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Secretary Thompson Declares February 21st Women's Heart Day

"I'm proud to declare this day the third Friday in every February, Women's Heart Day.

This outstanding project will do more than show the prowess of our best fashion designers, it will save lives. These dresses are beautiful and we hope that everybody that sees the red dress will start thinking about women's health, and taking care of women's hearts. And as part of the heart truth campaign, these dresses are going to travel across the country, bringing the message of women's heart health to millions of Americans. And it's such an important message my friends, women are too often tragically unaware of the danger of cardiovascular disease. Some people think that heart disease is just a man's disease, but in fact, it's the number one killer of women in America. The good news is that success is easy, and it's within reach of so many American women. Some risk factors, like a family history of early heart disease, are beyond a woman's control, but most can be controlled. Every woman can take steps to reduce her risks and improve her life. Taking up physical activity, quitting cigarettes, no tobacco, or just walking around the block can reduce your risk not just of heart disease, but diabetes, and other preventable diseases. Take it from your heart; your loved ones will thank you for it."

Last Updated: November 17, 2003


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