Adapting to Climate Change in the Olympic National Forest

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About The Presenters

Dave Peterson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Kathy O'Halloran, USDA Forest Service, Olympic National Forest

About This Presentation

Running time: 34 minutes and 24 seconds.
Given: October 16, 2007, PNW Station Leadership Team Meeting
Production by: M.J. Furniss and J. Guntle, Communications and Applications, PNW and PSW Research Stations

Topics covered:

  • Adapting to Climate Change in Olympic National Forest
  • Olympic National Forest—In Brief
  • Climate Change Focus Group
  • Biosocial and Management Context
  • Adaptation Concerns and Strategies
  • Main Impact (I): Less Snow
  • Main Impact (II): Altered Streamflow
  • Main Impact (III): Increased water loss
  • Implications: Area Burned
  • Implications: Tree Growth
  • Implications: Roads and Water
  • Implications: Anadromous and Freshwater Fish
  • Implications: Recreation
  • Management and Policy Environment
  • Current Adaptation Issues
  • Adaptation Strategies
  • Opportunities
  • Summary and Conclusions
  • Observations on the Case Study Process
  • Finishing the Job
  • Westwide Climate Initiative (WWCI)
  • Why WWCI?
  • What Scientific Information Is Needed?
  • WWCI Components
  • Assessment
  • Tool Box
  • Management Options
  • Building Adaptive Capacity