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OSHA Strategic Partnerships Program > Region VII > #577 Partnership Agreement
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Nebraska Ethanol Board
Midwest Ethanol Coalition
Nebraska Workforce Development
United States Department of Labor
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Partnership Agreement
with the
Nebraska Ethanol Board
Midwest Ethanol Coalition
Nebraska Workforce Development
OSHA Consultation Program

In recognition of:
  • The importance of providing a safe and healthful work environment for employees in ethanol manufacturing facilities and the need to implement a comprehensive program for safety and health for the ethanol manufacturing industry, and

  • The value of employers, employees, the government, and advocacy groups in bringing their respective skills to bear in a cooperative, focused, and voluntary effort to promote worker safety and health.
The Omaha Area Office of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA), the Nebraska Workforce Development - OSHA Consultation Program (Consultation), the Nebraska Ethanol Board (the Board), and the Midwest Ethanol Coalition (the Coalition) agree to the joint implementation of this OSHA Partnership Agreement on behalf of ethanol manufacturers throughout the State of Nebraska.

The primary goal of this partnership is to ensure that each participant minimizes the potential for catastrophic incidents involving the production, storage, or transportation of ethanol, by following recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices with regard to their chemical process safety program.

"Recognized and generally accepted good engineering practice" (RAGAGEP) – are engineering, operation, or maintenance activities based on established codes, standards, published technical reports or recommended practices (RP) or a similar document. GARAGEPs detail generally approved ways to perform specific engineering, inspection or mechanical integrity activities, such as fabricating a vessel, inspecting a storage tank, or servicing a relief valve. Guidelines for Mechanical Integrity Systems, Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCSP).

In addition, a secondary goal of this agreement is to ensure that each participant has developed an adequate emergency response plan, for operations involving releases of, or substantial threat of releases of, hazardous substances such as ethanol.

The partnership also aims to reduce Total Case Incident Rates (TCIR) and Days Away, Restricted, and Transferred (DART) rates of the participating facilities by 10%, at the end of the 2-year implementation period. Under this agreement:

Participant facilities will:
  1. Provide documentation to OSHA that their chemical process safety program follows recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices; i.e, through process hazard analyses (PHAs), operating procedures and practices, employee training, mechanical integrity programs, etc.,

  2. Develop and implement an emergency response plan or emergency action plan as appropriate;

  3. Conduct self-audits to ensure that the elements of their safety and health program are being implemented;

  4. Identify training needs and ensure attendance and participation of appropriate personnel at supplemental training sessions that are necessary to achieve the partnership goals;

  5. Provide timely data for OSHA to track the progress toward the partnership goals, including OSHA Form 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, and OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. In addition, baseline data for years 2005 and 2006 will be provided.

  6. Eligible ethanol manufacturing facilities covered under this partnership will explore membership in OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program or Nebraska Workforce Development’s Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.
OSHA, Consultation, the Board, and the Coalition will provide or will arrange for qualified individuals to provide training to participants that will address issues relating to the occupational safety and health of employees at ethanol manufacturing plants. Topics may include: process safety management, emergency response to hazardous chemical incidents, job hazard analysis, control of hazardous energy, personal protective equipment, and others.

This agreement places a high priority on reducing risk associated with catastrophic incidents involving hazardous materials as well as the hazards that contribute most to the injury and illness rates prevalent in the industry, and therefore training may be modified accordingly.

Core Elements for the OSHA Strategic Partnership (OSP):
  1. Identification of Partners:

    The managing partners include OSHA – Omaha Area Office, Nebraska Workforce Development – OSHA Consultation, the Nebraska Ethanol Board, and the Midwest Ethanol Coalition. All actively producing ethanol plants, located in Nebraska, are invited to participate as partners. Those facilities under construction or planned for construction, as of the effective date of this agreement, are invited to participate as "interested stakeholders". Once operational, these facilities may apply for partner status.

  2. Purpose/Scope:

    The purpose of this agreement is twofold: ensure that active and future ethanol manufacturing facilities in Nebraska employ recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices with regard to their chemical process safety programs, and to reduce injuries and illnesses in these workplaces.

  3. Goals/Strategies:

    One partnership goal is to reduce Total Case Incident Rates (TCIR) and Days Away, Restricted, and Transferred (DART) rates, among partners, by 10% at the end of the 2-year duration of this agreement. This will be accomplished through the provision of training and education on the development and implement of effective safety and health programs, by OSHA, Workforce Development, partners, or other stakeholder representatives.

