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STD/AIDS Prevention Branch
STD/HIV Education and Risk Reduction Services

STD/HIV Education and Risk Reduction Services is a program of the STD/AIDS Prevention Branch (SAPB) of the Hawai‘i Department of Health. This Program is composed of a Coordinator and Public Health Educators based at Diamond Head Health Center in Honolulu. The Program also includes Public Health Educators on the Big Island and Maui. The program facilitates the provision of prevention services statewide to groups at-risk for HIV, STD and hepatitis, and provides collaboration and coordination activities to support these services.

Click on the following links for more information on this Program:

Populations Served

HIV prevention services decrease transmission of HIV and other STDs, including viral hepatitis, in Hawai‘i through prevention programs focused on individuals most at-risk. Populations prioritized for these services are:

  • HIV positive persons (HIV+s)
  • men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • injection drug users (IDU)
  • men who have sex with men and are injection drug users (MSM/IDU)
  • women at-risk
  • transgenders at-risk (TG)

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HIV Prevention Interventions

Technical assistance and support to Branch-contracted AIDS service organizations is provided to ensure the implementation of effective HIV prevention interventions for individuals at-risk statewide. Interventions include:

  • outreach
  • HIV counseling testing and referral
  • STD referrals for screening and treatment
  • hepatitis referrals for screening and vaccinations
  • syringe exchange
  • individual, group and community level interventions
  • prevention for individuals who are HIV positive
  • prevention case management
  • health communication/public information.

The following websites provide further information on the implementation of effective behavioral interventions:

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Contracting for HIV Prevention services:

The State disburses funds for providing prevention services to at-risk populations by the following process:

Request for Proposals (RFP):

The Department of Health, Communicable Disease Division, STD/AIDS Prevention Branch, biennially requests proposals from qualified applicants to provide HIV prevention services to prioritized populations: HIV-infected individuals, men who have sex with men, injection drug users, transgender individuals, and women at risk for HIV in the state of Hawaii. This process is called the RFP process (requests for proposals).

The RFP is issued under the provisions of the Hawai`i Revised Statutes (HRS), Chapter 103F and its administrative rules.  All prospective applicants are charged with presumptive knowledge of all requirements of the cited authorities.  Submission of a valid executed proposal by any prospective applicant constitutes admission of such knowledge on the part of such prospective applicant.

The RFP is organized into five sections:

  • Section 1, Administrative Overview--Provides applicants with an overview of the procurement process.
  • Section 2, Service Specifications--Provides applicants with a general description of the tasks to be performed, delineates applicant responsibilities, and defines deliverables (as applicable).
  • Section 3, Proposal Application Instructions--Describes the required format and content for the proposal application.
  • Section 4, Proposal Evaluation--Describes how proposals will be evaluated by the state purchasing agency.
  • Section 5, Attachments --Provides applicants with information and forms necessary to complete the application.

The link to the procurement website is:  www.spo.hawaii.gov.

Click Procurement of Health and Human Services for details on proposal submission and contracts.

Quarterly Reports:

AIDS service organizations contracted with the STD/AIDS Prevention Branch to provide HIV prevention interventions to at-risk populations are required to submit quarterly reports on their program progress.  These reports are a tool used by Branch staff to communicate with the contracted agencies regarding both program services and challenges. Branch staff reviews these quarterly reports and provide feedback on them. Quarterly reports are due at the following dates:

  • 1st Quarter – January - March  report due  by April 30th
  • 2nd Quarter – April - June  report due  by July 30th
  • 3rd Quarter – July - September report due  by October 30th
  • 4th Quarter – October - December report due  by January 30th

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Agencies Statewide Contracted by SAPB to Implement HIV Prevention Services

Agencies contracted by the STD/AIDS Prevention Branch statewide to provide HIV/STD/hepatitis prevention services are:

    • Life Foundation
    •   – HIV/STD/hepatitis prevention services on O‘ahu
        – Phone: (808) 521-2437
    • Hawai‘i Island HIV/AIDS Foundation
    •   – HIV/STD/hepatitis prevention services on the Big Island
        – Phone: (808) 982-8800 in Hilo (East side)
        – Phone: (808) 331-8177 in Kona (West side)
    • Maui AIDS Foundation
    •   – HIV/STD/hepatitis prevention services on Maui
        – Phone: (808) 242-4900
    • Malama Pono
    •   – HIV/STD/hepatitis prevention services on Kaua‘i
        – Phone: (808) 248-9577

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CHOW Project: prevention services for injection drug users

The Community Health Outreach Work to Prevent AIDS Project (The CHOW Project) is a statewide, not-for-profit organization providing HIV prevention services for people who inject drugs.

The Project operates a one-for-one, mobile sterile syringe exchange program that is FREE and ANONYMOUS. On O‘ahu, call 848-CHOW (848-2469); from neighbor islands, call 1-800-457-0888 for statewide locations and hours of the syringe exchange program.

Other services offered by The CHOW Project include referrals to drug treatment, payment for methadone maintenance and detoxification treatment for eligible individuals, HIV counseling and testing, and condom distribution to at-risk drug users.

For information on recommendations from CHOW’s “Hawai‘i Statewide Syringe Exchange program 2004 Evaluation Report”, click here.

For more information on drug treatment centers in Hawai‘i, access the website for the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division of the Hawai‘i Department of Health

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Prevention for HIV Positive Individuals

Primary prevention services for individuals who have HIV are designed to decrease the likelihood of transmission from these individuals to others. The STD/AIDS Prevention Branch collaborates with P4P coordinators at each Branch-contracted agency to support implementation of P4P services, including:

  • encouraging at-risk individuals to be tested for HIV
  • offering those who are HIV positive strategies for decreasing transmission to others
  • collaborating with physicians, community clinics and other sites that serve HIV positive individuals to provide appropriate prevention services for their clients who are or may be HIV positive.

For further information on the P4P program in Hawai‘i, access the following documents:

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HIV Community Planning Group

The state HIV Community Planning Group, coordinates with other government agencies and HIV-related community-based organizations to develop systems to address challenges related to providing services for at-risk populations

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Other Services

  • collaborate with groups and coalitions working to provide HIV, STD and hepatitis prevention services to at-risk populations
  • sponsor conferences, trainings, workshops and other events to bring HIV/STD/hepatitis information to groups at-risk for HIV and other STDs, health professionals, program providers and the general public
  • make available HIV/STD/hepatitis-related audio-visual and printed materials to individuals/agencies requesting this service. These materials are also available in some local languages.

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Informational Resources

For national HIV/STD/hepatitis prevention information and resources, access the following websites:

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Last update: 01/08/2008