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The Top Cut
The top cut is the first of two cuts that result in an open faced notch.  The notch is made on the side of the tree that faces the direction you want it to fall.
The Correct Cut
1. Starting Point
Important -- begin at any height as long as you allow enough room for the undercut
2. Angle of Attack
Important -- cut downward at an angle of 70 degrees
3. Ending Point
Stop when the cut reaches ¼ to 1/3 of the trunk's diameter or when the cut reaches 80% of the tree's diameter at breast height
Diagram of top cut with starting point, angle of attack,ending point
diagram of cross-section
Common Incorrect Cuts
Common incorrect cut with notch less than 45 degrees Common incorrect cut with bottom cut not steep enough
red arrow
Here the top cut is not steep enough resulting in a notch of less than 45 degrees.
Here the bottom cut is not steep enough, resulting in a notch of less than 45 degrees.
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