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Technical Publications In Time Reversal in Solids (Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity)

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Anderson, B. E., M. Scalerandi, A. S. Gliozzi, M. Griffa, T. J. Ulrich and P. A. Johnson, "Selective source reduction to identify masked smaller sources using time reversed acoustics (TRA)," Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Vol. 27, ed. by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti 2008 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0494-6. (PDF File - 1 MB)

Ulrich, T. J., Griffa, M., and Anderson, B. E., "Symmetry-based Imaging Condition in Time Reversed Acoustics," J. Appl. Phys., In Press (2008).

Scalerandi, M., Gliozzi, A. S., Anderson, B. E., Griffa, M., Johnson, P. A., Ulrich, TJ, Selective source reduction to identify masked sources using time reversal acoustics J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 155504 (2008). (PDF File)

Ulrich, TJ, Sutin, A. M., Guyer, R. A. and Johnson, P. A., Time reversal and nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy TR NEWS techniques, Int. J. Nonlinear Mech., 43, 209-216 (2008). (PDF File - 1.1 MB)

Griffa, M., Anderson, B. E., Guyer, R. A., Ulrich, TJ, Johnson, P. A., "Investigation of the robustness of time reversal acoustics in solid media through the reconstruction of temporally symmetric sources", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 085415 (2008). (Abstract)

Anderson, B. E., Griffa, M., Larmat, L., Ulrich, TJ, and Johnson, P. A., "Time Reversal," Acoust. Today, 4 (1), p. 5-16 (2008). (PDF File - 1.2 MB)


Anderson, B. E., Griffa, M., Ulrich, TJ, Johnson, P. A., and Guyer, R. A., "Improving spatial resolution of a time-reversed focus using frequency-domain signal processing," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, p. 3072 (2007).

Anderson, B. E., Ulrich, TJ, Griffa, M., Johnson, P. A., Scalerandi, M., and Gliozzi, A. S., "Selective source reduction to identify masked sources using time-reversed acoustics," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, p. 3072 (2007).

Johnson, P. A., Ulrich, TJ, Anderson, B. E., "Advances in time reversal nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (TR NEWS) for application to nonlinear nondestructive evaluation, Imaging and source complexity," presented at the 19th Internat. Cong. on Acoust.

Anderson, B. E., Ulrich, TJ, Griffa, M., Johnson, P. A., Scalerandi, M., and Gliozzi, A. S., Selective Source Reduction to Identify Masked Smaller Sources Using Time Reversed Acoustics (TRA), in Rev. of Prog. in Quant. Nondestruct. Eval. 27B, AIP Conf. Proc., 1520-1527.

Anderson, B. E., Ulrich, TJ, Griffa, M., Johnson, P. A., Scalerandi, M., and Gliozzi, A. S., Selective Source Reduction to Identify Masked Smaller Sources Using Time Reversed Acoustics (TRA), presented at the 2007 Rev. of Prog. in Quant. Nondestruct. Eval.

Ulrich, TJ, Anderson, B. E., Griffa, M., "Improving Focal Determination of Time Reversed Acoustic Signals," presented at the 2007 Rev. of Prog. in Quant. Nondestruct. Eval.

Ulrich, TJ, Anderson, B. E., Johnson, P. A., Sutin, A. M., and Guyer, R. A., Nonlinear dynamics and time reversed acoustic imaging in damaged solids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2007, 121, p. 3164.

Anderson, B. E., Johnson, P. A., Ulrich, TJ, Griffa, M., Ten Cate, J. A., and Huang, L., Complex source imaging using time-reversal (TR): experimental studies of spatial and temporal resolution limits, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2007, 121, p. 3164.

Ulrich, TJ, Johnson, P. A., and Guyer, R. A., Interaction Dynamics of Elastic Waves with a Complex Nonlinear Scatterer through the Use of a Time Reversal Mirror, Physical Review Letters, PRL 98, 104301 week ending 9 March 2007. (PDF File - 468 KB)


Larmat, L., Montagner, J.-P., Fink, M., Capdeville, Y., Tourin, A., Clevede, E., Time-Reversal Imaging of Seismic Sources and Applications to the Great Sumatra Earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., p: L19312, doi:10.1029/2006GLO26336, 2006. (PDF File - 1.2 MB)

Ulrich, TJ, P. A. Johnson and Sutin, A. M., Imaging Nonlinear Scatterers Applying the Time Reversal Mirror, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 1514-1518 (2006). (PDF File - 1.3 MB)


Linear and Nonlinear Time Reverse Acoustics in Geomaterials - HTML

Sutin, A. M., Johnson, P. A., Nonlinear elastic wave NDE II. Nonlinear wave modulation spectroscopy and nonlinear time reversed acoustics, 31st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation; July 25-30, 2004; Colorado Sch Mines; Golden, CO, AIP Conference Proceedings; 2005; v.760, p.385-392 (PDF File - 973 KB)


A. M. Sutin and P. A. Johnson. Nonlinear Elastic Wave NDE II: Nonlinear Wave Modulation Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Time reversed Acoustics. QNDE Review of Progress, Golden, Colorado, USA. August 23-26. (2004) (Invited). (PDF File - 2.9 MB)

Sutin, A. M., TenCate, J. A., and Johnson, P. A., Single-channel time reversal in elastic solids. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 116, No. 5, 2779-2784, (2004). (PDF File - 160 KB)


Sutin, A. M., Johnson, P. A., and TenCate, J. A., Development of Nonlinear Time Reversed Acoustics (NLTRA) for Applications to Crack Detection in Solids. WCU, Paris. September 7-10, pgs. 155-158 (2003). (PDF File - 352 KB)


P. P., Johnson, P. A., Scalerandi, M., TenCate, J. A., LISA simulations of time-reversed acoustic and elastic wave experiments, J. of Physics D: Applied Physics 35, (2002) 3145-3152. (PDF File - 284 KB)


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