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Central Bering Sea Pollock Workshop on Allowable Harvest Level and Stock Identification

June 6-9, 2005

Seattle, Washington USA

1.  Background:  At the Ninth Annual Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea held last September in Kushiro, Japan, the Parties agreed on a Scientific and Technical (S&T) Committee Work Plan for 2005.  This Plan requires that two workshops be held:  (1) a genetics workshop to address research on the composition of pollock stocks in the Bering Sea, and (2) a workshop to identify scientific factors that should be considered in deriving an AHL (Annual Harvest Level) after the Allowable Biological Catch (ABC) is determined by the S&T Committee.  The United States offered to host an AHL workshop in May-June 2005 at the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Washington, and suggested that the Parties consider holding a Genetics Workshop at the same time.

Full report (with attachments, pdf version, ~4mb)

List of documents (separate sections)

The Convention (Full Text)




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