide a good starting point for milk characteristics that could be used as a basis of comparison. Additionally, the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference ( compiles data from a range of scientific, technical, food industry, and government agency sources to arrive at “composite” values of key nutrients in milk from cows, sheep, and goats. Table VI-14 provides a compilation of the key constituents and nutrients of milk from FDA’s Nutritional Labeling Requirements and USDA’s Nutrient Database.

If milk from clones and conventional animals does not materially differ in these constituents, it is unlikely that individuals consuming milk from animal clones will face increased risk(s) relative to individuals consuming milk from conventionally bred animals.

ii. Meat

For purposes of this Risk Assessment, CVM uses the term “meat” to mean “(1) The part of the muscle of any cattle, sheep, swine, or goats, which is skeletal or...tongue,...diaphragm,...heart, or...esophagus, with or without the accompanying and overlying fat, and the portions of bone, skin, sinew, nerve, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue... It does not include the muscle found in the lips, snout, or ears....” and “(2) The product derived from the mechanical separation of the skeletal muscle tissue from the bones of livestock using the advances in mechanical meat/bone separation machinery and meat recovery systems that do not crush, grind, or pulverize bones, and from which the bones emerge comparable to those resulting from hand-deboning....” (9 CFR 301.2)

Meat comprises a large proportion of the average American’s diet, for both cultural and economic reasons (meat is relatively inexpensive in the US). In 2001, total annual per capita consumption of beef, veal, pork, lamb and mutton on a retail weight basis was approximately 122 pounds, and is estimated to have been about the same for 2002. The species-specific breakdown is approximately 69 pounds from beef and veal, 52 pounds from pork, and a little over a pound for lamb and mutton (USDA-NASS Statistical Highlights of US Agriculture 2001 and 2002). Goat consumption tends to be centered in various ethnic groups, but when averaged over the US population is about a half a pound per capita per year (USDA).

Meats provide a substantial portion of the nutrition in a non-vegetarian American diet. For example, beef provides approximately 50 percent of the total protein in a 2,000 calorie American diet, as well as approximately a third of the daily requirement of zinc and vitamin B12. It provides about 20 percent of the daily requirement for selenium, phosphorus, and niacin, and lesser although substantial amounts (i.e., 10-15 percent) of daily requirements for vitamins B6, riboflavin, thiamin, and iron (USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 15, 2002).

Similar to milk, consumption of meat for millennia has taught that there are no significant intrinsic toxicants in meat from cattle, swine, sheep, or goats. Examples of meat allergies are rather rare, although they do exist. Cases of human immune-mediated allergies to the cattle proteins bovine serum albumin and bovine gamma globulin have been reported (Wuthrich et al. 1995; Han et al. 2000; Fiocchi et al. 2000; Tanabe et al. 2002). Humans allergic to cat serum albumin may also exhibit cross-reactivity to swine serum albumin (Hilger et al. 1997), in a phenomenon referred to as the pork-cat syndrome (Drouet et al. 1994). Children exhibiting positive skin prick test to bovine serum albumin may also cross react with sheep serum albumin (Fiocchi et al. 2000). As is the case for all immune-mediated allergic response, the individual’s susceptibility is in large part the driver for the response, as allergies are examples of the dysfunction of the immune response.

Just as for milk, there are no chemical composition schemes that “define” beef, pork, mutton, or goat meat. Due to the physiological function of muscles, and their need for rapid perfusion and oxygenation, meat also reflects the materials circulating the blood of the animal prior to slaughter. Myoglobin, the major storage protein for oxygen, is found in high concentration in muscle tissues. Unknown numbers of other large and small molecules are also found in meat, whose origins can be environmental, dietary, or endogenous. Each of these contributes to the complex profile that is responsible for the distinctive tastes and smells of meats.

The muscle tissue that makes up meat is composed of two major protein types: myofibrillar proteins, actin and myosin, which make up the fibers in muscle bundles, and connective tissue, which primarily consists of collagen and elastin. Collagen is the major component of gelatin, which results from the melting of collagen in the presence of hot water. Elastin is not greatly affected by cooking.

Tenderness, one of the primary considerations in carcass merit, is affected by the interplay of the myofibrillar and connective tissue proteins, and changes over the age of the animal and the amount of time since slaughter. The more connective tissue there is in a piece of meat, the tougher it tends to be; cooking, by solubilizing the collagen, decreases meat toughness. Collagen levels and structure tend to change in animals as they age, with the amount in young animals considerably lower than in older animals. With age, collagen undergoes more cross-linking, rendering it more insoluble and less likely to dissolve during the cooking process. The amount and distribution of fat in a muscle also influences tenderness. Marbling, or the presence of fatty deposits within muscles, also affects tenderness by functioning as a “lubricant” on the teeth or in the mouth, and by leaving “pockets” between muscle bundles as it melts during cooking. Changes in the amount of collagen or fat in the animal may affect meat quality with respect to tenderness or other qualities, but these would not pose nutritional or other food consumption risks. Further, it is likely that beef cattle clones will have changes in the amount or nature of marbling relative to average conventional beef cattle, as breeders will select animals as nuclear donors that have carcass qualities producing more uniformly tender and tasty meat. Similar selection procedures are being applied to animals used in conventional animal breeding programs, so the effect of cloning would be to speed the rate at which these desirable traits are introduced into breeding and production herds.

When an animal is slaughtered, rigor mortis (muscle stiffening observed after death) causes stable cross-links to form in muscle fibers due to the free flow of calcium across the cell membranes. The carcass stiffens and lactic acid levels accumulate resulting in a decrease in pH. The net result is that muscle fibers contract, and the meat appears “tough.” As the meat ages, however, a set of enzymes called calpains (calcium activated proteases) break down some of the structural components of the muscle, relieving the contraction, and degrading the connective tissue proteins, also releasing the degree to which the muscles are held together. Calpains are thought to function in concert with their antagonistic regulators, calpastatins, such that if calpastatin levels are high, calpain activity will be inhibited and less post-mortem degradation will occur, resulting in tougher meat. Most processors age beef for a minimum of 14 days to allow sufficient time for the calpains to work. Changes in levels of either calpains or calpastatins may thus affect meat tenderness, but likely would not pose food consumption risks.
As is the case for milk, the question of the appropriate comparator for meats may be approached from two perspectives. In order to determine whether cloning results in potential food consumption hazards relative to close genetic relatives, comparisons could be made to animals that are matched as closely as possible by age, husbandry (including diet), and environment. The second approach compares meat samples from animal clones more broadly to the national herds by using composite data sources.

Unlike milk, however, meat consists of various cuts that although made up mostly of muscle, contain different minor tissues, and whose function may affect composition. For example, the muscle in loin cuts may differ in composition from the muscle used to make bacon (i.e., belly muscles). In order to provide the most useful data for purposes of determining similarity to conventionally bred animals, it would be useful to compare cuts from each species that have the following characteristics:

  • High US consumption levels (e.g., loin, rib, shoulder roasts, pork bellies, lamb or mutton shoulder or leg), and 

  • Cuts of different muscularity that may have different overall compositions (e.g., if one tissue is lean, another may be fatty).

USDA’s Nutrient Database ( contains composite tables that provide chemical compositions of several cuts of beef, pork, and lamb meats. Goat meat composition is only available as a single source.

There are no full chemical characterizations for meats. Moreover, as the definition of meat actually contains several tissue types, and each varies according to the genetics, breed, species, and environment of the food animal, it is unlikely that “complete” characterizations will ever be developed. The USDA requires nutritional labeling on “mixed” pork and beef products, and allows the voluntary labeling of raw products (9 CFR 317.300). Included in the labeling are calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium protein and iron. Because meats are declared not to be a significant source of total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamins A and C, and calcium, USDA does not require labeling information on them.

c. Characterization of Milk from Cow Clones

i. Peer-reviewed Reports

Walsh et al. (2003) evaluated the milk produced from 15 dairy cow clones from five different donor cell lines and three different breeds. These animals were produced by Infigen, Inc., and they have been described by Forsberg et al. (2002), reviewed in the Critical Biological Systems Section earlier in this Chapter. Clones were bred by AI between 14 to 16 months of age; the paper does not specify whether all of the heifers were inseminated with semen from the same bull. Five different cell lines were used as donors to generate the clones, and the breeds represented by the cell lines included two Holsteins, and two cell lines derived from cows resulting from crossbreeding Jersey and Holstein cattle.
Comparator cows were housed at different farms from the clones, but were approximately age and lactation-stage matched. They consisted of five Holsteins living on one farm, and one Brown Swiss cow raised at a farm different from the clones or the comparator Holsteins. Because of the different rearing sites, clones and their comparators were fed different rations, and for the clones, the ration was changed during the course of the lactation. Each cow was lactating for at least 30 days prior to sample collection, and samples were collected at approximately two month intervals over the entire lactation cycle.

Cows were milked into individual buckets, the contents of the bucket mixed and distributed into various vessels appropriate to each analysis. Samples were coded at the collection site, although the coding was broken approximately half-way through the study for unspecified reasons. The milk components that were analyzed are found in Table VI-16.

Table VI-16: Milk Components Analyzed
(by Walsh et al. 2003)
  • Total fat

  • Lactose

  • pH

  • Nitrogen

  • Solids

  • Somatic Cell Count19

  • Elements including: sodium, calcium, sulfur, potassium, zinc, iron, strontium, and phosphorus

  • Fatty acids including: C 4:0, 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 14:1, 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 18:3, and 20:0 

  • Milk proteins including: total protein, caseins as, b, and k subtypes),b-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, and immunoglobulin fraction, and a category entitled “other proteins.”

  • Acid Degree Value21


Mastitis is an infection of the udder, and a common problem in dairy cattle, that characteristically causes an increase in the number of somatic cells (cells from the circulation) in the milk of affected cows. The somatic cell count of the milk from both clones and non-clones indicated that none of the milk being sampled came from cows with mastitis. This implies that the immune function of the clones was sufficient to ward off infection under the husbandry conditions that the cows experienced. (A similar lack of impact on somatic cell count was reported by Heyman et al (2004) for milk from 50 clone cows compared to milk from 68 contemporary non-clone controls). The pH of the milk from the clones was within the range of healthy cows (~6.5-6.8). Acid degree values, which indicate rancidity or off-flavors, were also within the normal range for fresh milk.

