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Social Security Handbook

SSA Handbook Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home 1014. Does the State have the option of including or excluding certain types of services under a Section 218 Agreement?

Yes. Section 218 agreements (see §1000.2), at the option of the State, may include or exclude the following services:

  1. Services in elective positions;

  2. Services in part-time positions;

  3. Services in positions compensated solely by fees (See §1015);

  4. Agricultural labor (See §§901-914.);

  5. Student services; and

  6. Services performed by election officials and election workers paid less than the threshold amount mandated by Federal law.

Generally, if one of the types of work listed above was covered under the State's agreement, it cannot later be removed from coverage, except for the services in (F) above.

Last Revised: Oct. 17, 2005

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