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The Fermilab Bird List: Page 8

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Survey period 1. Survey period 2. Survey period 3.
Survey period 4. Survey period 5. Pre-survey records.
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Hairy Woodpecker 
Northern Flicker 
Olive-sided Flycatcher 
Eastern Wood-Pewee 
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 
Acadian Flycatcher 
Alder Flycatcher 
Willow Flycatcher 
Least Flycatcher 
Eastern Phoebe 
Say's Phoebe 
Great Crested Flycatcher 
Eastern Kingbird 
Loggerhead Shrike 
Northern Shrike 
White-eyed Vireo 
Bell's Vireo 
Yellow-throated Vireo 
Blue-headed Vireo 
Warbling Vireo 

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