No significant differences were noted between clones and non-clones with respect to the concentrations of the individual milk proteins that were sampled. No significant differences (p> 0.05) were observed when the gross composition of milk from Holstein clones and Holstein non-clones was compared over the course of the entire lactation cycle (Table VI-17).

No significant differences were reported between milk from clones and sexually-reproduced cows with respect to the individual milk proteins that were assayed, although difference in the concentrations of as-casein, k-casein, and a-lactalbumin were noted over the course of the lactation.


Table VI-17: Comparison of Gross Characteristics of Milk from Clones and Non-Clones
(from Walsh et al. 2003)



Clone BrSw1



Lit Value2

Hlstn3 1

Hlstn 2


Hlstn Lit Value

H X Jersey1

H X Jersey5 2

Animals/ Samples











Solids (%)


± 0.77


± 0.7




± 1.0


± 1.1


± 1.4




± 0.9


± 0.5


Fat (%)


± 0.9






± 0.9


± 1.3


± 1.2




± 1.3

± 0.5


Protein (%)


± 0.2


± 0.12




± 0.1


± 0.1


± 0.2




± 0.2


± 0.1


Lactose (%)


± 0.5


± 0.4




± 0.1


± 0.1


± 0.15




± 0.02


± 0.1

1 BrSw = Brown Swiss
2 Lit Value = published literature value cited by Walsh et al. (2003)
3 Hlstn = Holstein
5 H X Jersey = a cross between a Holstein and Jersey, referring to the source of the animal that provided the donor cell for SCNT.
6 NP = not provided
7 Values are presented as means ± standard deviation.

For 12 of the 14 fatty acids analyzed, no significant differences were noted between clone and non-clone milk. Significant differences (p<0.05) were noted in the amount of palmitic acid (C16:0) and linolenic acid (C18:3) between clones and non-clones. The authors noted that the palmitic and linolenic acid levels for both clone and non-clone milk fall within published references for that substance, and speculated that difference between the levels in clones and non-clones could be attributed to diet. Differences were observed in the fatty acid profiles of the milks over the course of the lactation cycle. These were noted as being consistent with published accounts of lactation cycle differences, diet, and seasonality. The greatest variability was observed in the mineral content of milk from clones and non-clones, with significant differences noted for potassium, zinc, strontium, and phosphorus levels. The authors attribute these differences to the different diets that clones and non-clones were fed. (Clones and comparators were housed at different farms, and fed different rations.) The authors’ overall conclusion was that there were “no obvious differences between milk from clones and non-clones.”

In an abstract, Aoki et al. (2003) described the generation of two clones from cells derived from the colostrum of a Holstein cow, as well as providing summary comments regarding milk characteristics and milking behavior. According to the abstract, milk yield (measured in kilograms per week) was measured every four weeks over a 16 week period. They noted that significant differences were observed between milk yield at weeks 1, 9, 11, and 13, but in the other weeks, “they shared similar lactation curves.” Milk composition was apparently measured as milk fat, protein, lactose, solids-non-fat, and total solid percentages. The authors reported that there were “considerable resemblance[s]” between the milk of clones and non-clones. It should be noted, however, that the measurements in this study were made between clones in their first lactation, and comparators in their second lactation. There are often differences in milk yield and composition between successive lactations (Vasconcelos et al. 2004; Flis and Wattiaux 2005).

The laboratories at the University of Connecticut continued their surveillance of a set of Holstein clones (see CBSA section) by analyzing the composition of milk from clones (the composition of meat from Japanese Black clones is discussed in the Meat Composition section) (Tian et al. 2005). Ten dairy clones were produced through SCNT using skin fibroblast (n=4) or cumulus cells (n=6) of a 13 year old Holstein cow. Four of the surviving cumulus cell derived clones were compared with four age- and parity-matched comparator heifers. All animals were raised at the same facility from 2 months of age, with the same management and feeding. Both groups were bred by artificial insemination using semen from the same bull at 14-15 months of age.

Milk production was monitored starting immediately after calving through 305 days of lactation; milk samples were collected three times daily. Two milk samples were collected from each of three milkings on a given day of each week throughout the entire first lactation. One of the collected samples was used for the analysis of total protein, total fat, lactose, total solids, milk urea nitrogen, and somatic cell counts as routinely monitored by the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) at a DHIA designated laboratory. Individual fatty acids that were measured included C4:0, 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0, 14:1, 16:0, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 18:3, and 20:0. The second collected sample was analyzed for protein profiles using denaturing SDS/PAGE (sodium dodecyl (lauryl) sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) stained with Comaisse blue. Relative quantities of each band were determined. Antibody concentrations (IgM, IgA, and IgG) were determined in colostrums from the first milking with a commercial assay.

The investigators report that there were no significant differences between the composition of milk from clone and age-matched, closely related comparators, or breed comparators. Clones and comparators also showed comparable lactation curves, with milk production increasing during the first month, and decreasing thereafter during the course of the lactation. The exception was one clone that birthed prematurely, and produced 30 percent less milk, as would be expected. Analysis of key milk proteins indicated that there were no differences among major or minor bands as analyzed by SDS/PAGE. The four major bands representing a-caseins, b-caseins, k-caseins, and b-lactoglobulins were consistent in all milk samples whether from clones or their comparators. Similarly, there was no difference between groups for minor protein bands. Antibody concentrations in colostrums were also similar between clone and non-clone cows, and reported to be in the typical range for colostrum antibody composition.

Yonai et al. (2005) (see previous discussions of these animals in the Developmental Nodes) presented milk composition data for six Holstein and four Jersey clone cows. Overall milk yield, fat, protein, and other solids not fat (SNF) were considered to be normal by the authors, with the observed inter-clone differences and differences from the donor animals attributed to diet and environmental conditions. The authors note that the heritability of milk production is approximately 30 percent and, considering the impact of environmental conditions on milk production, suggest that standardizing individual feeding conditions may be helpful for future comparisons.

Table VI-18: Milk Composition (mean ± standard deviation) in First and Second Lactations
(adapted from Yonai et al. 2005)
Milk Yield
Fat (%)
Fat (kg)
Protein (%)
Protein (kg)
SNF * (%)
SNF (kg)
Jersey (n=4)
First lactation
5,896.4 ± 332.0
5.0 ± 0.2
300.3 ± 23.9
3.8 ± 0.2
225.5 ± 20.4
9.4 ± 0.2
560.0 ± 47.8
Donor animal
Second lactation
7,262.8 ± 222.6
5.13 ± 0.13
375.3 ± 26.2
3.78 ± 0.10
274.8 ± 13.4
9.35 ± 0.10
Donor animal
Holstein (n=6)
First lactation
9,333.0 ± 476.4
4.7 ± 0.1
440.3 ± 36.7
3.3 ± 0.1
304.2 ± 27.6
9.0 ± 0.1
Donor animal
Second lactation
11,271.4 ± 1084.7
4.5 ± 0.2
510.5 ± 53.4
3.1 ± 0.1
353.5 ± 31.4
8.7 ± 0.1
Donor animal

* SNF is milk solids not fat


ii. The Report of the Japanese Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology

The Japanese Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology provided a report entitled “Investigation on the Attributes of Cloned Bovine Products” published by the Japan Livestock Technology Association (Japan 2002). CVM was able to obtain a seven page English-language summary translation of the original 489 page Japanese report. Only the English-language summary is reviewed in this risk assessment.

The study investigated blood, milk, and meat constituents in blastomere nuclear transfer clones (BNT) and SCNT cattle clones. In addition, the results of rodent feeding studies conducted with edible products derived from the cattle clones are reported. The results for milk are discussed in this section; results for meat are discussed in the section Compositional Data on Meat from Clones. No information was provided on the production of the BNT or SCNT clone cattle in the English translation, and the comparator group was identified as “ordinary cattle.”
Milk constituents were compared between ordinary cattle, BNT clones, and SCNT clones. The results are reported as the mean of samples obtained three and six weeks after parturition and provided in Table VI-17. No biologically significant differences were observed between any of the groups for the parameters tested.

Table VI-19: Milk Constituents in BNT and SCNT Clones and Ordinary Cattle
(from Japan 2002)


Cattle No.




Ash content

Water content



g/100 g

mg/100 g

Ordinary cattle

Min. value

Max value















Mean value








BNT clones

















SCNT clones

No 1
























Milk from these cow clones was tested for allergenic potential. The ability to digest a protein is one index of potential allergenicity; a protein that is less able to be digested may be more likely to provide an allergenic response. The protein digestion rate of freeze-dried milk combined in feed consumed by rats is reported below for milk obtained from ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, and SCNT clone cattle. The authors report that there was no biological difference among the groups tested.


Table VI-20: Protein Digestion of Freeze Dried Milk from BNT and SCNT Clones and Ordinary Cattle
(from Japan 2002)

Test Group

Number of Animals

Digestion Rate
(mean ± standard deviation)


Ordinary Cattle


83.0 ± 2.6

BNT clone cattle


82.7 ± 2.0

SCNT clone cattle


8.13 ± 3.4

In a separate study, mice were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection to extracts of milk from clone and non-clone cows. Fourteen days later, the abdominal wall of the mice was surgically retracted and an allergic reaction induced by re-injection of the freeze-dried milk extract into the abdominal wall. Control mice did not receive the second injection of milk extract. Allergenic response was assessed based on vascular permeability as measured by the diameter of dye leakage from the site of injection. No statistically significant differences in allergenic activity were reported between groups. The data are presented in Table VI-21.


Table VI-21: Allergenic Response to Milk from BNT and SCNT Clones and Ordinary Cattle
(from Japan 2002)

Test Group

Mouse Group

Number of Animals

Diameter of dye leakage (mm)
(mean ± standard deviation)


Ordinary Cattle

Control Group
Test Group


7.0 ± 3.7
18.0 ± 2.9

BNT clone cattle

Control Group
Test Group


4.7 ± 3.2
18.0 ± 3.9

SCNT clone cattle

Control Group
Test Group


4.9 ± 4.6
17.9 ± 4.2

Based on these two studies, the authors conclude that there were no biologically or statistically significant differences in the allergenic potential of milk from ordinary cattle or BNT or SCNT clones.

