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Text from the OSHA Logging Compliance Directive, CPL 2-1.19 Text from the OSHA Logging Compliance Directive, CPL 2-1.19

J. General Inspection Procedure.

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2. First Aid Kits.

a) The CSHO shall determine whether first-aid kits are at each worksite, at each landing, and on each employee transport vehicle.

i) OSHA intends that the requirement that first-aid kits be at each landing applies to only active landings.

ii) First-aid kits at landings and on vehicles shall suffice for the requirement that first-aid kits be at each worksite, provided that the worksite (including all employees involved with that worksite) is located no more than one-half mile from the first-aid kit at the landing or on the vehicle. (For enforcement purposes, first-aid kits which are within one-half mile of a worksite and all the employees at that worksite will normally be considered to be "reasonably accessible" to an injured employee, especially if audio communication is maintained with the landing.) However, where the worksite or employees engaged in logging activities are located farther than one-half mile from the landing or vehicle, sufficient first-aid kits must be taken to that worksite. This is necessary because as worksites and employees are more remote from landings and vehicles it will take more time to get first-aid assistance to an injured employee, especially where the terrain is steep or wet.

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210