Hawai‘i State Department of Health
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Viral Hepatitis
Description of Services

The STD/AIDS Prevention Branch offers a variety of viral hepatitis services including limited hepatitis C screening and hepatitis A/B immunizations, and providing educational materials, workshops, and presentations on viral hepatitis.

Hepatitis A/B Immunization and Hepatitis C Testing Program

The STD/AIDS Prevention Branch offers hepatitis A/B immunizations and hepatitis C testing for adults who do not have insurance or are unable to receive services through their doctor. The STD/AIDS Prevention Branch uses risk-based eligibility based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.

Hepatitis C screening is primarily for people with identified risk factors such as experience with injection drug use or other needle use. Hepatitis A and B immunizations have the following criteria:

Eligibility for hepatitis A vaccination   Eligibility for hepatitis B vaccination
  • Injection and non-injection drug users
  • Injection drug users and their needle sharing or sex partners
  • Men who have sex with men
  • Men who have sex with men
  • Persons with chronic liver disease
    (including hepatitis B or C)
  • Persons living with chronic hepatitis C
  • Persons living with HIV
  • Persons living with HIV
  • Sexually active adults (w/ recent STD or multiple partners)

  • Sex contacts of people with chronic HBV
  • Vaccination services are NOT for travelers unless they are also uninsured and have one of the above criteria.

    Viral Hepatitis Services at STD/AIDS Prevention Branch Counseling and Testing Sites in Hawai‘i

    O`ahu Maui Kaua`i Hilo Kona

    Diamond Head Health Center

    3627 Kilauea Avenue, Room 305


    Paul Strauss


    Call for hours and locations

    Jim McNulty


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    Lynn Leifeste


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    Mandy Ki`aha


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    Click on your island for more information.
    Hawaiian Islands   Big Island
    Maui County
    Kauai County

    Big Island Maui County Oahu Kauai County

    Viral Hepatitis Education and Training Program

    The STD/AIDS Prevention Branch offers viral hepatitis educational materials, presentations and workshops. Click here to request more information.