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Finding the Shortest Path


A C-17 cargo aircraft in flight toward a war zone.

What is the fastest way to transport troops and needed equipment from American bases to foreign bases for possible military action? Thanks to special software developed for the Air Force by ORNL and University of Tennessee researchers, U.S. military troops and equipment have been airlifted to potential war zones more quickly than before.

The Air Mobility Command (AMC) Deployment Analysis System (ADANS) is a series of aircraft-scheduling algorithms and tools that enabled the AMC to deploy troops and equipment to the Persian Gulf in 1990 and 1991 more rapidly and more efficiently. The system was developed by ORNL and UT researchers led by Mike Hilliard and Charlie Davis.

Since 1990, ADANS has been used for all U.S. deployments, including those to Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. ORNL researchers have enhanced and supported the operation of the system, which has been renamed CAMPS (Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System). They are modifying scheduling algorithms to work with a new database management system.

What is the fastest and safest way to transfer spent nuclear fuel from U.S. power plants in the East to a permanent waste repository planned for the West? The Transportation Routing Analysis Geographic Information System (TRAGIS), developed by ORNL researchers Paul Johnson and Richard Michelhaugh, can determine the fastest highway, railroad, or waterway routes from starting point to destination. TRAGIS provides information on population distribution and densities. It picks routes that conform with government regulations (e.g., trucks carrying radioactive waste must go around, not through, cities), and it calculates alternative routes if a preferred route is blocked.

Users of TRAGIS include the U.S. Energy, Defense, and Transportation departments and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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