Using GIS and Scale Linking to Set Priorities for Culvert Replacements in the Tualatin Basin, Oregon

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About The Presenter

Jill Ory, Clean Water Services, Hillsboro OR

About This Presentation

Running time: 15 minutes and 54 seconds.
Production by: M.J. Furniss and J. Guntle, Communications and Applications, PNW and PSW Research Stations

Topics covered:

  • Why Set Priorities
  • ...Over 1200 Culverts in Basin
  • Data Collected for Each Culvert
  • Could-Should-Can
  • Where We Are
  • Glacial Dams and the Bretz Floods
  • Historical Land Surveys—1850
  • Current Land Use
  • Objectives of Watershed Analysis and Culvert Priority Setting
  • Native Cutthroat Trout
  • Some of the Best Habitat in Our Jurisdiction
  • Creeks in Area With Less Impervious Cover
  • Chicken and Cedar Creek Habitat Examples
  • Tualatin Basin Substrate
  • Good Tree Canopy Cover
  • ...Compared to the Whole Basin
  • Large Wood and Debris Jams
  • Compared to the Whole...
  • Zooming In...
  • Basin Supports Some of Best Trout and Steelhead Habitat
  • Many Culverts That Are Barriers
  • Zooming In to Evaluate Culverts
  • Limiting Substrate is Clay Substrate
  • Screen Out Short-Length Culverts
  • Further Examine and Rank Remaining Culverts