    Secondly, equip plant operators with the information and tools necessary to perform valid, timely hazard analysis appropriate to the complexity of their processes involving highly hazardous chemicals and to control the hazards involved in these processes.

  4. Performance Measures:

    The primary statistical measurement system will be the evaluation of data from the participating facilities, to include OSHA 300 and 300A data. Submission and tracking of such data will occur annually.

    The past two years of injury and illness data (if existent) will be provided by partners to the Omaha Area Office in order to establish the baseline for measuring progress toward goals.

    Participants will also be required to provide annual reports summarizing their inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures conducted as part of their chemical process safety programs. Facilities that have submitted Risk Management Plans to the Environmental Protection Agency will be required to acknowledge that they have done so.

    Additional items to be tracked include provision of training and education in selected topics provided by partnership participants or other stakeholders, under the auspices of this program.

  5. Annual Evaluation:

    Measurement data will be evaluated at one-year intervals, starting the first calendar year following the approval date of this partnership. Partnering facilities will be required to complete and provide the Annual Partnership Evaluation Form (see Appendix A), including numbers of self-inspections conducted, numbers of hazards eliminated, number of employees trained, training hours, etc.

  6. Benefits:

    Training on various topics, germane to the safe operation of ethanol manufacturing facilities and to the development of effective safety and health programs, will be provided to partnership participants and interested stakeholders. The Nebraska Workforce Development – OSHA Consultation program will assign a higher priority to eligible facilities under this partnership that request their services.

    Partners that have received a comprehensive, on-site safety and health consultation by Nebraska Workforce Development – OSHA Consultation, which has concluded within one year of the initiation of an OSHA programmed enforcement activity, will receive a limited scope inspection. These inspections will focus on: management of chemical process safety and emergency response capabilities. In addition, programs for hazard communication and the control of hazardous energy will be evaluated.

    Citation Issuance: when calculating the initial penalty reduction, OSHA may provide an additional 10% reduction for good faith beyond the reductions provided in the Field Inspection Reference Manual (FIRM), where the employer, in implementing the OSHA Strategic Partnership (OSP) agreement, has taken specific significant steps beyond those provided in the FIRM to implement the Act and achieve a high level of employee protection (see FIRM, Chapter IV.C.2.i.5[b]). This additional reduction will not apply to high gravity serious, willful, failure to abate, or repeat citations. In cases where a partner’s total penalty reduction is 100% or more, the minimum penalty provisions of the FIRM will apply.

    OSHA may offer up to a six-month deferral from programmed inspections to OSP participants upon their entry into the partnership. During the deferral period, the partner must commit to make workplace safety and health improvements or seek compliances assistance to improve workplace safety and health in accordance with its responsibilities under the Act.

    Partnering facilities will receive special recognition from OSHA through web postings and news releases.

    Following the successful completion of an onsite enforcement inspection (no high gravity serious, willful or repeat violations were found) conducted to meet partnership verification requirements, the establishment operated by a Partner will be deleted from future programmed inspection lists for 24 months from the date of the opening conference.

  7. OSHA Verification:

    All ethanol manufacturing facilities operating in Nebraska, whether participating as partners or not, will be subject to inspection. Partnering facilities remain subject to OSHA inspections and investigations in accordance with established agency procedures. The ethanol manufacturing facilities included in this partnership may be scheduled for inspection under the current and future targeting systems developed by OSHA, complaint inspections, referral inspections, and inspections related to investigations of fatalities and catastrophes.

    The Omaha Area Office will conduct annual offsite verifications of partnering facilities to verify that participants are upholding their responsibilities under the agreement. This verification will include a review of each partner’s Annual Partnership Evaluation Report, OSHA Form 300 and 300A data, and chemical safety program activity summary.

    The Omaha Area Office will conduct random, on-site enforcement inspections of a minimum of one and up to 20% of operating ethanol plants in Nebraska, at the discretion of the Area Director.

    The Omaha Area Office, in conjunction with the Nebraska Ethanol Board and the Midwest Ethanol Coalition, shall develop a master list of establishments within the OAO jurisdiction, in accordance with OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-025. This list will be checked against the list of ethanol plants which have self-reported to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under their Risk Management Program (RMP) reporting requirements and those listed on the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality website. Ethanol plants that are not included in this list, but are known by the OAO, based on local knowledge to exist in OAO jurisdiction, shall be added to the master list. Once the ethanol plants have been identified, a master list of establishments will be generated.

