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Secretary Tommy G. Thompson
Pre-Diabetes Initiative -- Children

(March 27, 2002)

Actuality: 1 min 25 sec = approx. 7.4M

While today's Pre-Diabetes Initiative focuses mainly on adults, we need to pay close attention to our children as well.

I'm especially concerned because obesity-related type 2 diabetes is on the rise in children - - especially African-American, Asian American and Hispanic children and adolescents.

As parents and adults, we need to ensure our children get off to a healthy start. We need to be more cognizant of watching what our children are eating, and teaching them proper nutrition.

And, it's time that we get our kids off the Playstations and onto the playgrounds for exercise. And we adults need to go out and play with them, too.

The entire family will benefit from exercise and have fun while doing it.

So many of our health problems - whether it's diabetes, heart disease or types of cancer -- can be avoided through diet, exercise and just by taking better care of ourselves.

Just making these modest changes can make us healthier:


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Last revised: March 29, 2002