In addition to the composition and allergenicity studies, the Japanese Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology performed a 28-day rodent feeding study.22 Rats were fed diets containing freeze dried milk from clones and ordinary cattle at concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, or 10 percent of the diet for 14 weeks. General signs, body weight, food consumption, urinalysis, sensory and reflex function, spontaneous movement frequency, general function, reproductive cycle, hematology at autopsy, blood chemistry, organ weights, pathology and histopathology were compared between groups. English-language summary tables were provided in the original Japanese-language report; the summary tables have been provided in Appendix G. No biologically significant differences were reported in rats fed milk from clones compared to rats fed milk from ordinary cattle. In addition, it is noted that 10 cattle fed clone milk powder at 2.5, 5, or 10 percent of the diet showed no significant differences in body weight increase, indicating that the milk did not contain anti-nutrients or other toxicants to cattle. The duration of exposure is not reported.

Finally, the potential for milk from BNT and SCNT clone cattle to cause clastogenic23 (DNA breaking) events was assessed using an in vivo mouse micronucleus assay. Mice were fed milk from ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, or SCNT clone cattle at 0, 2.5, 5, or 10 percent of the diet for 14 days. In addition, a positive control group received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg/kg mitomycin C, a known clastogen. The positive control group showed a statistically significant increase in the incidence of micronuclei appearance and polychromatic erythrocyte rate, and was considered a positive test. No milk-fed group, whether derived from ordinary or clone cattle, was positive in this assay.

The report concludes that there were no biologically significant differences in the component analysis or the results of feeding milk from ordinary cattle, BNT clones, and SCNT clones.

iii. Additional Data
In a preliminary report of the nutritional contribution of food from cattle clones, Tome et al. (2004) found no differences in the response of rats receiving meat and milk from clones or non-clone cattle. Rats were fed milk or meat from clones or controls for three weeks. Outcomes evaluated included food intake, body weight gain, body composition, and fasting insulin levels.  In addition, no differences were detected for IgG, IgA, and IgM subtypes for rats receiving clone or non-clone derived diets. Further, no specific anti-milk or meat protein IgE responses were detected in rat sera. The authors conclude that there are no major differences in the nutritional value of milk or meat derived from clone or non-clone animals, and suggest that this study be confirmed in longer term exposure studies.

Wells et al (2004) briefly reported on the composition of milk from six 2-year old Friesian cow clones in their first lactation. The milk composition was compared to that of the single donor cow in her third lactation. All animals were managed together as part of a single dairy herd. Variables measured are presented in Table VI-22.


Table VI-22: Milk composition variables measured in clone Friesian cows and the non-clone donor
(from Wells et al. 2004)


Fatty acids










C18:2 conjugated linoleic acid






Solid Fat Content













The comparison was made based on a single milk sample take at mid lactation. Although one of the protein levels (bovine serum albumin (BSA (4.52 ± 0.10 vs. 4.48)) and two of the fatty acids in the clones (C18:2 (3.76 ± 0.06 vs. 3.00), C18:3 (1.18 ± 0.07 vs. 0.90) were found to be statistically different (p>0.05) from the donor cow’s milk, they were reported to be within normal limits for this breed of cow, and not considered by the authors to be biologically significant. The authors conclude that overall milk composition of the clones was what might be expected for healthy cows.

In a presentation at the January 2005 31st IETS Annual Meeting, the same group (Reproductive Technologies Group, AgResearch Ltd, New Zealand (Lee and Wells 2005) presented data on AgResearch’s experience with cattle cloning from 1997 onwards. Milk composition was evaluated in three clone cows each from three clonal families (a clonal family is derived from the same source animal). Milk from a total of six SCNT clones (selection not specified) was compared to milk from a single donor cow (also not specified) (Table VI-23). In this preliminary communication of data, the investigators noted statistically significant differences for only BSA (162 ± 6 vs. 105 mg/L), and two fatty acids C18:2 (3.76 ± 0.06 vs. 3.00 percent of total) and C18:3 (1.19 ± 0.03 vs. 0.90 percent of total). They concluded that the composition of milk from clones was normal.


Table VI-23: Comparison of Milk Composition in of Milk from Clones and the Single Donor Cow (from Lee and Wells 2005)


Component of Milk
(g/kg milk unless otherwise stated)

Clones (n=6)

Donor Cow


35.1 ± 1.00



31.2 ± 0.36



50.1 ± 0.36



10.8 ± 0.17



8.98 ± 0.15



2.94 ± 0.09



0.99 ± 0.12



4.52 ± 0.10


BSA (mg/L)

162 ± 6


IgG (mg/L)

563 ± 13




Fatty acids

(% of total)



4.59 ± 0.02



2.45 ± 0.07



1.32 ± 0.03



2.14 ± 0.22



2.32 ± 0.15



8.79 ± 0.30



25.9 ± 0.55



1.01 ± 0.07



1.77 ± 0.06



12.4 ± 0.26



26.5 ± 1.06



3.76 ± 0.06


C18:2 CLA

1.18 ± 0.07



1.19 ± 0.03


SFC at 10°C (g/kg fat)

520 ± 15.8


Magnesium (mg/100g)

9.3 ± 0.23


Calcium (mg/100g)

124 ± 1.8


Sodium (mg/100g)

33 ± 0.6


Potassium (mg/100g)

149 ± 1.5


In 2004 through 2005, milk vitamin composition was compared for 3 clone cows each from 3 clonal families (n=9) to control non-clone cows (Table VI-24). Subsequently, Wells published a summary of a slightly expanded version of these data (Wells 2005) in a scientific journal (Tables VI-25 and VI-26). No details were provided for the comparator animals. No differences were reported in selected vitamins in milk. Wells concluded that the composition from these clones was within the normal range for milk.


Table VI-24: Vitamin Composition of Bovine Whole Milk Harvested In Spring
(from Wells 2005)



Clone milk (n = 9)

Comparator milk (n = 5)


IU/100 ml

128 ± 22

140 ± 29


mg/100 ml

0.27 ± 0.03

0.24 ±0.04


µg/100 g

0.40 ±0.09

0.20 ± 0.07


Table VI-25: Mineral Composition of Bovine Whole Milks Harvested In Spring (from Wells 2005)



Milk from Clones (n = 9)

Mean ± Standard Deviation

Milk from Comparators (n = 5)

Mean ± Standard Deviation


133.0 ± 15.7

134.4 ± 10.1


0.0010 ±0.0005

0.0022 ±0.0009


10.1 ± 1.5

10.0 ± 0.0


115.2 ± 12.5

103.6 ± 5.3


129.9 ± 13.9

125.8 ± 15.1


0.0005 ± 0.0

0.0008 ± 0.0004


27.0 ± 5.1

26.8 ± 5.0


0.495 ± 0.768

0.515 ± 0.077


Table VI-26: Amino Acid Composition of Bovine Skim Milk Harvested In Spring (from Wells 2005)

Amino acid (mg/g)

Milk from Clones (n = 9)Mean ± Standard Deviation

Milk from Comparators (n = 5)Mean ± Standard Deviation


1.31 ± 0.17

1.31 ± 0.14


1.32 ± 0.20

1.33 ± 0.12

Aspartic acid

3.07 ± 0.40

3.02 ± 0.26


0.36 ± 0.05

0.38 ±0.04

Glutamic acid

8.78 ± 1.16

8.65 ±0.70


0.74 ± 0.11

0.75 ± 0.07


1.02 ±0.14

1.01 ±0.07


1.82 ±0.28

1.76 ±0.16


3.83 ±0.51

3.75 ±0.30


3.22 ± 0.45

3.16 ±0.26


0.89 ±0.12

0.88 ±0.09


1.85 ±0.26

1.83 ±0.15


3.87 ±0.53

3.80 ±0.33


2.19 ±0.30

2.17 ±0.19


1.78 ±0.25

1.76 ±0.18


0.48 ±0.08

0.48 ± 0.06


1.81 ±0.27

1.80 ±0.17


2.15 ± 0.32

2.08 ± 0.17


40 ± 5.57

39.94 ± 3.40




iv. Summary Statement on Composition of Milk from Clones

Based on the available data, milk from cow clones does not appear to differ significantly in composition from milk from non-clones. Small differences have been noted between clones and comparators, but given the different diets and husbandry conditions of these animals, it is difficult to determine with certainty whether the small changes seen in some components were a function of the diet, handling, or related to cloning. In summary, none of the small reported differences in any of the studies indicate any concern for food safety.

d. Characterization of Meat from Clones and Their Progeny

i. Cattle

Two linked reports on carcass merit24 (e.g., dressing percentage, fat depth, rib-eye area, yield and quality grade) of cattle produced via BNT have been published (Diles et al. 1996a,b). Neither paper addresses food safety issues. Both papers evaluate the degree to which body measurements are heritable (Diles et al. 1996a), and the degree to which there is phenotypic variability among clones and closely related siblings. The studies conclude that animals derived from BNT provide good models for determining which traits have strong genetic correlations.

As discussed in the section on milk composition, the Japanese Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology provided an unpublished bound report “Investigation on the Attributes of Cloned Bovine Products” by the Japan Livestock Technology Association (Japan 2002).25 The results for meat are discussed in this section. Takahashi and Ito (2004) have published a summary of these data, including some information characterizing the clones and their comparators. SCNT and BNT clones were derived from Japanese Black cattle at the Para Prefectural Animal Research Center. comparator animals were selected as conventionally bred Japanese Black cattle. All animals used for compositional analysis were sacrificed between 27 and 28 months of age, after fattening. For the in vitro digestion test, samples were taken from a one-day old conventional calf and a four day old clone.

Meat constituents were compared between ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, and SCNT clone cattle. The results are reported as the mean of analytical samples obtained from 9 sites; shoulder, chuck loin, rib loin, loin end, brisket, round, silver side, rump, and tender loin, and are provided in Table VI-27:


Table VI-27: Meat Constituents in BNT and SCNT Clones and Ordinary Cattle
(from Japan 2002)


Cattle No.

