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Welcome to the Forest Service - Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air & Rare Plants program web site. We cover a wide variety of topics and we are located across the nation. Our staff provides support and coordination to the public and the agency regions, forests and districts.

This web site will give you a taste of our diversity and is designed for our various customers. We laid things out by topic with multiple paths to each topic.

If you want to understand our administrative layout select the "staff" link on the left hand navigations. The search engine takes you through the whole agency, not just our staff pages. If you want to find specific staffs, you need to add the word "staff" to the search. Or try "advanced" searches once you have done your initial search. You are also welcome to contact any of our staff or web site administrator directly.

Our official staff acronym is WFW. You may also see WFWARP on some of our pages or in communication with staff members.

WFW Newsletter - Monthly ::


To all our Partners -- Thank you for your hard work

  • implementing these conservation projects;
  • planning future projects;
  • developing partnerships; and
  • reporting your accomplishments and opportunities.

The Partnership Report, the Find a Photo library, and WFRP-MS , available on the internet, would not be possible without our partners' work. These tools and products will help accomplish more conservation work, and focus more effectively on work where several partners - and potential partners - share objectives.

The Deputy Chief of the National Forest System is officially announcing the availability of these three internet tools/products for use by both partners and the general public in this downloadable letter. This letter is being shared directly with our partners through our national, regional, forest and district program leaders and biologists.

Partner Letter:
Thank You - 3 Tools/Products Announcement

PDF 48.8 KB
Word DOC 53.5 KB

Hot Topics

Bat Conservation International and USDA Forest Service Sign MOU
Dr. Merlin Tuttle, President/Founder Bat Conservation International, Inc. and Deputy Chief Joel Holtrop recently signed a new Service-Wide Memorandum of Understanding (MOU, enclosure). This MOU recognizes our longstanding partnership and mutual interest in the conservation and management of bats, their habitat and associated ecosystems, and our common desire to expand our cooperative work.

Bat Conservation International’s (BCI) mission is to protect and restore bats and their habitats worldwide by helping people understand and value bats as essential components of ecosystems. BCI advocates protecting critical bat habitats, advancing scientific knowledge about bats and their conservation needs, and facilitating management approaches that help both bats and people.

The Forest Service has a proven track record of working in collaboration with BCI, focusing especially on helping employees to understand and value bats as essential allies in managing habitats, and advancing scientific knowledge about bats, conservation needs, and ecosystems through continuing education, training, and cooperative research. By managing for bats and their habitats, the Forest Service contributes to conservation of the nation’s biodiversity, creating a healthier environment for both wildlife and people.

Investing in partnerships takes time, effort and energy—but it is worth it, and is in the Forest Service’s and the public’s interest. Partnerships such as these allow the Forest Service to effectively do more of the important conservation work that benefits the public’s resources.

Thanks to all who contributed to preparation and review of this new MOU!

MOU with BCI and FS 41.4 KB PDF
Letter Announcing BCI-FS MOU 25 KB PDF
Partnership Opportunities with BCI 47 KB PDF

Photograph: Big Brown Bat.  Photo taken by Dennis Krusac, USFS, R8
Big Brown Bat
Taken by Dennis Krusac, USFS

Save the Planet with Bats - 2008 Bat Blitz on the Bankhead NF
An excellent piece, featuring our own Dennis Krusac, Region 8 biologist, is featured in this segment. Channel 42 in Birmingham, Alabama is covering the 2008 Bat Blitz in the Bankhead National Forest. There are a few errors, like there are in any news story, but it is a good story. The film crew from Discovering Alabama was at the blitz all 4 days and they are planning an entire show on bats. Don not know when the 'Discovering Alabama' show will be available, but it should be very good.

Links to Channel 42:

Answer the Call 2008 Award Winners - CONGRATULATIONS!

Answer the Call” is a partnership program between the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Quail Unlimited and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The program promotes quail and upland game bird habitat management nationwide through cooperative projects. This year's award winners were honored at Quail Unlimited’s National Convention in Springfield, MO.
Jay Cox, member of Patoka Hills (IN) Chapter of Quail Unlimited, was presented the 2008 “Answer the Call” Award for an outstanding volunteer.
Gary Rotta, Wildlife Biologist on the Plumas National Forest, was presented the National “Answer the Call” Award.
Dave Zalunardo, Pacific Northwest Regional Representative to the “Answer the Call” partnership was recognized for 14 years of exemplary service.
Congratulations Jay, Gary and Dave! Thank you for your dedication.
More information...

Award Winners:

  • Answer the Call 2008 - Outstanding Volunteer Award: Jay Cox, Patoka Hills (IN) Chapter of Quail Unlimited
  • Answer the Call 2008: Gary Rotta, Plumas NF
  • Answer the Call 2008 - PNW Partnership Recognition: Dave Zalunardo, USFS Pacific Northwest Regional Representative
  • FS - BLM Conservation Leadership Partner Award 2008: National Wild Turkey Federation
  • Jack Adams Award 2008: Norm Weiland
  • Lloyd Swift Senior Award 2008: Tom L. Darden
  • Elk Country Award 2007 - Land Protection: Dakota Prairie Grasslands for Elkhorn Ranch Project
  • Elk Country Award 2007 Recipient - Individual Achievement: Jeff Bohler
  • Mule Deer Conservation: Steve Blatt
  • 2006 Wagon Wheel Gap Awards: Greg Bevenger, Al Todd, and Mike Furniss

    More information...
Dig It
The Smithsonian's Dig It - Secrets of Soil is a big success. Not coming to Washington DC before 2010? Visit it online.
More information...
Photograph: little girl at national fishing dayin Washington DC, laughing and showing her worm on a hook.

Staff Spot Lights
  Climate Change & Water
  Dig It - Secrets of Soil: Smithsonian Exhibit
  MOUs and MOAs
  Electronic Partnerships Report
 WFW Issue Update Papers
 Celebrating Wildflowers
 Visit DigiTop - its accessible through any USDA computer. Literature & Publications.

 DigiTop for USFS
 National Forest Library System - on the FS Intranet/FSWeb. Access to journals not on DigiTop.

  Air Quality Webcam

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Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air & Rare Plants (WFW)
Washington, D.C. Office
Author: Shelly Witt, National Continuing Education Coordinator, WFW staff
Phone: 435-881-4203
Expires: none

USDA Forest Service
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C.
(202) 205-8333