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Sec2108[42 U.S.C. 1397hh] (a) Annual Report.—The State shall—

(1) assess the operation of the State plan under this title in each fiscal year, including the progress made in reducing the number of uncovered low-income children; and

(2) report to the Secretary, by January 1 following the end of the fiscal year, on the result of the assessment.

(b) State Evaluations.—

(1) In general.—By March 31, 2000, each State that has a State child health plan shall submit to the Secretary an evaluation that includes each of the following:

(A) An assessment of the effectiveness of the State plan in increasing the number of children with creditable health coverage.

(B) A description and analysis of the effectiveness of elements of the State plan, including—

(i) the characteristics of the children and families assisted under the State plan including age of the children, family income, and the assisted child's access to or coverage by other health insurance prior to the State plan and after eligibility for the State plan ends,

(ii) the quality of health coverage provided including the types of benefits provided,

(iii) the amount and level (including payment of part or all of any premium) of assistance provided by the State,

(iv) the service area of the State plan,

(v) the time limits for coverage of a child under the State plan,

(vi) the State's choice of health benefits coverage and other methods used for providing child health assistance, and

(vii) the sources of non–Federal funding used in the State plan.

(C) An assessment of the effectiveness of other public and private programs in the State in increasing the availability of affordable quality individual and family health insurance for children.

(D) A review and assessment of State activities to coordinate the plan under this title with other public and private programs providing health care and health care financing, including medicaid and maternal and child health services.

(E) An analysis of changes and trends in the State that affect the provision of accessible, affordable, quality health insurance and health care to children.

(F) A description of any plans the State has for improving the availability of health insurance and health care for children.

(G) Recommendations for improving the program under this title.

(H) Any other matters the State and the Secretary consider appropriate.

(2) Report of the secretary.—The Secretary shall submit to Congress and make available to the public by December 31, 2001, a report based on the evaluations submitted by States under paragraph (1), containing any conclusions and recommendations the Secretary considers appropriate.

(c) Federal Evaluation.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary, directly or through contracts or interagency agreements, shall conduct an independent evaluation of 10 States with approved child health plans.

(2) Selection of states.—In selecting States for the evaluation conducted under this subsection, the Secretary shall choose 10 States that utilize diverse approaches to providing child health assistance, represent various geographic area (including a mix of rural and urban areas), and contain a significant portion of uncovered children.

(3) Matters included.—In addition to the elements described in subsection (b)(1), the evaluation conducted under this subsection shall include each of the following:

(A) Surveys of the target population (enrollees, disenrollees, and individuals eligible for but not enrolled in the program under this title).

(B) Evaluation of effective and ineffective outreach and enrollment practices with respect to children (for both the program under this title and the medicaid program under title XIX), and identification of enrollment barriers and key elements of effective outreach and enrollment practices, including practices that have successfully enrolled hard-to-reach populations such as children who are eligible for medical assistance under title XIX but have not been enrolled previously in the medicaid program under that title.

(C) Evaluation of the extent to which State medicaid eligibility practices and procedures under the medicaid program under title XIX are a barrier to the enrollment of children under that program, and the extent to which coordination (or lack of coordination) between that program and the program under this title affects the enrollment of children under both programs.

(D) An assessment of the effect of cost-sharing on utilization, enrollment, and coverage retention.

(E) Evaluation of disenrollment or other retention issues, such as switching to private coverage, failure to pay premiums, or barriers in the recertification process.

(4) Submission to congress.—Not later than December 31, 2001, the Secretary shall submit to Congress the results of the evaluation conducted under this subsection.

(5) Funding.—Out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2000 for the purpose of conducting the evaluation authorized under this subsection. Amounts appropriated under this paragraph shall remain available for expenditure through fiscal year 2002.

(d) Inspector General Audit and GAO Report.—

(1) Audit.—Beginning with fiscal year 2000, and every third fiscal year thereafter, the Secretary, through the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, shall audit a sample from among the States described in paragraph (2) in order to—

(A) determine the number, if any, of enrollees under the plan under this title who are eligible for medical assistance under title XIX (other than as optional targeted low-income children under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XIV)); and

(B) assess the progress made in reducing the number of uncovered low-income children, including the progress made to achieve the strategic objectives and performance goals included in the State child health plan under section 2107(a).

(2) State described.—A State described in this paragraph is a State with an approved State child health plan under this title that does not, as part of such plan, provide health benefits coverage under the State's medicaid program under title XIX.

(3) Monitoring and report from gao.—The Comptroller General of the United States shall monitor the audits conducted under this subsection and, not later than March 1 of each fiscal year after a fiscal year in which an audit is conducted under this subsection, shall submit a report to Congress on the results of the audit conducted during the prior fiscal year.

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Last reviewed or modified Friday Sep 19, 2008