Protein(g/100 g)

(g/100 g)

Sugars (g/100 g)

Ash content (g/100 g)

Water content (g/100 g)

Cholesterol (mg/100 g)

Ordinary cattle

Min. value
Max value







Mean value







BNT clones







SCNT clones







No biologically significant differences were observed between any of the groups of cattle (ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, and SCNT clone cattle) for the parameters tested

Meat from clone cows was tested for allergenic potential by comparing protein digestion rates with artificial digestive juice and in a rat model, and by looking for an allergenic response following direct challenge in rats. The rates of digestion by artificial digestive juices (artificial gastric juice and artificial intestinal juice) were compared for freeze dried meat derived from ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, or SCNT clone cattle (Table VI-28). No information is provided in the translation regarding the artificial digestive material. The results are presented below as the rate of protein digestion.


Table VI-28: Rates of in vitro Digestion of Beef from SCNT Clones or Ordinary Cattle
(from Japan 2002)

Digestive juice


Rate of digestion after the start of incubation

(per cent)



0.75 hr

1.5 hr

3 hr

6 hr

12 hr

Artificial gastric juice

Ordinary beef







Somatic cloned beef







Artificial intestinal juice

Ordinary beef







Somatic cloned beef







It was concluded that there were no biologically significant differences in the rates of digestion for meat from ordinary beef cattle or from clone beef cattle using artificial digestive juices.

The protein digestion rate of freeze-dried meat combined in feed consumed by rats is in Table VI-29. The authors report that there was no biological difference among the groups tested.


Table VI-29: Protein digestion rate in rats following consumption of freeze dried meat from clone cattle and non-clone cattle
(from Japan 2002)

Test Group

Number of Animals

Digestion Rate (mean

Ordinary cattle beef


83.8 ± 6.6

BNT clones


82.3 ± 4.7

SCNT clones


84.9 ± 3.6

In a separate study, mice were given sensitizing intraperitoneal injections of extracts of freeze-dried beef from clone and non-clone cows. Fourteen days later, the abdominal wall of the mice was surgically exposed and an allergic reaction induced by re-injection of the freeze-dried beef extract into the abdominal wall and administered a vascular dye. Control mice did not receive the second injection of beef extract and only were administered the dye. Allergenic response was assessed based on vascular permeability as measured by the diameter of dye leakage. No statistically significant difference in allergenic activity was reported between groups. The data are presented in Table VI-30.


Table VI-30: Allergenic response by mice to intraperitoneal injection of extracts of freeze-dried beef from BNT and SCNT cloned cattle and ordinary cattle
(from Japan 2002)

Test Group

Mouse Group

Number of Animals

Diameter of dye leakage (mm) (mean±s.d.)

Ordinary cattle

Control group
Test group


5.3 ± 5.0
13.0 ± 5.9


Control group
Test group


7.0 ± 4.9
12.5 ± 3.5

SCNT clones

Control group
Test group


5.7 ± 4.2
13.1 ± 5.0

The authors conclude that there were no biologically or statistically significant differences in the allergenic potential of milk from ordinary cattle or BNT or SCNT clone cattle.

An oral feeding study was conducted in rats to determine the effects of a diet containing meat derived from clone cattle.26 Freeze dried beef from ordinary cattle and clone cattle was fed to rats at concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, or 10 percent of the diet for 14 weeks. General signs, body weight, food consumption, urinalysis, sensory and reflex function, spontaneous movement frequency, general function, reproductive cycle, hematology at autopsy, blood chemistry, organ weights, pathology and histopathology were compared between groups. English-language summary tables were provided in the original Japanese-language report; the summary tables have been provided in Appendix H. No biologically significant differences were reported compared to rats fed beef from ordinary cattle. In addition, it is noted that 10 ordinary cattle fed clone beef powder at 2.5, 5, or 10 percent of the diet showed no significant differences in body weight increase. The duration of exposure is not reported.

Finally, the potential for meat from BNT and SCNT clone cattle to cause mutations was assessed using the mouse micronucleus assay. Mice were fed freeze dried powdered beef from ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, or SCNT clone cattle at 0, 2.5, 5, or 10 percent of the diet for 14 days. In addition, a positive control group received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg/kg mitomycin C. The positive control group showed a statistically significant increase in the incidence of micronucleus appearance and polychromatic erythrocyte rate, and was considered a positive test. No beef-fed group, whether derived from ordinary or clone cattle, caused mutations in this assay (i.e., no group fed beef derived from ordinary cattle or clone cattle was positive in this assay for mutagenicity or clastogenicity). The report concludes that there were no biologically significant differences in component analysis or the results of feeding meat from ordinary cattle, BNT clone cattle, and SCNT clone cattle.

Cyagra, the cloning company that provided the extensive physiological data discussed earlier in the risk assessment, also provided meat composition data. Eleven clones (6 female, 15 to 43 months; 5 male, 12 to 17 months) and an equal number of comparator cattle (over 12 months) were selected for the study. All animals were fed a standard ration for 30 days prior to slaughter. Samples (500 g each) were obtained of chuck arm roast, bottom sirloin tip roast, and short loin for analysis by an independent laboratory.

No biologically significant differences are observed in the composition of meat from clones and comparators. The results of the compositional analysis summarized across gender and cuts of meat are summarized in Table VI-31. A detailed presentation of the results is provided in Appendix E, the Cyagra Dataset.


Table VI-31: Meat Composition from Cyagra Clones and Comparators


Meat Analysis


Overall Comparison

Sample Number






Marked ID









Std dev


Std dev

Crude Fat












Protein – Combustion






Protein – Kjeldahl












Balance (protein+moist+ash+fat)






Amino Acid Profile (results below)












Aspartic Acid


















Glutamic Acid








































































Lysine, Total


















Fatty Acid (results below)






C14:0 Tetradecanoic (Myristic)






C14:1 Tetradecenoic (Myristoleic)






C15:0 Pentadecanoic






C15:1 Pentadecenoic






C16:0 Hexadecanoic (Palmitic)






C16:1 Hexadecenoic (Palmitoleic)






C16:2 Hexadecadienoic






C17:0 Heptadecanoic (Margaric)






C17:1 Heptadecenoic Margaroleic






C18:0 Octadecanoic (Stearic)






C18:1 Octadecenoic (Oleic)






C18:2 Octadecadienoic (Linoleic)






C18:3 Octadecatrienoic (Linolenic)






C18:4 Octadecatetraenoic






C20:1 Eicosenoic (Gadoleic)






C20:4 Eicosatetraenoic (Arachidonic)






Total Monounsat. Fatty Acids Calc.






Total Polyunsat. Fatty Acids Calc.






Saturated Fatty Acids






Total Fat (as triglycerides)



















mg/100 g






mg/100 g






mg/100 g












mg/100 g





Vitamin B1 - Thiamine Hydrochloride

mg/100 g





Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin

mg/100 g





Vitamin B6

mg/100 g





Vitamin E












The study by Tian and her colleagues (2005) discussed previously for milk composition also reports the results of studies on the composition of meat from bovine SCNT clones (Tian et al. 2005). Cultured skin fibroblasts or cumulus cells were used to clone an adult Japanese Black beef bull, selected as a superior breeding stud with superior marbling traits at 17 years of age. Six bull clones were produced, with four surviving and apparently normal. The clone bulls were raised in the same facility with eight genetically matched comparator non-clone animals and maintained on the same diet. The comparator bulls were produce by artificial insemination using semen from the son of the original donor bull. In addition, 20 age-matched sexually reproduced Japanese Black beef cattle were used as breed comparators to establish the normal range for each measured parameter. All bulls were castrated at 3 months of age and raised on standard growing ration from 8 to 26 months of age. The comparators and two of the clones were slaughtered and subjected to standard meat analyses. Variables measured included:

  • Organ or body part weights

  • Total proportion of meat and fat in the dressed carcass

  • Cross section of the left dressed carcass between the 6th and 7th rib

  • Moisture in 6 muscles (infraspinatus, longissimus thoracis, latissimus dorsi, adductor, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus)

  • Crude protein in 6 muscles (infraspinatus, longissimus thoracis, latissimus dorsi, adductor, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus)

  • Crude fat content in 6 muscles (infraspinatus, longissimus thoracis, latissimus dorsi, adductor, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus)

  • Fatty acid composition (lauric acid, myristic acid palmitic acid palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid) of five major fat tissues (subcutaneous fat, inter-muscular fats, celom fat, and kidney leaf fat)

  • Amino acid composition of the longissimus thoracis muscle

  • Histopathology of all organs

The 90 percent confidence intervals for each parameter were compared in a paired analysis between the clone and non-clone genetic comparators. There were 12 instances where the clones and genetic comparators showed differences:

  • Amount of mesentery fat

  • Proportion of longissimus thoracis muscle over body weight

  • Muscle moisture

  • Amount of crude protein in the semitendinosus muscle

  • Amount of linolenic acid in the kidney leaf fat

  • Amount of linolenic acid in the longissimus thoracis

  • Amount of linolenic acid in the semitendinosus muscles 

  • Amount of oleic acid in the semitendinosus muscle

  • Amount of palmitic acid in the semitendinosus muscle

  • Amount of linoleic acid in the semitendinosus muscle

All of the parameters were higher in the clones than in the genetic or breed comparators, except for crude protein or muscle moisture in semitendinosus muscle. The differences in mesentery fat and fatty acid content were attributed to the characteristics of the donor bull (superior marbling). It is noted that the clones had a marbling score of 8 out of 12, compared to an industry standard of 5.2, and genetic comparator score of 6.5. All of the other variables fell within normal industry standards. The researchers conclude that the meat from somatic animal clones falls within normal industry standards and does not significantly differ from those of the genetic or breed comparators. The differences observed were considered due to the superior genetics of the donor bull from which the line of clones was derived.

No abnormalities were reported in the pathology or histopathology for clone tissue.

ii. Swine

(a) Clones

Viagen, Inc., worked in consultation with CVM to designed two experiments that produced data comparing meat composition of clone swine vs. age-matched, genetically related, AI-derived comparator animals. Experimental design, raw data, and CVM’s analysis of the data are provided in Appendix G, The Viagen Dataset. Meat composition data were available for five clones (four Hamline and one Duroc) and 15 comparator animals (all Hamline). There were no differences between the Duroc and Hampshire clones, so data for clones were pooled.

