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Camp Lejeune Expert Panel Members February 17th-18th, 2005

EXPERT PANEL MEMBERS (Revised February 9, 2005)

Name Affiliation Areas of Expertise
Kenneth Cantor, PhD (Chairperson) National Cancer Institute
Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics
Cancer Epidemiology, Drinking Water Contaminates, Public Health, and Genetics
*J. Wanzer Drane, PE, PhD University of South Carolina
Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Biostatistics, Biometric Modeling, Disease Clusters, Community Trials, Geographic Information Systems, Imputations of Multiprompt Sample Surveys, and Improving Biostatistics in Developing Countries
**Tee Guidotti, MD, MPH The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Medicine, Toxicology, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Community Health, and Respiratory Disease
Courtney Lynch, PhD National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research
Reproductive Epidemiology, Reproductive Environmental Health, Epidemiological Methods, Statistics, and Exposures & Conception
Richard Maas, PhD University of North Carolina at Asheville
Environmental Quality Institute
Chemistry, Environmental Science, Water, Lead, Air, Arsenic, Pesticides, and Health Effects & Pediatrics
David Ozonoff, MD, MPH Boston University School of Public Health
Department of Environmental Health
Medicine, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Community Health, Mathematical Models, Cancer, Hazardous Waste, TCE and PCE
**Joel Schwartz, PhD Harvard University School of Public Health
Department of Environmental Health
Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Biostatistics, Lead, and Air Pollutants
Ornella Selmin, PhD University of Arizona
Department of Veterinary Sciences and Microbiology
Toxicology, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Reproductive Health, Embryonic Cardiac Development, Regulations of Gene Expression, Toxicogenomics, and TCE
*Paul Visintainer, PhD New York Medical College
School of Public Health
Department Health Quantitative Sciences
Epidemiological Methods, Perinatal Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Behavioral Science

* New panelist selected to replace Dr. Joel Schwartz and Dr. Tee Guidotti

** Dr. Joel Schwartz and Dr. Tee Guidotti are unable to participate on the Camp Lejeune expert panel

 Related Links

Camp Lejeune Expert Panel to Meet (News Release)

Camp Lejeune Expert Panel Registration Form

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This page last updated on February 9, 2005
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