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Electronic Discussion Mailing Lists
This electronic discussion list is sponsored by the Oregon Library Association's Children Services Division (CSD).  CSD is a non-profit, educational and informational organization whose defining goal is to provide support and continuing education for Oregon's children's librarians and for support staff who work in children services.  This list enhances communication for CSD members and other interested parties.  Possible uses may include job announcements, meeting announcements, conference announcements, announcing training opportunities, gift offerings, resource sharing, and questions about children services and library related issues.
This electronic discussion list is intended for sharing information about the Oregon library community.  It is for library staff at public, school, academic, tribal, and volunteer libraries in Oregon.  Possible uses may include job announcements, meeting announcements, conference announcements, announcing training opportunities, gift offerings, resource sharing, and questions about library related issues. 
Archives can be viewed at Libs-Or Archives
OASL listserv
This electronic discussion list is a benefit of membership in the Oregon Educational Media Association.  Only subscribed members may send to and receive messages from the mailing list.
Oregon State Library LIS Collection Blog
This is the Library and Information Science Collection Blog.  Items posted here may be requested via your library's established interlibrary loan process or you may fax your request to the State Library document delivery department at 503-588-7119 with complete request information. Items in this collection are purchased with LSTA funds.  An RSS feed is available.  The site also has a form to suggest purchases for the collection.
This electronic discussion list is sponsored by the Oregon Library Association's Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN).  OYAN is a non-profit, educational and informational organization whose goals are to advocate for excellence in library services for young adults, to take a proactive role in providing library services to teens, and to provide a network of communication among librarians and support staff who work with teens.  This mailing list enhances communication on these issues for OYAN members and other interested parties.  Possible uses may include job announcements, meeting announcements, conference announcements, announcing training opportunities, gift offerings, resource sharing, and questions about children services and library related issues.

Note for "closed lists"
Recipients must be added by Library Development Services staff.  If you believe you should be on one of these lists or you should be taken off, contact the Consulting Assistant at 503-378-2525.
AL-Directors is a closed list for academic library directors only.  The AL-Directors list is a vehicle for the Oregon State Library (OSL) to send official announcements such as grant program announcements, grant applications, and deadline reminders.  This information is no longer distributed by regular mail.

Although directors can't post or reply to the list, they may reply to the sender.  The list archives permit library directors a quick review of past announcements, although attachments are not archived.
Archives can be viewed at AL-Directors Archives

PL-Directors is a closed list for public library directors only.  The PL-Directors list is a vehicle for the Oregon State Library (OSL) to send official announcements such as grant program announcements, grant applications, and deadline reminders.  This information is no longer distributed by regular mail.

Although directors can’t post or reply to the list, they may reply to the sender.  The list archives permit library directors a quick review of past announcements, although attachments are not archived.

Archives can be viewed at PL-Directors Archives
TL-Directors is a closed list for tribal library directors only.  The TL-Directors list is a vehicle for the Oregon State Library to send official announcements such as grant program announcements, grant applications and deadline reminders. 
Archives can be viewed at TL-Directors Archives
Orlsta is a one-way list for the Oregon State Library to notify current LSTA grantees of significant events, raise awareness of issues in grant administration, and issue reminders of deadlines. 
Archives can be viewed at Orlsta Archives
OSLIS listserv
This electronic discussion list is used to send information to school library personnel about the Oregon School Library Information System (OSLIS).  The current archive is only available to the list members.  To become a list member, send an email to list manager Patty Sorensen at Patty.Sorensen@state.or.us

Page updated: August 17, 2007

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