Ashland NFWCO
Midwest Region


Native Americans

Conserving this Nations fish and other aquatic resources cannot be successful without the partnership of Tribes.  Tribes manage or influence some of the most important aquatic habitats both on and off reservations. In addition, the Federal government and the Service have distinct and unique obligations toward Tribes based on trust responsibility, treaty provisions, and statutory mandates. The Ashland NFWCO plays an important role in providing technical assistance to Tribes as they exercise their sovereignty in the management of their fish and wildlife resources within Federal Indian trust land and in treaty reserved areas. 

Goals: Assist Tribes in the management, protection, and conservation of their treaty-reserved or statutorily defined trust natural resources.  Provide consultation, technical assistance, cooperative partnerships and training opportunities to Native American fish and wildlife professionals, consistent with the principles of tribal self-determination and self-governance.

Tribal Assistance Activities of the Ashland NFWCO

Fish and Wildlife Technical Assistance To Tribal Resource Programs

Cooperation with Native Americans (Regional Perspective)

Midwest Tribal Aquaculture Network (MTAN)

Tribal Fish Hatchery Programs

National Programs:

Native American Liaison

dotRegion 3 Tribal Grants Program

dotRegion 3 - Fish & Wildlife Resource Conservation Priorities (pdf)

The Ashland NFWCO welcomes questions or comments about fish and wildlife resources or about the programs of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Members of the staff are available for presentations to schools, civic groups, and others interested in fish and wildlife resources.

Last updated: September 22, 2008