Carcass characteristics were provided on four Hamline clones and 15 comparator barrows and are summarized in Table VI-32. The Duroc clone barrow carcass was condemned at slaughter due to a lung adhesion, and thus data relating to growth and carcass characteristics were not included for these parameters. In some cases of lung adhesions due to bacterial infection, animals fail to thrive, thereby affecting their growth rate and carcass characteristics – this was considered to be the case for the Duroc clone. Two other clones were approximately 100 pounds lighter than any of the other animals in the experiment at the time of slaughter, and for this reason were excluded from carcass evaluation. Hot carcass weights averaged 189.0 and 199.5 pounds for clone and comparator barrows, respectively. Carcass lengths were 82.4 and 84.5 cm for clones and comparators, respectively. Dressing percentages were 70.1 and 70.2 percent for clones and comparators, and were similar across groups. Backfat thickness over the first rib, tenth rib, last rib, and lumbar vertebra were slightly greater for comparator barrows than for clone barrows which may, in part, be due to the heavier body weight of comparator barrows at the time of slaughter.

Qualitative characteristics including USDA carcass muscle score, color, firmness, and marbling were similar across breeding regimens and are illustrated in Table VI-32. All animals received score 2 for carcass muscle. All of the clone and comparator barrows had marbling scores of either 1 or 2.


Table VI-32: Comparison of the Carcass Characteristics of Barrows Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (Clones) or Conventional Breeding (Mean ± standard deviation)
(from Viagen, Inc.)




Conventionally Bred


Hot Carcass Weight (lbs)

189.0 ± 13.8

199.5 ± 13.7

Carcass Length (cm)

82.4 ± 1.5

84.5 ± 2.7

Dressing Percentage (%)

70.1 ± 0.8

70.2 ± 1.4

Back fat Thickness (mm)



     First Rib

35.3 ± 2.1b

38.7 ± 3.1a

     Tenth Rib

18.5 ± 3.1

22.2 ± 4.9

     Last Rib

20.5 ± 4.7

23.3 ± 3.4

     Last Lumbar

17.3 ± 3.2

21.0 ± 3.1

Loin Eye Area (cm2)

44.0 ± 4.4

45.8 ± 4.0

Measurements of pH at 24 hours post-slaughter on the longissimus muscle were similar. Loin eye area for meat cuts for clone and comparator barrows were only slightly different at 45.8±4.0 and 44.0 ± 4.4 inches, respectively. The Hunter L*, a* and b* values were only slightly different between the groups of animals with the meat from clones being slightly darker and more red than meat from comparator barrows.


Table VI-33: Comparison of the Qualitative Carcass Characteristics of Barrows Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (Clones) or Conventional Breeding (Means ± standard deviation)
(from Viagen, Inc.)



Conventionally Bred

Longissimus pH at 24 hours

5.6 ± 0.1

5.7 ± 0.1

Carcass Muscle Score

2.0 ± 0.0

2.2 ± 0.40

NPPC Quality Scores




3.0 ± 0.0

2.7 ± 0.6


1.5 ± 0.6

1.9 ± 0.5


3.5 ± 0.6

2.9 ± 0.9

Hunter Color




52.2 ± 2.0

56.3 ± 4.4


9.5 ± 1.4

7.6 ± 1.2


17.6 ± 0.7

16.9 ± 1.2

Meat composition data were available for five clones (four Hamline and one Duroc) and 15 comparator animals (all Hamline). There were no differences between the Duroc and Hamline clones, so data for clones were pooled. Means ± standard deviations for fatty acids, amino acids, cholesterol, minerals and vitamins measured are presented in Table VI-34. Differences in individual analytes for clones and comparators were very small and not biologically relevant. Values for niacin and vitamin B12 in both clones and control swine were above USDA values for a similar type of swine muscle (shoulder blade and loin). Values for cholesterol and vitamin B6 were similar to the USDA values.


Table VI-34: Results of Meat Composition analysis for Experiment 11
(from Viagen, Inc.)




Amino acids (g)



















1.26 ± 0.04

1.41 ± 0.03

2.55 ± 0.28

0.25 ± 0.03

3.41 ± 0.11

0.98 ± 0.04

0.99 ± 0.05

1.04 ± 0.05

1.74 ± 0.05

1.91 ± 0.06

0.54 ± 0.06

0.86 ± 0.02

0.85 ± 0.03

0.90 ± 0.03

1.11 ± 0.04

0.77 ± 0.02

1.10 ± 0.05


1.30 ± 0.04

1.47 ± 0.04

2.43 ± 0.19

0.26 ± 0.02

3.46 ± 0.09

1.02 ± 0.10

1.03 ± 0.05

1.05 ± 0.03

1.79 ± 0.04

1.96 ± 0.04

0.58 ± 0.03

0.89 ± 0.02

0.90 ± 0.06

0.92 ± 0.02

1.14 ± 0.03

0.79 ± 0.02

1.12 ± 0.04

Fatty Acids2 (g)















0.09 ± 0.06

1.31 ± 0.82

0.09 ± 0.04

0.01 ± 0.01

0.01 ± 0.01

0.66 ± 0.41

1.84 ± 0.84

0.26 ± 0.08

0.01 ± 0.01

0.01 ± 0.01

0.05 ± 0.03

0.01 ± 0.01

0.02 ± 0.03


0.05 ± 0.03

0.95 ± 0.49

0.14 ± 0.05

0.00 ± 0.01

0.00 ± 0.01

0.55 ± 0.27

1.49 ± 0.50

0.19 ± 0.06

0.00 ± 0.01

0.00 ± 0.01

0.04 ± 0.02

0.01 ± 0.01

0.01 ± 0.01

Cholesterol (mg)

55.5 ± 6.95

52.81 ± 2.69

Minerals (g)






0.004 ± 0.000

0.20 ± 0.01

0.001 ± 0.000

0.002 ± 0.000


0.005 ± 0.003

0.21 ± 0.01

0.001 ± 0.001

0.001 ± 0.000


Niacin (mg)

B6 (mg)

B12 (mcg)


10.90 ± 0.83

0.41 ± 0.09

0.21 ± 0.28


11.16 ± 1.58

0.48 ± 0.12

0.00 ± 0.00

1Data expressed as quantities per 100 g of homogenized meat.
2 Data presented reflect those fatty acids with detectable levels in pork.

Carcass qualitative characteristics were similar for clones and comparators. Differences in backfat thickness and marbling may be due to the lighter weight of clones at slaughter vs. comparators. Differences in meat nutrient composition were very small and likely not biologically relevant. No biologically relevant differences were observed in the food composition values between muscle of swine clones and comparators.

(b) Swine Clone Progeny

The Viagen company also provided CVM with data comparing the quality and composition of meat derived from the progeny of clone swine and non-clone swine. Data are reported for 412 swine: 242 clone progeny and 163 comparators.

Table VI-35 provides the comparison of key nutrients between the progeny of clones and their comparators. Data were reported for 412 swine of which 242 were the progeny of clones and 163 were the progeny of comparator boars. (Details of this comparison can be found in Appendix F). The composition of the meat from the progeny of clones and comparators indicates that the meat samples were indistinguishable at the level of the key nutrients evaluated. Only two values (alanine and erucic acid) of 56 (0.03 percent) were not virtually identical, less than would be expected by chance alone. Neither of these differences is biologically significant.

A comparison was also made between the meat composition of either the progeny of clones or the comparators to standard USDA values for similar cuts of pork (See Appendix G). This analysis reveals that neither the clones nor the comparators are as similar to the USDA dataset as they are to each other. The differences between the nutrient concentrations in progeny of clones and comparators compared to USDA database may be due to diet, swine genotype, or storage stability effects. The important conclusions from the two comparisons, however, are that (1) there are virtually no differences between the progeny of clones and comparators, and that (2) the closely genetically related comparators are a better reference point than the USDA database, and (3) none of the differences pose a food safety concern. These data suggest that there is no increased risk for humans to consume muscle from the progeny of swine clones.


Table VI-35: Comparison of Nutrient Concentrations of Progeny from Clones and Comparators


Progeny from Clone Boars mean + std. dev.

Progeny from Comparators Boars Mean + std. dev.

Amino Acids

Aspartic acid






Glutamic acid







































Fatty Acids and Cholesterol

8:0 (Caprylic acid)



10:0 (Capric acid)






12:0 (Lauric acid)



14:0 (Myristic acid)


0.08 + 0.029

14:1 (Myristoleic acid)









16:0 (Palmitic acid)



16:1 (Palmitoleic acid)



17:0 (Margaric acid)


0.01 +0.002

17:1 (Margaroleic acid)



18:0 (Stearic acid)



18:1 (Oleic acid)



18:2 (Linoleic acid)



18:3 (Linolenic acid)






20:0 (Arachidic acid)



20:1 (Gadoleic acid)



20:2 (Eicosadienoic acid)



20:3 (Eicosatrienoic acid)



20:4 (Arachidonic acid)



20:5 (Eicosapentaenoic acid)

0.01 + 0


21:5 (Heneicosapentaenoic acid)



22:0 (Behenic acid)



22:1 (Erucic acid)



22:2 (Docosadienoic acid)



22:3 (Docosatrienoic acid)



22:4 (Docosatetraenoic acid)



22:5 (Docosapentaenoic acid)



22:6 (Docosahexaenoic acid)



24:0 (Lignoceric acid)



24:1 (Nervonic acid)



Cholesterol (mg/100 g)

















Niacin (mg/100g)



Vitamin B6 (mg/100 g)



Vitamin B12 (mcg/100 g)



1 Unless otherwise specified, quantities are expressed as g/100g homogenized meat.
2 Values marked with “<” indicate concentrations below the level of detection for the instrument used in the assay.

Carcass characteristics for the progeny of clone swine and their comparators are provided in Table VI-36, and discussed in more detail in Appendix F. Although some minor differences in backfat thickness and meat color were noted for progeny of clones vs. comparators, these do not affect food safety. No differences were noted that would have any impact on the quality of the meat or the safety of consuming the meat products.


