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Bradwood Landing LNG
Proposed Terminal
Federal Permit Activity
State and Local Permit Activity
Miscellaneous Documents
Proposed Terminal
Northern Star Natural Gas LNG has proposed the Bradwood Landing LNG receiving terminal on 55 acres of a 420-acre site at Bradwood, located between Astoria and Clatskanie at about River Mile 38 on the Columbia River. The facility would be designed to have a peak sendout capacity of 1.3 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas and would be capable of continuous operation. The proposed project also includes a 34-mile long pipeline that would run from the site to Port Westward and then under the Columbia River into Washington.
Pictures of the proposed Northern Star Project site  [246 kb pdf] 

Federal Permit Activity
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Northern Star filed an application with the FERC in June 2006. Visit the FERC docket search page  and enter CP06-365 for Northern Star reports available for public review and comment. The FERC project officer contact is Paul Friedman at (202) 502-8059 or paul.friedman@ferc.gov.

State and Local Permit Activity
Department of Water Resources
On April 25, 2006, the Department of Water Resources issued three limited licenses to use water.
  • Limited License #947 to use 4400 gallons per minute from the Columbia River and 150 gallons per minute from a well for the purpose of hydrostatic pressure testing of storage tanks and associated pipelines.
  • Limited License #948 to use 133.7 cubic feet per second from the Columbia River for the purpose of suction dredging of Columbia River sediments for construction of ship berth and turning basin.
  • Limited License L#949 to use 4.456 cubic feet per second from the Columbia River for the purpose of hydrostatic pressure testing of transmission pipeline.
Water Resources contact: Jerry Sauter: (503) 986-0817 or by e-mail.

Northern Star has applied to the Department of Water Resources for a surface water permit and a ground water permit to use water for:
  • Water right permit application #S-86521 to use water for maintaining a fire suppression system. Public Comment Period not yet open as of March 22, 2006.
  • Water right permit application #G-16632 to use water for irrigation and facility use. Public comment period not yet open as of March 22, 2006.
Water Resources contact: Cory Engel: (503) 986-0813 or by e-mail.

Department of State Lands
Temporary Access Agreement to allow Northern Star to remove and test Columbia river-bottom sediment for contaminants.
Granted February 2, 2006.
Agreement requires no public comment period.
Agency Contact: Clara Taylor at (503) 378-3805, ext. 276 or by e-mail

Department of Environmental Quality
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) received Northern Star's Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application on December 1, 2005. On April 14, 2006, DEQ received an update to the application that provided enough information for DEQ to begin writing a draft permit.
The proposed project is considered Type 4 construction (OAR 340-210-0225(4)) and requires Category III public notice (OAR 340-209-0030(3)(c)). Category III public notice does not require an informational meeting in the community, but DEQ currently is planning to schedule a public information meeting. A draft permit likely will not be available until after winter 2006.
Agency contact: Jim Broad at (503) 229-5570 or by e-mail.

Department of Land Conservation and Development
December 8, 2006, Northern Star filed with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) for a Certification of Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). This certification is required by federal law and is not federally preempted. Questions about the CZMA consistency certification should be directed to DLCD.
Agency contact: Dale Blanton by e-mail.

Clatsop County
On March 23, 2006, Northern Star applied to Clatsop County for a Type I development permit for dredge material disposal in the Marine Industrial zoned areas of the proposed site.
The permit is non-discretionary and requires no public comment period.
Staff contact: Patrick Wingard at 503-325-8611 or by e-mail.

Miscellaneous Documents
Before the Energy Policy Act of 2005 asserted the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s sole jurisdiction over LNG facilities, the Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) had produced a project order describing what must be in a state application for the facility. The Oregon Department of Energy, as staff to EFSC, submitted the project order to FERC as a guideline for compliance with state law.
Project Order
FERC asked the Department of Energy as lead agency for the state on the Bradwood review to become a cooperating agency. A cooperating agency has access to draft portions of the federal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as the lead federal agency puts it together. However, a cooperating agency loses the ability to intervene later in the project should it object to something in the EIS. The department, on behalf of the state, respectfully declined the invitation.
Letter regarding cooperating agency status

The Coast Guard has published a Waterway Suitability Recommendation (WSR) for Bradwood Landing.
Bradwood Landing WSR [1 MB pdf]

Bradwood Landing website
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Review Process
U.S. Coast Guard Bradwood Landing homeport

Page updated: August 01, 2007

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