    Based on familiarity with local ethanol plants, the OAO shall delete from the master list: any ethanol plants known to be out of business, documenting the basis for such determination; any ethanol plant which is an approved participant in OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) or OSHA Consultation’s Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP); or any ethanol plant that has already received an inspection under this program.

  8. OSP Management and Operation:

    OSHA, the Coalition, and Consultation shall be responsible for coordinating training, as specified in this agreement. The Nebraska Ethanol Board shall coordinate the timely collection of data on workplace injuries and illnesses and all required reports, from participating facilities. This data will be collected and provided to the Omaha Area Office on an annual basis.

  9. Employee Involvement and Employee Rights:

    This partnership does not preclude employees and/or employers from exercising any right provided under the OSH Act, nor does it absolve employers of any responsibility to comply with rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the Act.

    Information regarding this partnership will be communicated to employees through meetings, employee newsletters, new employee orientation, in-services, and other means utilized by the participating facilities such as bulletin boards or posters.

    A system will be developed to enhance the number of employee suggestions to management in regard to safety and health concerns.

    Employees will be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of safety rules, policies, and procedures through activities such as a plant safety committee.

    Facility safety and health committees should be composed of a cross section of facility departments, disciplines, management representatives, and employees.

    Safety and health committee members, if applicable, department heads, and employee(s) will be included in accident and incident investigations.

  10. Term of Partnership:

    This agreement will terminate two years from the date of the signing but may be extended upon agreement of all signatories. If any signatory of this agreement wishes to terminate their participation prior to the established termination date, written notice of the intent to withdraw must be provided to all other signatories.

    The failure to provide timely data as requested by the OSHA Area Office may result in termination of this agreement.

    If OSHA chooses to withdraw its participation in the partnership, the entire agreement is terminated. Any signatory may also propose modification or amendment of the agreement. Such modifications or amendments must be agreed upon by the managing partners prior to adoption.

  11. Paperwork Reduction Act

    Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
    Form Approved
    OMB# 1218-0244 Expires 01-31-2009
    Public reporting burden for the time needed to develop the Partnership requirements, craft agreement language, and conduct an internal review process is estimated to be an average of 11 burden hours per respondent.

Nebraska Ethanol Board
Midwest Ethanol Coalition
Nebraska Workforce Development

Signed this day of _______________, 2007:


Ben Bare, CIH
Area Director
OSHA - Omaha Area Office

Fernando Lecuona III
Nebraska Department of Labor

Todd Sneller
NE Ethanol Board

Mick Anderson
Executive Director
Midwest Ethanol Coalition
Great Plains Safety and Health Organization

Appendix A
OSHA Strategic Partnership Program
Annual Partnership Evaluation Report
Partnership Name

Nebraska Ethanol Partnership Program
Describe any benefits your facility has experience as a result of participation in this partnership

Describe any improvements in your safety and health management system in the past year related to:
Goal Strategy Measure



Describe any future plans you have related to the above four elements of an effective safety and health program

Section 1 General Partnership Information
Date of Evaluation Report  
Evaluation Period:

Partnership start date
  Evaluation Period
End Date
Evaluation Contact Person  
Contact Person Phone #  
Partnership Coverage
# Active Employers   # Active Employees of the partner employer  
# "contractor employers" at site   Total # "contractor" Employees at site  
Industry Coverage (note range or specific SIC and NAICS for each partner)
Industrial Organic Chemicals, NEC 2869 325193

Section 2 Activities Performed
Note whether an activity was required by the OSP and whether it was performed
  Requested or was subjected to: Received/ performed
a. Training    
b. Consultation Visits    
c. Safety and Health Management Systems Reviewed/Developed    
d. Technical Assistance    
e. VPP-Focused Activities    
f. OSHA Enforcement Inspections    
g. Offsite Verifications    
h. Onsite Non-Enforcement Interactions    
i. Participant Self-Inspections    
j. Other Activities    
2a. Training (if performed, provide the following totals)
Training sessions conducted by OSHA staff  
Training sessions conducted by non-OSHA staff  
Employees trained  
Training hours provided to employees  
Supervisors/managers trained  
Training hours provided to supervisors/managers  
Briefly describe activities and total Numbers of employees affected, or explain if activity provided for but not performed

