Bureau of Justice Statistics,,,, filename: bcft06t01.csv,,,, "Table 1. Number of applications and estimates of denials for firearm transfers or permits since the inception of the Brady Act, 1994-2006",,,, "title: Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, NCJ 221786",,,, data source: Firearm Inquiry Statistics Program,,,, "authors: Michael Bowling, Ph.D. (REJIS), Gene Lauver (REJIS), Gerard Ramker, Ph.D. (BJS) and Devon B. Adams (BJS)",,,, refer questions to: askbjs@usdoj.gov (202)307-0765,,,, date of version: 03/19/08,,,, Table 1. Number of applications and estimates of denials for firearm ,,,, "transfers or permits since the inception of the Brady Act, 1994-2006",,,, ,Number of applications,,Percent, ,Received,Denied,Denied, Total,"78,522,000","1,495,000",1.9,% Brady interim period/a ,,,, 1994-1998,"12,740,000","312,000",2.4,% Permanent Brady/b,"65,782,000","1,182,000",1.8,% 1998/c,"893,000","20,000",2.2, 1999,"8,621,000","204,000",2.4, 2000,"7,699,000","153,000",2, 2001,"7,958,000","151,000",1.9, 2002,"7,806,000","136,000",1.7, 2003,"7,831,000","126,000",1.6, 2004,"8,084,000","126,000",1.6, 2005,"8,278,000","132,000",1.6, 2006,"8,612,000","134,000",1.6, "Note: Counts are rounded to the nearest 1,000.",,,, "a/From March 1, 1994 to November 29, 1998 background checks on applicants were conducted by State and local agencies, mainly on handgun transfers. See Presale Handgun Checks, the Brady Interim Period, 1994-98 (NCJ 175034). ",,,, "b/National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) began operations. Checks on handgun and long gun transfers are conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and by State and local agencies. Totals combine Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) estimates for State and local agencies with actual transactions and denials reported by the FBI." "c/November 30 to December 31, 1998. Counts are from the NICS Operations Report for the period and may include multiple transactions for the same application."