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Under Secretary Mancuso Discusses Export Controls with Washington International Business Council

On September 26th, Under Secretary Mario Mancuso met with the Washington International Business Council (WIBC) to discuss BIS policy initiatives and answered questions from WIBC members on high tech trade and export controls.

Mancuso offered his perspective on how the reform of U.S. export controls and refinement of the enforcement architecture will boost U.S. technological competitiveness and create opportunities for U.S. companies seeking to compete in foreign markets. Mancuso also highlighted the benefits of extending the Validated End User (VEU) program to the People’s Republic of China, the prospect of extending VEU to other countries, and the agreement on a High Tech Forum during his recent trip to Israel.

"Through all of these initiatives, BIS is fulfilling its mission of administering a robust export control regime that secures the most sensitive technologies and promoting U.S. leadership and competitiveness in emerging technologies and markets." Mancuso said.

Established by International Business-Government Counsellors, Inc., WIBC is an information and advisory service for American-based corporations.


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