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Social Security Handbook

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SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home 1243. Summary Table for Optional Methods of Computing Non-Farm Self-Employment Income

The following table summarizes the effect of the optional method of computing the amount of self-employment income from a non-farm business to be reported for taxable years beginning after 1972:

Optional Method: Non-Farm Self-Employment Income

If the gross farm income is...

And the net farm profit is...

Then the self-employment income to be reported is:

Regular method

Optional method

Under $600

Under $400



Under $600

$400 to $500

Actual net

Actual net*

$600 to $2,400

Under $400


Two-thirds of gross

$600 to $2,400

$400 to $1,599

Actual net

Two-thirds of gross

$600 to $2,400

$1,600 to $2,400

Actual net

Actual net*

More than $2,400

Under $400



More than $2,400

$400 to 1,599

Actual net


More than $2,400

$1,600 and over

Actual net

Actual net*

* Option cannot be used because an individual using the non-farm option may not declare less than actual net earnings from self-employment.

Last Revised: March, 2001

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