Table VI-36: Carcass Characteristics for Progeny Derived from Clones or Conventionally Bred Boars (Means ± standard deviation)


Hampshire Comparator

Hampshire Clone

Duroc Comparator

Duroc Clone

Hot Carcass Weight (lbs)

176.2 ± 8.6

175.0 ± 8.7

173.9 ± 9.5

179.0 ± 9.1

Carcass Length (cm)

82.7 ± 2.2

81.6 ± 2.1

82.3 ± 2.2

81.5 ± 2.3

Loin Eye Area (cm2)

6.7 ± 0.8

6.8 ± 0.8

6.6 ± 0.8

7.2 ± 0.9

Back fat Thickness (mm)





          First rib

22.2 ± 4.2

23.4 ± 4.4

23.8 ± 4.1

25.9 ± 4.2

          Last rib

16.0 ± 2.9

16.9 ± 3.2

17.4 ± 2.4

19.0 ± 2.8

          Last Lumbar

16.6 ± 3.4

17.0 ± 3.2

18.1 ± 2.6

19.3 ± 2.7

Longissimus pH at 24 hours

5.8 ± 0.2

5.7 ± 0.1

5.7 ± 0.1

5.7 ± 0.1

Carcass muscle score

3 ± 0

3 ± 0

3 ± 0

3 ± 0

NPPC Quality Scores






3 ± 0.3

3 ± 0.2

3 ± 0.1

3 ± 0


3 ± 0.7

3 ± 0.8

3 ± 0.8

3 ± 0.9


2 ± 0

2 ± 0

2 ± 0

2 ± 0

Hunter Color






55.54 ± 2.1

55.88 ± 2.4

56.40 ± 2.4

57.24 ± 2.4


7.47 ± 0.9

7.58 ± 1.0

7.21 ± 1.0

7.17 ± 1.0


13.88 ± 0.9

14.12 ± 0.9

13.88 ± 0.8

14.35 ± 0.6

iii. Conclusions from Studies Evaluating the Composition of Meat and Milk from Clones and Their Progeny

The second prong of our Risk Assessment is based on the hypothesis that food products from healthy animal clones and their progeny that are not materially different from corresponding products from conventional animals are as safe to eat as their conventional counterparts. CVM has reviewed several peer-reviewed publications that have evaluated gross (e.g., milk yield, carcass characteristics) and fine (e.g., individual amino acid and fatty acid components) characteristics of meat and milk from clones, and in one study, their sexually-reproduced progeny. None of the characteristics that we examined differed in any biologically significant way between the clone and comparator, and none identified any potential nutritional or other hazards. Based on this review, CVM concludes that the data support the operating hypothesis underlying the Compositional Analysis approach, that is, meat and milk from clones and their progeny do not differ materially from that derived from conventional counterparts, and do not pose any additional food consumption risks relative food from conventional animals.

B. Drawing Conclusions Regarding Risks Associated with Consumption of Food Products from Animal Clones

1. Approaches for Decreasing Uncertainties

The fundamental problem in determining the quantity and types of data required to reduce the uncertainties associated with a judgment of “no additional risk” has bedeviled the scientific, risk, and regulatory communities. The impracticality of proving a negative and, in the absence of its proof, determining the consequent activities to identify the conditions under which concerns have been minimized to levels considered “acceptable” becomes the goal of a comprehensive risk assessment/management process.

In fact, certainty of prediction is unattainable in science. In its absence, risk assessment can provide risk managers with a systematic approach for bounding the “risk space” in which to operate by allowing assumptions and uncertainties to be clearly identified. Especially for new technologies in which uncertainty may be high, the “bounded framework” risk assessment process allows decision makers (both risk assessors and risk managers) to draw conclusions based on the data. Then, by explicitly addressing uncertainties, identifying biases, scientifically defensible (or alternatively, policy-based) judgments can be made about acceptable risk levels. The added benefit of such a process is that interested individuals are provided with a level of transparency that allows them to judge the quality of the science and the relative merits of decisions stemming from its evaluation.

This risk assessment has provided an overview of the molecular evidence for epigenetic dysregulation as the basis for obvious and subtle hazards that may arise in animal clones, the biological reasons for why subtle changes would not persist in progeny of healthy clones, the existing data on the health of animal clones and their progeny, and information on the composition of foods derived from clones and their progeny. These data can be incorporated into four procedural steps leading about to conclusions regarding food safety:

2. Bounding the Risk Space

The two underlying risk hypotheses that explicitly bound the “risk space” in which the evaluations are being made are

3. Developing Conclusions Regarding Food Consumption Risks

The conclusions that can be drawn with respect to the safety of consuming food products from animal clones and their progeny based on the data reviewed in this Risk Assessment follow. Because risk assessment is best performed recursively, risk assessment conclusions should always be considered to apply to the dataset that was examined; each conclusion is based on the information that was available for consideration, but if additional data become available, a conclusion may change, or the degree of confidence placed in the conclusion may be adjusted. Nonetheless, risk managers need to make decisions at particular points in time, and despite the desire for recursive assessments, decisions often include statements about the degree of certainty that accompany them.

Each conclusion is followed by a statement on whether the judgment comes from application of Hypothesis 1 (Assumes Clones are the same as Sexually-Derived Animals), or Hypothesis 2 (Assumes Clones are Different from Sexually-Derived Animals), and the reason for the selection of that hypothesis (and its implicit bias).

As previously stated, the Risk Assessment assumes that all of the laws and regulations that apply to sexually-derived animals and the food products that come from them apply equally to animal clones, their progeny, and food products that are derived from them.

Our weight of evidence risk assessment conclusions are presented on a species-specific basis, except for bovine clones, where the large dataset allows for the consideration of individual developmental nodes. The weight of evidence evaluations take into account:

Because this is a qualitative, comparative risk assessment, it does not attempt to assign quantitative values to estimates of risk or safety. The strongest conclusions that can be drawn regarding positive outcomes in risk assessments of this type are “no additional risk” because outcomes are weighed against known comparators. In the context of edible products derived from clones, a finding of no additional risk means that food products derived from animal clones will not pose any additional risks relative to corresponding products from non-clones, or are as safe as foods we eat every day. As with all risk assessments, some uncertainty is inherent either in the approach we have used or in the data themselves. For each conclusion, CVM has attempted to identify the sources and extent of these uncertainties. A more complete discussion of sources of uncertainties and their implications can be found in Chapter VII.

4. Weight of Evidence Conclusions Regarding Food Consumption Risks for Clones and their Progeny

Based on this review of the body of data on the health of animal clones, the composition of meat and milk from those animals and corresponding information on clone progeny, CVM has drawn the following conclusions:

a. Cattle Clones

Edible products from perinatal bovine clones may pose some very limited human food consumption risk.
The underlying biological assumption in place for this age cohort is that perinatal clones may be fragile at birth due to residual incomplete or inappropriate reprogramming of the donor nucleus. Data from both the peer-reviewed publications and Cyagra are consistent with that assumption; some perinatal clones do not survive for several reasons, including poor placentation, LOS, and in some cases, frank malformations. Although surviving clones can be fragile for a period of time, survivors tend to adjust to life outside the womb within a relatively short period, either on their own or with assistance from caregivers (see Juvenile Developmental Node). The peer-reviewed literature and Cyagra data indicate that, depending on the laboratory, a significant proportion of perinatal clones survive gestation and are born without significant health problems. Laboratory measures of key physiological functions do not appear to indicate that surviving animals are very different from conventional newborns. It is therefore unlikely that food consumption risks have been introduced into these animals.

The uncertainty associated with the preceding statement is relatively high, however, for the following reasons. First, postulated differences in epigenetic reprogramming between perinatal clones and comparators suggest that some subtle hazards may have been introduced into these animals. Second, the relatively poor condition of many of these perinatal clones also precludes the conclusion that no food consumption risks, such as nutritional imbalances, are present. Therefore, given that perinatal clones may differ from comparator animals of the same age, at this time, the Center concludes that they may pose a very limited nutritional risk for consumption as food. Rendering these clones will not pose such risks in animal feed or to humans consuming animals fed material derived from the clones.

i. Risk Hypothesis Statement for Perinatal Bovine Clones

At this time there is insufficient information to move from Hypothesis 2 (Clones are Different) to Hypothesis 1 (Clones are the Same), even though the available data neither identify nor predict the presence of food consumption hazards (and subsequent risks) from these very young clones. The uncertainties in the data are relatively high and lead the Center to have a relatively low degree of confidence in the safety of edible products from perinatal bovine clones. We note, however, that it is highly unlikely that clones of this age group would be consumed for food.

Edible products from juvenile bovine clones pose no additional food consumption risk(s) relative to corresponding products from contemporary conventional comparators.
The underlying biological assumption for this developmental node is that if any anomalies were to be found in the youngest clones and those animals were to survive to be healthy adults, the juvenile developmental node would be a period of equilibration and normalization. The data appear to be consistent with such a hypothesis.

Juvenile bovine clones are largely healthy and normal. Although clones in this developmental node may be more physiologically unstable than their conventional counterparts, they are in the process of normalizing their physiological functions on the way to adulthood. For example, some animals at this developmental node may demonstrate alterations in physiological parameters such as body temperature, some hormone and cytokine levels (Chavatte-Palmer 2002, Govoni et al. 2002, Chavatte-Palmer 2004), these differences are resolved relatively rapidly. The normalization resulting in appropriate health status of these animals has been observed consistently in the reports reviewed in this Risk Assessment set, and is further demonstrated by the analysis of clinical chemistry and hematology data indicating that clones show the appropriate physiological responses to developmental signals. For example, measures of bone growth such as alkaline phosphatase, phosphorous, and calcium levels all show appropriate age-specific responses. None of the physiological measures taken, including both clinical chemistry and hematology, indicated any food consumption hazards.