2b. Consultation Visits (if performed, provide the following total)
Consultation visits to partner sites  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2c. Safety and Health Management Systems (if performed, provide the following total)
Systems implemented or improved using the 1989 Guidelines as a model  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2d. Technical Assistance (if performed, note type and by whom by putting the total numbers of your employees in the applicable column)
  Provided by OSHA Staff Provided by Partners Provided by Other Party
Conference/Seminar Participation      
Interpretation/Explanation of Standards or OSHA Policy      
Abatement Assistance      
Other (please specify)      
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2e. VPP/SHARP-Focused Activities (if your facility is in process of working to become a VPP or SHARP participant please mark the box with a "Y")
Partner site actively seeking VPP or SHARP participation?  
Applications submitted?  
VPP or SHARP on-site evaluation completed?  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2f. OSHA Enforcement Activity (if performed, provide the following totals for any programmed, unprogrammed, and verification-related inspections at this establishment)
OSHA enforcement inspections conducted  
OSHA enforcement inspections in compliance  
OSHA enforcement inspections with violations cited  
Average number of citations classified as Serious, Repeat, and Willful  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2g. Offsite Verification (if performed provide the following total)
Offsite verifications performed  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2h. Onsite Non-Enforcement Verification (if performed provide the following total)
Onsite non-enforcement verifications performed  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2i. Participant Self-Inspections (if performed provide the following totals)
Self-inspections performed  
Hazards and/or violations identified and corrected/abated  
Comments/Explanations (briefly describe activities, or explain if activity required but not performed)

2j. Other Activities (briefly describe other activities performed)


Section 3 Illness and Injury Information

List your company’s number of injuries/illnesses from your OSHA 300 logs for the following years.

  2005 2006
a. Total Number of Deaths __________ __________

b. Total Number of Cases with Days Away From Work
__________ __________

c. Total Number of Cases with Job Transfer or Restrictions
__________ __________

d. Total Number of Recordable Cases
__________ __________

e. Total Number of Days of Job Transfer or Restrictions
__________ __________

f. Total Number of Days Away From Work
__________ __________

g. Total Number of Hours Worked by All Employees
__________ __________

h. Total # cases related to slips, trips, falls
__________ __________

i. Total # cases related to patient handling
__________ __________

j. Total # cases related to bloodborne pathogens
__________ __________

k. Total # cases related to tuberculosis
__________ __________

l. Total # cases related to violent acts/assaults
__________ __________

List your company’s number of injuries/illnesses from your OSHA 300 logs for the following years.

  2006 2007 2008
a. Total Number of Deaths __________ __________ __________

b. Total Number of Cases with Days Away From Work
__________ __________ __________

c. Total Number of Cases with Job Transfer or Restrictions
__________ __________ __________

d. Total Number of Recordable Cases
__________ __________ __________

e. Total Number of Days of Job Transfer or Restrictions
__________ __________ __________

f. Total Number of Days Away From Work
__________ __________ __________

g. Total Number of Hours Worked by All Employees
__________ __________ __________

h. Total # cases related to slips, trips, falls
__________ __________ __________

i. Total # cases related to patient handling
__________ __________ __________

j. Total # cases related to bloodborne pathogens
__________ __________ __________

k. Total # cases related to tuberculosis
__________ __________ __________

l. Total # cases related to violent acts/assaults
__________ __________ __________

3a. What is your company’s total case injury/illness incidence rate for the years (TCIIR)?
__________ __________ __________

3c. What is your company’s days away, restricted and transferred incidence rate for the years (DART)?
__________ __________ __________
Comments (note any decreases or increases in trends)


Section 4 Improvement Plans, Benefits, and Recommendations
Changes and Challenges (check all applicable)
  Changes Challenges
Management Structure    
Employee Involvement    
Worksite Analysis    
Hazard prevention and control    
Employee Training    
Data Collection    
Other (specify)    
Comments on improvement plans and needs to implement those plans

Partnership Benefits (check all applicable)
Increased safety and health awareness  
Improved relationship with OSHA  
Improved relationship with employers  
Improved relationship with employees or unions  
Decreased injuries/illnesses  
Other (specify) (i.e. reduced costs, improved morals, increased productivity, lower EMR, etc)  

Status Recommendation
Plan to continue with the partnership  
Plan to terminate participation in the partnership  
Continue with the following provisions:  

Suggestions for Partnership Improvement)  


OSHA – Nebraska Ethanol Board – Midwest Ethanol Coalition
– Nebraska Workforce Development

Facility Name: __________________________________________________________________________________

Corporate Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Facility Address: ________________________________________________________________________________



Company Contact: ______________________________________________________________________________

Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________

e-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Fax: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Average # of Employees (Site): ___________________________________________________________________

SIC Code: ______________________________  NAICS Code: ___________________________________________

Name of Management Official: _____________________________________________________________________

Signature of Management Official: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 07/12/2007