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Using ZoomText with PCMS

This section describes the steps necessary to configure ZoomText for use with PCMS Web.


  • This article assumes that ZoomText and Oracle JInitiator are already installed.
  • User will need to install Java's AccessBridge.


  1. Download Access Bridge 1.0.2 or greater from Sun at java.sun.com/products/accessbridge into a temp directory on your machine (such as C:\temp\accessbridge1_0_2.zip).
  2. Unzip the file accessbridge1_0_2.zip into any directory such as C:\accessbridge.
  3. Go to the directory where you unzipped file accessbridge1_0_2.zip and execute install.exe, for example, C:\accessbridge\AccessBridge- 1_0_2fcs\installer\install.exe.

    Note: If you have no Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on your PC then the installer will complain. The AccessBridge installer does not recognize Oracle's JInitiator as a JVM. The installer needs to be run in order for ZoomText to function properly. So if you have no JVM, go to java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download.html. Download and install Sun's Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and then run the AccessBridge installer again.

  4. Verify that files JavaAccessBridge.dll and WindowsAccessBridge.dll do exist in C:\WINNT\System32 directory. If they do not exist then double click on zip file C:\temp\accessbridge1.0.2.zip to see the contents with Winzip and extract these two files to C:\WINNT\System32 directory. Make sure that if you're using Winzip, you uncheck Use folder Names. If you don't then subfolders will be extracted to the System32 directory instead of just the necessary files. You may also drag and drop the files from Winzip to the C:\WINNT\System32 directory.
  5. Extract three files from C:\temp\accessbridge1.0.2.zip:
    • access-bridge.jar and jaccess-1_3.jar to the C:\Program Files\Oracle\JInitiator 1.3.x\lib\ext directory
    • accessibility.properties to the C:\Program Files\Oracle\JInitiator 1.3.x\lib\ directory.
    • Again, make sure that if you're using Winzip, you uncheck Use folder Names. If you don't then subfolders will be extracted to the JInitiator lib and ext directories instead of just the necessary files. You may also drag and drop the files to the proper locations.
  6. Start up ZoomText and then run the Forms-based application using Internet Explorer browser. If the Access Bridge is not properly configured then you may experience problems such as the mouse behaving like an "eraser" on the screen. If this happens, go back and verify that steps 3-5 were done correctly.
Last Modified: 09/16/2005
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