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Measurement standards fee increase
Senate Bill 238 Long-term outlook
Why fees are increasing More information
Amount of fee increase
Advisory group
Legislative involvement
Value of current program
Senate Bill 238
Senate Bill 238 increases the maximum license fees for weighing and measuring devices. To read the bill, click here. (pdf)

Why fees are increasing
Weights and measures program needs more funds
Device license fees for commercially used weighing and measuring devices need to be increased for licenses beginning July 1, 2007.  To maintain a viable program device license fees need to be increased to cover the cost of the program.  License fees have not increased since 1992.  In that time period the number of licensed devices has increased from around 39,000 to approximately 54,000 in 2007.  Additional positions were added in 1998 to cover inspections of the increasing number of devices, which equates to higher personnel costs. In addition, the cost of testing continues to increase.  Equipment costs, travel costs and increases in fuel costs all drive up the cost of testing devices.

Program losing money
In each of the 01/03 and 03/05 bienniums, expenditures exceeded revenue by approximately 1.5 million dollars. The existing cash balance was used to make up for this deficit, which has now been depleted requiring a license fee increase be implemented in the 07/09 biennium to maintain a viable program.

Cost cutting measures
Measurement Standards is doing everything possible to keep the costs down.  This includes extending the service life on equipment as applicable, working flex schedules, and locating inspectors geographically to maximize inspection time while minimizing travel costs.  However, with new and constantly changing technology in weighing and measuring devices, training, testing methodology and testing equipment continually need to be modified and updated.
Amount of fee increase
How the amount of the fee increase was determined
The amount that each device license type was under funded was determined by taking into account the average amount of time it takes to test the device type, the number of devices licensed, and the personnel costs, program costs and equipment required for testing. Increasing license fees will allow the division to again be fully staffed, provide annual inspections, conduct special request testing, and respond to consumer complaints in a timely manner.

Why such a large increase?
The division has not had a device license fee increase since 1992. Under this bill some device types had no license fee increase, some moderate increases, and some substantial increases based on how much that device type was under funded. Our overall program increase is consistent with the Consumer Price Index for the same time period.

Advisory group
Working with an advisory group
The Measurement Standards Division began working with an industry advisory group in 2005. A complete breakdown of program costs, costs of testing each device type and possible solutions were presented and discussed. The advisory group supported the need for a viable program. The advisory group presented HB2402 as a funding means that would raise 25% of the needed revenue through license fee increases and the remaining 75% shortfall through General Fund appropriations. However, the General Fund portion was not included in the Co-Chairs budget. The department then introduced SB238 that would generate the needed revenue through license fee increases on devices. The amount of the license fee increase for each device type was determined by the cost of testing and the amount that device type was under funded.

Advisory group members
Bruce Anderson Northwest Food Processors Assn.
Lana Butterfield
Northwest Propae Gas Assn.
Brian Doherty
Western States Petroleum Assn.
Dan Floyd
Northwest Grocery Assn.
Joe Gilliam
Northwest Grocery Assn.
Jim Jones
Oregon Petroleum Assn.
Richard Kosesan
Convenience store representative
Sharon Livingston Oregon Cattleman's Assn.
John McCulley
Food processors representative
Shawn Miller
Northwest Grocery Assn.
Kay Teisl
Oregon Cattleman's Assn.
Jim Welsh Oregon Cattleman's Assn.

Legislative involvement
SB 238 establishes new maximums for weighing and measuring device license fees. The bill passed committees in both the Senate and House, and the bill was part of the Governor's Recommended Budget. During open testimony industry testified supporting the program while emphasizing the wish for some General Fund monies for the program.

Value of current program
Customer satisfaction surveys
Customer satisfaction surveys were sent out in 2006 for customers that interacted with the division between October and December 2005. The division interacted with 2,325 customers during that time period. Customers were asked to rate the division in terms of timeliness, accuracy, helpfulness, expertise, availability of information, and overall level of service. Over 95% of customers surveyed rated Measurement Standards as providing excellent or good overall service. The division is currently in the process of conducting another round of customer satisfaction surveys.

What the license fee increase will do for the program
Our program will be able to again be fully staffed, provide annual inspections, do special request testing, provide metrology laboratory calibrations for industry, and respond to consumer complaints in a timely manner.  In addition, in most instances, we would be able to provide a retest for devices that had been rejected to ensure that the device was corrected to meet all applicable requirements.

Importance of annual inspections
Annual inspections are critical in ensuring equity in trade for both the buyer and seller.  With billions of dollars worth of commerce changing hands annually in Oregon through commercially used weighing and measuring devices, unannounced inspections help maintain a level playing field and are a detriment to the facilitation of fraud.  With over 2 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel sold annually in Oregon, inaccurate devices in the market place could have a huge effect.

Long-term outlook
With input from our advisory group, the division will continue looking for ways to operate efficiently, while maintaining an effective program. With SB238 license fees would reach the maximum cap in 2009. The advisory group added an amendment to SB238 to allow a maximum 2% annual license fee increase for inflation for five years beginning July 1, 2011. This was done to keep the amount of fee increases at a minimum amount but implemented on a more frequent basis, thus avoiding being faced with the need to implement substantial increases to catch up with program costs. The division will continue to work with the advisory group to ensure the most efficient and viable program possible.
More information
Please visit our device license page for a breakdown of device types, license types, and fee requirements.
Email further questions to msd-info@oda.state.or.us .

Page updated: December 12, 2007

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