The Cyagra dataset, which is made up of 47 clones between the ages of one and six months, indicates the overall health of these animals is comparable to their age-matched comparators, with the exception of the sequellae of umbilical problems and cryptorchidism. Although these outcomes pose risk to the animals, if appropriately managed, they do not appear to pose any food safety concerns, and are also observed in non-clones.

ii. Risk Hypothesis Statement for Juvenile Bovine Clones

The assessment began at the position of Hypothesis 2, but the scientific evidence has moved the assessment from Hypothesis 2 to Hypothesis 1 for maturing juvenile clones. The weight of the evidence and the underlying biological assumptions lead the Center to conclude that there would not likely be any additional risk from the consumption of food from healthy juvenile clones relative to corresponding products from their conventional comparators. The consistency of these observations across all of the data for juvenile bovine clones makes the uncertainty associated with this judgment relatively low, and provides the Center with a relatively high degree of confidence in judgments regarding the health of (and consequent food safety of edible products derived from) this age cohort of bovine clones.

Edible products derived from adult bovine clones pose no additional risk(s) relative to corresponding products from contemporary conventional comparators.
This conclusion is based on application of both prongs (CBSA and Compositional Analysis) of the risk assessment approach.

The body of data comprising the CBSA approach on adult domestic livestock clones is made up of two components: data and information extracted from peer-reviewed publications and the Cyagra dataset. The empirical evidence on the health of these animals is consistent with the biological prediction that there are no underlying biological reasons to suspect that healthy animal clones pose more of a food safety concern than conventional animals of similar age and species.

The data from Cyagra survey indicate that healthy clones of the oldest cohort
(6-18 months) are virtually indistinguishable from their comparators even at the level of clinical chemistry and hematology. These data also confirm the observation that physiological instabilities noted earlier in the lives of the clones are resolved juvenile developmental node (see previous conclusions regarding other developmental nodes), and do not reappear as the clones age. The statements regarding the health and apparent normality of animals of this age group from the peer-reviewed literature are consistent with the data evaluated by CVM. There are some reports of early deaths of clones; as these animals would not enter the food supply, they do not pose a food consumption risk. Data on reproductive function in cows or bulls of this age cohort indicates that that healthy bovine clones surviving to reproductive maturity function normally and produce healthy offspring. These data are consistent across studies. Given that reproduction is the most difficult “biological hurdle” placed on an organism, the observation of normal reproductive function provides an additional degree of confidence to the conclusion of the appropriate development of these animals.

All of the reports on the composition analysis of meat or milk from bovine clones show that there are no biologically significant differences in the composition of milk derived from clone and non-clone cattle. Additionally, data from one report that show no difference in allergenic potential for meat or milk derived from clone cattle compared to meat or milk from non-clone comparators. Similarly, neither meat nor milk from clone or non-clone cattle induced mutations in a mutagenicity assay (Japan 2004). Finally, none of the reports identified an endpoint that would pose a hazard for human consumption.

iii. Risk Hypothesis Statement for “Adult” Bovine Clones

The assessment began at the position of Hypothesis 2: that animal clones may appear to be copies of the donor animal, but that the process of cloning may have introduced subtle hazards that could pose food consumption risks. As presented above, however, the weight of the evidence has moved the assessment from Hypothesis 2 to Hypothesis 1 (Clones are the same as their sexually-derived counterparts). Extensive and consistent empirical evidence, including epigenetic, physiological, and health data on individual animals and compositional analysis of milk and meat derived from individual animals, indicate that adult bovine clones are biologically equivalent to their contemporary comparators. Therefore, evidence confirming the health of the animals produced via similar methods, and evidence confirming the compositional similarity of meat and milk from clone and non-clone cattle indicates that there is no additional risk from the consumption of edible products from these animals relative to sexually-derived comparators. The consistency of the observations provide the Center with a high degree of confidence in judgments regarding the health of (and food safety of edible products derived from) this age cohort of bovine clones.

We note that given the economic considerations involved, it is not likely that many adult clones would enter the food supply as meat at this stage of the technology, unless they had suffered a non-treatable injury or old age. Milk products from lactating female bovine clones, however, could be introduced into the food supply.

b. Swine Clones

Edible products from adult swine clones pose no additional risk(s) relative to corresponding products from contemporary conventional comparators.

This conclusion is based on the same underlying biological assumption as cited for adult bovine clones (i.e., non-transgenic clones would not likely express toxicants, no exogenous genes, and diseased animals would not be slaughtered for food). Because the data are more heavily weighted towards adult, market sized animals, judgments regarding the safety of food products from swine clones are provided in one aggregate set of comments.

Although generating swine clones appears to pose more technical difficulties than bovine clones, once piglets are born, they appear to be healthy. The health status of perinatal animals is generally presented as “normal” or “healthy” in peer-reviewed publications. The most compelling argument for the normal health status of swine clones has been presented by Archer et al. (2003 a,b), who evaluated the behavior and physiological status of a small cohort of relatively young (15 weeks), and approximately market age (27 weeks) swine clones relative to closely related conventional pigs. No significant differences were observed in either behavior, epigenetic, or physiological measurements, indicating that these animals were not materially different from the comparators. Age-related physiological measures appeared to be normal, as demonstrated by levels of measures of growth such as alkaline phosphatase, calcium, and phosphorus and measures of immune system maturity such as globulin. The case of parakeratosis was observed in the clones making up the cohort studied by Archer et al. (2003b). It is not known whether its appearance is related to cloning. The food consumption concerns are minimal, as the skin of that animal (or at least the portion with the lesion) would be condemned at the slaughterhouse, as it would had it come from a conventional animal.

The data on the Viagen clones (Appendix F) are on a relatively small number of animals, reared in very unusual settings (i.e., deprivation of colostrums, initial husbandry in pathogen-free conditions, switching to commercial settings) and are therefore confounded with respect to outcome. Nonetheless, the data indicate that even though the clone barrows were subjected to a significant immunological challenge after moving from pathogen-free conditions to more standard housing conditions, most clones were able to respond appropriately to this stress. Nonetheless, carcass qualitative characteristics were similar for clones and comparators in the Viagen Dataset. Further, reproductive performance for these clone boars appears normal. No differences were noted in semen quality between clones and comparator boars; farrowing rates and litter sizes were within national averages. No biologically relevant differences were observed in the composition of meat from clones or comparators.

i. Risk Hypothesis Statement for Swine Clones

Based on both underlying biological assumption and confirmatory data, CVM concludes that consumption of food from healthy adult swine clones would not pose an additional risk above consumption of their conventional counterparts. The data from Archer et al. (2003 a,b) is particularly compelling as it includes data on behavior, epigenetic reprogramming, and physiological measurements at two time points in the development of these clones. Likewise, data from Viagen includes information on growth, reproduction, carcass and meat composition, indicating that swine clones are not materially different from age-matched, genetically related swine. In this case, the Center finds itself at an intermediate Risk Hypothesis Level of “1 minus,” or relatively high certainty based on biological plausibility, consistency of observations among different and compelling datasets, and consistency with responses observed across other clone species.

c. Sheep Clones

Except by relying on underlying biological assumptions, and by inference from other species, there is insufficient information on the health status of sheep clones to draw conclusions with respect to potential risks that could be posed from the consumption of food products.

With the exception of reports on Dolly, CVM was unable to find any publicly available reports on the health status of live sheep clones. There are several studies addressing methodological issues for optimizing the generation of clones, but these do not address post-natal health. There are reports of anomalies noted in fetal sheep clones that have died or been terminated, and reports on the pathology associated with animals that do not survive. Although these are instructive for understanding the molecular and developmental pathways that may be perturbed during the process of SCNT, these studies have limited relevance to addressing food safety because the deceased animals would not have been allowed to enter the food supply. CVM was not able to find any reports on the composition of milk or meat from sheep clones.

i. Risk Hypothesis Statement for Sheep Clones

At this time there is insufficient information to support Hypothesis 1; Hypothesis 2 must be the default position with respect to potential food consumption risks from sheep clones. CVM was not able to find any studies providing specific evidence to show that sheep generated by SCNT are healthy and normal, and would therefore pose no additional food safety concerns beyond those of their conventional counterparts.

d.  Goat Clones 

Edible products from goat clones pose no additional food consumption risk(s) relative to corresponding products from contemporary conventional comparators.
This conclusion is based on the same underlying biological assumption cited for the other livestock species, and a relatively small but compelling dataset. Once clone embryos are transferred to surrogate dams and pregnancies are confirmed, the “success rate” for live births is quite high. The only anomaly noted was that approximately half of the cohort of goats reported on by Keefer et al. (2001a) appeared to have poor suckling response immediately after birth, but by the second day were responding normally and nursing from their surrogate dams. The animals appear to have developed well through reproductive age. The available data indicate their physiological responses are appropriate for age and breed. The reproductive development and function of male Nigerian Dwarf goat clones demonstrate that those animals functioned appropriately relative to age- and breed-matched comparators. One male progeny goat was derived from the buck clones; this animal also appeared to function in an age- and breed-appropriate manner. No meat or milk composition data were identified for goat clones.

i. Risk Hypothesis Statement for Goat Clones

Although the assessment began at Hypothesis 2, based on the underlying biological assumptions stated for the other clone species, consistency of responses with other species of clones, and a small but relatively rich dataset, CVM concludes that Hypothesis 1 more appropriately represents the conclusions regarding the food safety of goat clones. CVM places particularly high weight on the study of reproductive function, as it is one of the most complex physiological pathways to coordinate. The consistency of appropriate reproductive function, even in a small cohort of animals, adds to the confidence that can be placed in the judgment that these animals are as normal and healthy as their sexually-derived counterparts. Based on this finding, edible products from goats are not anticipated to pose more of a food consumption risk than their sexually-derived counterparts. Further, given the data on the normal reproductive function of these animals, and a preliminary report of normal reproductive function of one male offspring of a male goat clone, CVM has more confidence in the empirical demonstration that clone progeny are as healthy as other sexually-derived animals.

e. Clone Progeny

Edible products derived from the progeny of clones pose no additional food consumption risk(s) relative to corresponding products from other animals.
Progeny of clones, from the first sexual breeding of a clone through subsequent generations, will likely provide the overwhelming majority of clone-derived food products (both meat and dairy) in the US. The underlying biological assumption for health of progeny animals is that passage through the process of creating the cells that ultimately become ova and sperm naturally resets epigenetic signals for gene expression. This process is thought to effectively “clear” the genome of incomplete or inappropriate signals. The rationale for this assumption has been developed in Chapter IV, and dominates the conclusion that edible products from any clone progeny pose no additional food consumption risk(s) relative to those from any other sexually reproduced animals. It has been supported by detailed empirical evidence both in the mouse model system, which clearly indicates that phenotypic alterations noted in the parent clones are not passed to their sexually-derived progeny, and observations on the health and meat composition of progeny of livestock clones. In addition, the extensive information provided by Viagen on the progeny of clone swine provides direct data on the health of these animals and on the composition of meat derived from them. The swine data support the underlying biological assumption that the progeny of clone animals are essentially indistinguishable from the comparable progeny of non-clone animals.

