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Home  >>  Analysis  >>  Darfur Policy Forum: After the Genocide Determination, What's Next?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

This two-panel forum addresses the historical context and current conditions of the crisis, and discusses policy options. Opening the first panel, “Historical and Social Context of the Crisis,” is Samantha Power, who recently visited the Darfur region and who offers eyewitness testimony of the plight of the displaced and refugeed civilians, as well as the fate of attacked villages. Following her update, Ali Ali-Dinar, who is from the region, presents his insight into the historical tensions that contributed to the violence, and how government agitation has escalated the violence to unprecedented levels. John Ryle discusses connections between violence in Darfur and the peace process in the South. Finally, Alex de Waal addresses the question, who are the janjaweit?

The second panel, “Political and Policy Context of the Crisis,” is a discussion lead by Gayle Smith amongst representatives of the U.S. government, French government, and NGO voices. Speaking for the U.S. government, Robert Ehrnman answers the question of what the U.S. finding that “genocide” has occurred in Darfur implies for policy choices. Bertrand Lortholary's comments could not be made available. Tom Donnelly places the conflict in Darfur in the context of the Sudanese government’s past support for terrorism and the current U.S. “war on terrorism.” John Prendergast finishes this panel by offering critical insight into what further policy options should be on the table, particularly for the U.S. government, and how he thinks the Sudanese government can best be influenced.

Both panels also include questions from the audience.


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