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Foreign Aid in the National Interest

Background Papers

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Blair, Harry, and Gary Hansen. February 1994. Weighing in on the Scales of Justice: Strategic Approaches for Donor-Supported Rule of Law Programs. Assessment Report No. 7, Center for Development Information and Evaluation, Washington, DC: USAID.

Blair, Harry. 2001. "Is Building Democratic Constituencies Enough? Civil Society and USAID Program Impact in Seven Countries." Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 30-September 2. San Francisco.

Brinkerhoff, Derick W. 1999. "Identifying and Assessing Political Will for Anti-Corruption Efforts." Working Papers no. 13, Implementing Policy Change project, USAID, January.

--------.2000. "Assessing Political Will for Anti-Corruption Efforts: An Analytic Framework." Public Administration and Development 20: 242.

Carothers, Thomas. 1999. Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

--------.January 2002. "The End of the Transition Paradigm." Journal of Democracy 13: 5-21.

Carter, L. 2001. "Linking USAID Democracy Program Impact to Political Change: A Synthesis of Findings from Three Case Studies." Revised fourth draft (unpublished), August 8.

Center of Democracy and Governance. April 1999. USAID Political Party Development Assistance. Technical Publication Series, Washington: USAID.

--------.January 2000. Promoting Transparency and Accountability: USAID's Anti-Corruption Experience. Washington: USAID.

--------.May 2000. Decentralization and Democratic Local Governance Programming Handbook. Technical Publication Series, Washington: USAID.

Center for Development Information and Evaluation. December 2001. "Linking Democracy and Development: An Idea for the Times." USAID Evaluation Highlights No. 75. Washington: USAID.

Chu, Yun-han; Larry Diamond; and Doh Chull Shin. January 2001. "How People View Democracy: Halting Progress in Korea and Taiwan." Journal of Democracy 12: 125, Table 1.

Collier, Paul. 1999. "Learning from Failure: the International Financial Institutions as Agencies of Restraint in Africa." In The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies, edited by Andreas Schedler, Larry Diamond, and Marc F. Plattner. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

---------.2002. "Making Aid Smart: Institutional Incentives Facing Donor Organizations and their Implications for Aid Effectiveness." Prepared for the Forum Series on the Role of Institutions in Promoting Economic Growth. Directed by the IRIS Center, sponsored by USAID, February 25.

Democracy Forum for East Asia. "Democratization of Political Parties in East Asia." Workshop Report, Seoul Korea. From web site at: []. March 21-22, 2000.

Diamond, Larry. "Fostering Institutions to Contain Corruption." World Bank PremNotes, , report no. 21572. From web site: []. June 30, 1999.

Diamond, Larry Jay. 1999. Developing Democracy: Toward Consolidation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Diamond, L., and R. Gunther, eds. 2001. Political Parties and Democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Diamond, Larry. January 2002. "Elections without Democracy: Thinking about Hybrid Regimes." Journal of Democracy 13: Table 1.

The Economist. 2001. "The Latinobarometro Poll: An Alarm Call for Latin America's Democrats." July 28: 37-38.

Franck, Thomas. January 1992. "The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance." American Journal of International Law 86: 46-91;

Golub, Stephen J. 2000. "Democracy as Development: A Case for Civil Society Assistance in Asia." In Funding Virtue: Civil Society Aid and Democracy Promotion, edited by Marina Ottaway and Thomas Carothers, p. 137-146. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Gyimah-Boadi, E. October 1999. "Debating Democracy Assistance: The Cost of Doing Nothing." Journal of Democracy 10: 121.

Huntington, Samuel P. 1991. The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

Johnston, Michael. 1999. "A Brief History of Anticorruption Agencies." In The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies, edited by Andreas Schedler, Larry Diamond, and Marc F. Plattner. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Karatnycky, Adrian. January 2002. "The 2001 Freedom House Survey." Journal of Democracy 13: 99-112.

Lagos, Marta. January 2001. "How People View Democracy: Between Stability and Crisis In Latin America." Journal of Democracy 12: 143, Table 3.

Levitsky, Steven, and Lucan Way. April 2002. "The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism." Journal of Democracy 13 (2): 51-65.

Linz, Juan J., and Alfred Stepan. 1996. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Lippman, Hal. June 2001. Linking Democracy and Development: An Idea for the Times. USAID Program and Operations Assessment Report No. 29, Center for Development Information and Evaluation, Washington: USAID.

O'Donnell, G., and P. Schmitter, eds. 1986. Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Ottaway, Marina, and Theresa Chung. October 1999. "Debating Democracy Assistance: Toward a New Paradigm." Journal of Democracy 10: 106-109.

Ottaway, M., and T. Carothers, eds. 2000. Funding Virtue: Civil Society Aid and Democracy Promotion. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Rich, Roland. July 2001. "Bringing Democracy into International Law." Journal of Democracy 12: 20-34.

Rose, Richard. January 2001. "How People View Democracy: A Diverging Europe." Journal of Democracy 12: 101.

Schedler, Andreas. 2001. "What is Democratic Consolidation?" In The Global Divergence of Democracies, edited by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, 149-164. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Thornton, Laura L. "Political Party Strategies to Combat Corruption Executive Summary." The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and The Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD). From web site: []. 2001.

USAID LAC Regional Mission, Democracy and Governance Program. Program Data Sheet 598-005. From web site: []. 2002.

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