We therefore concur with the high degree of confidence that the outside scientific community (NAS 2002 a,b) places in the underlying biological assumption, and conclude that consumption of edible products from clone progeny would not pose any additional food consumption risk(s) relative to consumption of similar products from sexually-derived animals.

5. Summary of Risk Hypotheses

The current weight of evidence suggests that there are no biological reasons, either based on underlying scientific assumptions or empirical studies, to indicate that consumption of edible products from cattle, pigs, or goat clones poses a greater risk than consumption of those products from their non-clone counterparts. The level of certainty is highest for bovine clones, followed closely in degree of certainty by swine and, and then goat clones. The lack of species specific data for sheep clones precludes an evaluation of the risk for consumption of sheep clones at this time. Consumption of edible products from the progeny of clones poses no additional risk(s) relative to those from other sexually-derived animals, based on underlying biological assumptions and compelling evidence from the mouse model system and the Viagen dataset on the health of clone progeny and their meat composition. No food safety concerns were raised in the study of the composition of milk or meat from bovine clones. The level of confidence that may be placed in these overall conclusions is quite high, although additional data can always increase confidence.

a. Additional Issues

In addition to the hazards and risks described in the preceding portion of this risk assessment, there are a few issues that do not fit neatly into one of the categories that have been discussed previously. Many of these are overarching issues that may also have applicability to technologies other than SCNT.

i. Potential Allergenicity

The issue of allergenicity is one that is often cited for foods that do not have a long history of consumption. Although there is no reason to suspect that cloning will cause the synthesis of new proteins in animals that appear healthy and normal, there are two possible pathways that might pose an increased allergenic risk from the edible products of animal clones. One is an increase in the relative amount of an individual protein component of milk or meat that may only be present in very low or trace amounts. Cows’ milk has been associated with true allergies (Cows Milk Allergy or CMA) in approximately six percent of the US population (Bernstein 2003). Caseins, although the predominant proteins in milk, do not appear to be the key allergens associated with CMA. The other possible pathway is that processing of the proteins during their generation in the mammary gland or muscle cells somehow alters their antigenic presentation. The Center cautions that these are purely hypothetical pathways, and that there has been no demonstration that either of these actually occurs.

In theory, evaluating the relative concentrations of milk proteins in clone and comparator milk could provide information to determine if the first risk exists. The study by Tian et al. (2005) provides just such a comparison using SDS/page technology. In practice, however, even this study highlights the difficulty in establishing the appropriate comparator and minimizing variability. Milk from non-clone dairy animals may vary in relative composition due to the influences of breed, diet, number of lactations, where in the lactation cycle the milk is collected, etc. Further, the level of exposure (dose) required to elicit an allergenic response is not well understood, and has been the subject of much discussion in the scientific literature (Taylor 2002) and among international regulatory bodies (Codex Alimentarius 200327 ). Nonetheless, the limited studies provided (Japan 2002) show that milk from both SCNT and BNT clone cattle showed similar digestibility characteristics both in vitro and in a rodent in vivo assay. In addition, a rodent bioassay for allergic response did not show any significant differences in response between clone and non-clone derived milk. Combined with the underlying biological assumptions, these data support the lack of a unique allergic response to milk derived from clone cattle.

Similar risks are not likely to occur for meats, as meat allergies are so much less prevalent in the population that they are almost considered idiosyncratic, and individuals likely to suffer from meat-related allergies are likely to avoid those meats entirely. In addition, freeze dried meat from clone and non-clone cattle produced no difference in response in digestibility in both an in-vitro and rodent in-vivo assay, and there was no difference in difference in response in a rodent allergenicity bioassay (Japan 2002).

Finally, it is important to remember that relative and potential allergenicity in food is an issue that vexes the scientific and regulatory communities. FDA supports further research into the overall risk factors that cause individuals to exhibit aberrant immune responses. The agency has been actively involved in the evaluation of predictive tests at the laboratory and clinical level that address changes in protein structure and presentation. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that efforts such as those undertaken by the ILSI Allergy and Immunology Institute, the International Biotechnology Council, the National Academy of Sciences, Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization and the Codex Alimentarius address the allergenicity of novel proteins. These proteins are either new to the food supply as the result of the introduction of new foods, or are present in different matrices, as may be the case with transgenic plants or animals.

ii. Microbiological Effects

One potential meat-based hazard that can be postulated is that epigenetic changes in animal clones could somehow alter the rumen and intestinal microflora of the ruminants (cattle, sheep, and goats), or the intestinal microflora of the monogastric species (swine) considered here. Such an alteration in intestinal flora could theoretically result in the growth of a novel zoönotic pathogen or increased levels of an existing zoönotic pathogen contaminating the edible tissues derived from the food animal. The use of animal drugs has similarly been postulated to alter the intestinal flora of treated food animals, resulting in an increased load of zoönotic pathogens in the food supply.

The potential for animal drugs to induce this change was considered at length by the January 2002 CVM Veterinary Medical Advisory Committee on that topic ( Most of this independent scientific advisory committee found that animal drug use was unlikely to significantly impact pathogen load (or the prevalence of zoönotic pathogens), and that pathogen load has little or no impact on public health. It is likely that bacterial shedding from food animal clones poses no greater risk than that posed by conventional food animals. The complexity of the intestinal microflora makes this an extremely difficult question to address directly. Indirect evidence of normal intestinal microflora, however, can be inferred from the health status and growth characteristics of the animal clones, suggesting a normal microflora population.

iii. Unanticipated Effects

This risk assessment has attempted to identify the range of potential hazards and risks that could be generated as the result of SCNT in domestic livestock species. Although it may be possible for a healthy clone to express some proteins inappropriately, the same argument can just as easily be made for sexually-derived animals. At this time, there is no validated method for determining small differences in protein constituents in foods, and even if such methodologies existed, the question would still remain as to how to interpret them--what foods would be used as comparators, and what degree of variability would be considered to pose a risk (NAS 2004)?

Finally, the issue of the hypothetical dysregulation of endogenous substances that may pose a hazard by virtue of increased dose should be addressed. The primary concern in this case is the up-regulation of small molecules that may retain bioactivity in the bodies of the human (or animal) food consumer, usually by virtue of the lack of degradation in the intestinal tract. For example, levels of endogenous substances that have posed some public concern in the past (e.g., estrogen and IGF-I) have been evaluated in bovine clones, and based on those data, there is no reason to expect that the levels of these substances in clones would pose any food consumption risks for humans.

iv. Technology Changes

This risk assessment has focused on the outcomes of cloning (i.e., clones and their progeny) rather than on the cloning process itself. As discussed in Chapter II and elsewhere, however, at the time this risk assessment was developed, most clone producers use the same overall technology to produce clones. Clearly, different producers and laboratories may modify the process to enhance the overall success rate of the cloning process. In general, however, the clones that were evaluated in this risk assessment were produced by very similar processes. From a risk perspective, the important constant in technology used to produce these clones is that donor nuclei and recipient oöcytes (or oöplasts) are not significantly manipulated beyond the obvious steps described in Chapter II. Thus, hazards other than epigenetic dysregulation are not introduced into clones.

Significant changes in cloning technology, especially those accompanied by donor nucleus or oöcyte treatment regimens introducing new hazards into the overall process, would significantly increase the uncertainty associated with our judgments regarding the degree of risk that could accompany the resulting clones and clone food products. Without a careful evaluation of the animals arising from such methods, it would not be appropriate to speculate on the relative safety of the process from either an animal health or food safety perspective.

5. How Much (Information) Is Enough?

The question of determining when sufficient data have been collected in order to allow high confidence in risk-based decisions regarding edible products from animal clones is difficult to determine in the abstract. In practice, the answer is “it depends on what questions you ask, and how the data answer those questions.”

Because the nature of the technology has generally precluded generating large datasets on clones with good statistical power, CVM constructed a systematic approach to frame the appropriate questions (hazard identification), evaluated the available data (hazard characterization), and attempted to characterize resulting risk (probability of harm given that exposure occurs). This weight of evidence approach allows for the evaluation of the data from the CBSA and Compositional Analysis prongs of the Risk Assessment as part of an overarching whole. The conclusions from this risk assessment represent the judgment of CVM veterinarians, animal scientists, toxicologists, and risk assessors. The underlying assumptions for clones and their progeny were that the animals needed to meet all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations for conventional animals, and the food products derived from clones or their progeny also had to meet relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

When considered across the Developmental Node spectrum, the data on the health of livestock clones were remarkably consistent across species, despite initial anomalies that appear to be species-specific. For example, although LOS may be more prevalent in cattle and sheep, most surviving animals normalize initial anomalies and become “healthy and normal.” This consistency has increased the value of even small datasets (e.g., goats), and has contributed significantly to the judgments regarding the health of these clones and their suitability as food sources. In addition, CVM evaluated a number of reports on the composition of meat and milk from clones and their progeny. No biologically important or safety-relevant differences were noted when compositions were compared to standard databases or contemporary comparator controls. If anything, these data confirm the rather wide variability in the composition of meat and milk eaten on a daily basis. In summary, no toxicological hazard of concern for the human consumer has been identified in any of the reported studies. Although additional data from other sets of animals, particularly in other species routinely used for food, could be useful in increasing the confidence that may be placed in overall judgments regarding food safety, the weight of the evidence at this time is sufficient for the agency to draw the conclusions it has made in this Risk Assessment with reasonable certainty.

Web page updated by hd - December 19, 2006, 9:59 AM ET

horizonal rule