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RFHF Application Information
Benefits of RFHF
Your Commitment to RFHF
RFHF Home Page
At this time we are only accepting applications from Healthy Start family support workers and chidlren's library staff who work in Benton, Lincoln, Linn, and Polk Counties in Oregon.
To find out when RFHF will be available in your county view the Training Schedule.
Please return this completed application form to:
Joann Contini, RFHF Project Coordinator
FAX: 503-761-2506
E-mail: joanncontini@comcast.net

Benefits of RFHF
When you participate in the RFHF project, you will receive the following benefits:
  • An intensive two- day training session in the Every Child Ready to Read @ your library® curriculum, free of charge. The three ECRR workshops are:
    • Print Motivation, Vocabulary, and Reading Books
    • Print Awareness, Narrative Skills, and Dialogic Reading
    • Phonological Awareness, Letter Knowledge, and Phonological Awareness Games
  • The trainers and the training sessions will be approved and certified by the Oregon Registry for professional development in childhood care and education. If you are interested or enrolled in the Oregon Registry program, this training will provide you with Set One hours.
  • Training in point-of-contact materials about reading books, dialogic reading, phonological awareness games, and the six early literacy skills.
  • Training in working with high risk families and conducting family outreach.
  • A complete RFHF Resource Kit, free of charge, with presentation guide, training scripts, handouts, power points, and early literacy resource materials. You will keep your RFHF Resource Kits after the project is over, and may continue providing early literacy educational opportunities for families in your community. 
  • A second two-day training session, free of charge, with additional training in special topic areas such as: working with English language learners, working with children with special needs, library visits, library cards, library story times, training tips, and adult development.
  • The opportunity to share feedback on using the Every Child Ready to Read @ your library® curriculum, and the early literacy point of contact materials, and to discuss the successes and the challenges you faced.
  • A special recognition luncheon on the second day of the training for you and your supervisor
  • A special training session on the afternoon of the second day for your supervisor (or you) regarding marketing early literacy programs, networking, sustaining early literacy efforts, and locating and activating early literacy resources.
  • Food, lodging and transportation to attend both of the two-day training sessions would be compensated for both you and your supervisor or provided to both you and your supervisor when necessary.
  • The opportunity to also serve as a regional Site Coordinator, to facilitate networking for the selected RFHF Healthy Start family support worker and children’s library staff, and provide logistical recommendations and support to the RFHF Project Coordinator.

Your Commitment to RFHF
The commitments you will make to participate in the RFHF project are basic:
  • Attend both the first two-day training and the second two-day training (a total of 4 days of training). 
  • Invite your supervisor to attend the recognition luncheon and the special training session on the afternoon of the second day of the second training or attend yourself if your supervisor cannot.
  • After completing the first two-day training session, you will provide Every Child Ready to Read @ your library® and/or point-of-contact early literacy educational opportunities to at least 5 families with children 0-5 years old over the course of the next three months.
  • After completing the second two-day training, you will provide Every Child Ready to Read @ your library® and/or point-of-contact early literacy educational opportunities to at least 10 more families with children 0-5 years old over the course of the next nine months.

RFHF Home Page
Click here to return to the RFHF Home Page.

Page updated: October 02, 2008

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