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About Us
SIEC Brochure
Mission Statement
The mission of the Oregon State Interoperability Executive Council is to develop recommendations for policy and guidelines, identify technology and standards, and coordinate intergovernmental resources to facilitate statewide wireless communications interoperability with emphasis on public safety.
Annual Performance Measures

The Oregon State Interoperability Executive Council (SIEC), created by Governor’s Executive Order 02-17 in 2002, is charged with improving and developing interoperable public safety communication systems in Oregon.  Through the Governor, its advisory recommendations will form public safety communication policy in Oregon.
Interoperability is an obscure label for the simple idea of providing for the ability for public safety officers and first responders to talk to one another, efficiently, timely, and effectively.  The National Task Force on Interoperability defines interoperability as “…the ability of public safety agencies to talk to one another via radio communications systems – to exchange voice and/or data with one another on demand in real time, when needed.”
Improving public safety communication systems is important to saving lives and protecting property.  That is why the work of the SIEC is vital to the citizens of Oregon. 
The 17 voting members of the SIEC represent a unique partnership of state and local public safety organizations that have a strong interest in the creation and operation of public safety communication systems.  All of these partners are working hard to deliver tangible results because they understand that weaknesses in the current communication systems compromise their individual and collective ability to protect the public, and they are committed to changing this situation.
The SIEC involves counties, cities, special districts, fire and law enforcement associations, 9-1-1 public safety telecommunciations, state agencies, the Governor’s Public Safety Advisor, and other people who are working together to create a blueprint for future communications coordination.  It is the ability of these different groups to work together that will allow the full and successful development of wireless radio interoperability in Oregon.
This work will have two major benefits for Oregonians: 1) better service from all public safety agencies; and, 2) gains in efficiencies that will reduce redundant expenditures of taxpayer dollars.  It will also benefit all of Oregon’s public safety professionals that may be called upon to put their lives on the line to protect the public.  These primary benefits are the driving force for the work of the SIEC, and for its commitment to take action on priority issues for which they are responsible. 
The priorities of the SIEC are clearly detailed in the governor’s executive order.  Under this executive direction the SIEC will be:
  • Recommending strategies to improve Oregon’s wireless interoperability between public safety agencies communication systems;
  • Determining standards to ensure consistent development of existing and future wireless communications infrastructure;
  • Identifying immediate short-term technological and policy solutions that tie existing infrastructure together into an interoperable communication system;
  • Developing long-term technical and policy recommendations to establish a statewide public safety radio backbone to improve emergency response and day-to-day public safety operations; and,
  • Providing policy leadership in the development of legislation and state and local policies necessary to achieve wireless interoperability in Oregon.
There are many barriers to overcome, and investment decisions to make, before Oregon has a fully interoperable statewide communication system.  However, the work of the SIEC has already improved public safety communications, and the SIEC will continue to provide leadership and solutions that will improve communication systems interoperability.
Page updated: October 04, 2007

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