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HDTV: Turn It On!
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HDTV: Turn It On!

Congress passed a law setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of June 12, 2009. While some television stations will complete the transition prior to this date, all remaining full-powered analog stations will complete the transition to digital broadcasting by June 12, 2009. Analog TVs receiving over-the-air programming will still work after that date, but owners of these TVs will need to buy converter boxes to change digital broadcasts into analog format. Converter boxes will be available from consumer electronic products retailers at that time. Cable and satellite subscribers with analog TVs should contact their service providers about obtaining converter boxes for the DTV transition.

This is a very exciting time for consumers, manufacturers and broadcasters. But, there are still some questions as we approach this date. CE.org/hdtv is your one-stop resource for information, numbers, education and updates. Click on the links below to learn the ins-and-outs of this breathtaking new era in TV!

In May 2007, CEA mailed a packet of information regarding the digital television (DTV) transition to all members of Congress. Electronic versions of these documents are available below:

DTV Letter to Congress - May 8, 2007
Sample Letter to Constituents
Key Points on the DTV Transition
CEA HDTV Education Efforts
CEA DTV Issue Brief - 2009
Key Resources - Contact Sheet
myGreenElectronics Fact Sheet

FAQ on the DTV Transition
NTIA - Preparing For The DTV Transition
NTIA Consumer Fact Sheet
FCC DTV Fact Sheet
FCC Consumer Advisory: The DTV Transition and LPTV/Class A/Translator Stations

DTV 101:  Watch and learn more about the transition to DTV, how to buy a new TV and set up a converter box

Staff Contacts:
Megan Pollock
Senior Manager, Public Policy Communications

Jason Oxman
Senior Vice President, Industry Affairs

J. David Grossman
Senior Policy Analyst, Government Afairs