Solid State IMAGING (SSI) Team

Education and


Outreach Website


Table of Contents

grnstar.gifBackground, Overviews, Timelines: Galileo Mission and Imaging plans

grnstar.gifImages at Jupiter (Image products, Complete data sets, Planning Information, and Science Background)
grnstar.gifImages During Cruise: Earth to arrival at Jupiter
grnstar.gifInterpreting the Data
grnstar.gifEducation Modules Related to Concepts in the Galileo Mission

grnstar.gifReferences and Resources
grnstar.gifGalileo Pages
grnstar.gifSpace Science Background Information


During its cruise from Earth to Jupiter, the Galileo Spacecraft returned images of the Earth, Moon, Venus, asteroids Gaspra, Ida, and Dactyl, and the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact with Jupiter. On December 7th, 1995, the Galileo Probe descended into Jupiter's atmosphere and relayed the data it collected to the Galileo Orbiter which then transmitted the data to Earth. The Galileo Orbiter continues its tour of the Jovian system until January 2000.

This website contains information regarding the imaging camera aboard the orbiter, displays IMAGES acquired by the camera, contains resources useful to EDUCATORS and the general public, and is integrated with the complete Galileo mission web pages.

grnstar.gifBackground, Overviews, Timelines: Galileo Mission and Imaging plans

grnstar.gifImages at Jupiter
Image since Galileo's arrival at Jupiter including Planning information and Science Background.
Available image formats for public products include tiff, gif, pict, jpeg, etc.

grnstar.gif Images During Cruise: Earth to arrival at Jupiter

grnstar.gifInterpreting the Data

apple.gif Education Modules Related to Concepts in the Galileo Mission

grnstar.gifReferences and Resources

grnstar.gifGalileo Pages

grnstar.gif Space Science Background Information

Galileo Solid State Imaging Team Leader: Dr. Michael J. S. Belton

The SSI Education and Public Outreach webpages were originally created and managed by Matthew Fishburn and Elizabeth Alvarez with significant assistance from Kelly Bender, Ross Beyer, Detrick Branston, Stephanie Lyons, Eileen Ryan, and Nalin Samarasinha.

o Last updated: September 28, 1999, by Matthew Fishburn

Return to Project Galileo Homepage

Website Curator: Leslie Lowes

Website Feedback: Ron Baalke