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Trade Act Programs: North American Free Trade Agreement--Transitional Adjustment Assistance (NAFTA-TAA)

Worker dislocations resulting from trade with, or shifts in production to, Canada and/or Mexico are covered by the NAFTA-Transitional Adjustment Assistance program, which provides rapid and early response to the threat of unemployment and the opportunity to receive reemployment assistance, including job search assistance, retraining and income support while in training, to enhance and ease the transition to a new job.

The NAFTA-TAA program offers reemployment asistance to workers whose companies have been directly or indirectly impacted as a result of trade with Canada and/or Mexico, known as primary or secondary firms. A primary firm is one that is directly affected by increased imports from or shifts in production to Canada and/or Mexico.

A secondary firm is one that supplies materials and/or components to a primary firm, assembles or finishes products made by a primary firm, or a family farm or farm workers who are adversely affected by trade with, or shifts in production to Canada or Mexico, but do not meet the eligibility requirements of "group of workers". The NAFTA-TAA program provides an assortment of comprehensive and timely re-employment services to all affected workers. The program extends rapid response to those who are eligible.

Workers in primary firms receive reemployment services under the NAFTA-TAA program. However, workers in secondary firms receive reemployment assistance under Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Title I. If you have been secondarily affected, refer to the Reemployment Services page of this site to learn more about the assistance which may be available to you as a secondarily affected worker.

Created: January 12, 2006