Red Wolf Recovery Project
Southeast Region

Construction of Red Wolf Building on Pocosin Lakes Refuge Completed

Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and the Service’s Red Wolf Recovery Program, in partnership with the Red Wolf Coalition, took possession of the recently completed Red Wolf Education and Health Care Facility on March 5, 2008.  The construction contract was awarded to Belles Enterprises, Inc., and is located on refuge property along NC Highway 94 about a mile south of Columbia.  The building is the first phase in facility development which will eventually include indoor exhibits about red wolves and the wolf restoration program, an informational outdoor kiosk, and future construction of enclosures for holding live red wolves. 

Service biologists and cooperating veterinarians will also utilize the site for animal processing and procedures, such as implanting or attaching tracking devices, treating injuries, health checks, vaccinations, and performing minor surgeries.  The health care portion of the facility will not normally be open to the public due to its veterinary nature and the need to ensure the safety of the public, staff and animals. The Service and the Red Wolf Coalition are working together to secure exhibit and enclosure funding.  These areas will initially be opened to the public by appointment until staff or volunteers become available to operate the education portion of the facility on a regular schedule.  The public will be invited to an open house and ribbon cutting ceremony after interior fixtures and displays are installed.  For additional information please contact Refuge Headquarters in Columbia at (252) 796-3004 or the Red Wolf Recovery Program office at 252-473-1131. 

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Click here to view documents involving the planning and assessment of this facility.

Red Wolf Building
Red Wold Building
Photos of the new Red Wolf Education and Health Care Facility. Photo Credit - FWS.

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