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Emergency Management Services of King County


Since September 11th, King County government and its regional partners, including the City of Seattle, surrounding counties, other cities, and special purpose districts, have been awarded more than $ 96 million from the federal government to increase local capabilities to prepare for and respond to a terrorist attack. These funds are being used for the following types of projects:

  • Equipment and training for first responders
  • Transit and port security
  • Public health preparedness planning
  • Critical infrastructure protection
  • Continuity of government planning
  • Citizen preparedness training and public education
  • Terrorism scenario exercises

Following is a breakdown of federal homeland security funding by fiscal year:



$   8.3 million



$ 40.5 million



$ 26.8 million



$ 21.1 million



$ 11.2 million






$ 107.9 million

Of the total, King County Office of Emergency Management administers $34.6 million in homeland security funds that increase the capabilities of both county government and other regional partners. Remaining funds are administered by the City of Seattle, the Port of Seattle, Snohomish and Pierce Counties and other King County agencies. See the Grant Awards page to get more specific details on grants awarded in our region and managed through King County Office of Emergency Management.

Grant opportunities

No new grant opportunities are available at this time. FFY07 grant proposals are currently going through DHS evaluation and allocation of funds is expected to be announced during the summer of 2007.

Grant guidelines

Grant guidelines and additional reference material is listed below:

Icon: PDF FFY07-HSGP Program Guidance & Application Kit (external link)

Icon: PDF FFY06-HSGP Program Guidance & Application Kit (external link)

Icon: PDF FFY05-HSGP Program Guidelines & Application Kit (external link)

Icon: PDF FFY04-SHSP, LETPP & CCP Guidelines & Application Kit (external link)

Icon: PDF FFY04-UASI Program Guidelines & Application Kit (external link)

For Program Guidelines of earlier years visit the Homeland Security Programs (external link) web page.

Reference material for sub grantees receiving Homeland Security funds through King County Office of Emergency Management

King County Office of Emergency Management administers funds from Homeland Security grants received for the region in three ways:

  • Sub granting to different agencies

In an effort to provide a clear overview of what our sub granting process entails to those agencies receiving Homeland Security grant funds as “sub grantees”, we have dedicated a web page on our site that will provide all information needed from the time funds have been allocated to sub granted projects to the final stage of the process which includes a request by agencies to this office for reimbursement of expenditures of their projects.

  • Serving as a liaison between the State and agencies within our region

A few of our projects take advantage of the State contracts to purchase equipment at better prices. In those cases, King County Office of Emergency Management acts as a liaison between the requesting agency and the State to effectively purchase equipment. A web page will be added in the near future to provide all information needed to those agencies receving equipment through this process.

  • Internal project management

These projects are managed by King County Office of Emergency Management.

Links & Resources

Federal Office of Management and Budget:
  • Authorized Equipment List (AEL) for FFY05 and later grant years (external link) 
    IMPORTANT NOTE:  Choose LOGIN as GUEST option at the right side of the screen to access the AEL
  • GAO Report - First Responder Grants (external link)
    This report titled "Management of First Responder Grant Programs Has Improved, but Challenges Remain" identifies changes to the grant application, award, and distribution processes, as well as continued challenges faced by Federal, State and local agencies.

Contact information:

Call 206-205-4062
Toll Free 1-800-523-5044
TTY 206-205-7516
Fax 206-205-4056
Address King County Office of Emergency Management
  Renton, Washington
    Office hours: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
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  Updated: May 9, 2008