Executive Office of the President
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Washington, D.C. 20500

Biotechnology for the 21st Century: New Horizons

In the span of a few short decades, the powerful tools of biotechnology have revolutionized medicine, agriculture and environmental protection. The Nation's 1,200 biotechnology companies contribute over $11 billion a year to our economy. But biotechnology is about more than jobs and the economy; it provides the means for a vastly improved quality of life for all Americans and the world.

The United States is currently the world leader in research and commercialization of biotechnology. Given its tremendous potential, other countries are investing heavily in their own biotechnology enterprise and our lead is precarious. The Clinton Administration is committed to ensuring that we don't lose our competitive edge, not just because of the economic gains but also because of the many ways in which biotechnology contributes to the health of our Nation and the environment.

Recent advances in understanding, preventing and treating diseases such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer's were made possible by long-term investments in fundamental biomedical and biotechnology research. In addition to better health, biotechnology has provided more abundant, flavorful and nutritious foods produced with less reliance on pesticides and herbicides. Through biotechnology, microorganisms are being put to work mopping up oil spills and other hazardous wastes. In the future, products from laundry detergent to energy will be cheaper and easier on the environment.

The full potential of biotechnology will only be realized if we continue to invest in a strong national research base and extend our efforts into new application areas. To reach these goals, we asked the National Science and Technology Council to prepare a research strategy that would spur the development of emerging areas of biotechnology. The result is a blueprint for high-value biotechnology products, new jobs and a stronger economy.


John H. Gibbons