American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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Manuscript for
Baum's Last Book

Glinda of Oz
L. Frank Baum (1856-1919)
Glinda of Oz
Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4
Page 5 - Page 6 - Page 7
Page 8
Chicago: Reilly and Lee, 1920
Manuscript Division
Gift of the Baum Family, 2000 (182.4a,b)

This is the hand-written manuscript for Glinda of Oz, L. Frank Baum's last book. Glinda was Baum's fourteenth book in the Oz series and was published posthumously. The miscellaneous notes and references to earlier books Baum jotted on the binder indicate that he may have used it to hold manuscripts for some of his earlier works.

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